
Summary: The song “A Beautiful Name” emphasizes that God made us, but sin carried us away. Yet, He didn’t leave us lost. He came, paid the price with His own life, and redeemed us. He redeemed us by the Name of Jesus Christ.

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Hebrews 1:1-4, Colossians 1:15-27




This morning we are continuing a sermon series called: “The Songs We Sing.” Part of worshipping God is singing.


I realized this past week that I am using that word… “worship”… and you may not realize what it means. “Worship” is one of those words that can mean different things to different people and also can have wrong definitions. What is worship? Is worship just singing songs in church?

CONTENT… [adapted]

The meaning of the New Testament Greek word most often translated “worship” means “to fall down before” or “bow down before.” The English word “worship” comes from “worth-ship.” Worship is an attitude of our spirit. Worship is an internal state of being that can be done regardless of place or situation. Worship is a spiritual attitude when we are by ourselves and a spiritual attitude we can have when we are with other people. Both are true.

The nature of Christian worship is from the inside out and has two equally important parts. We must worship, according to Jesus in John 4:23-24, “in spirit and in truth.” Worshiping in spirit has nothing to do with our physical posture, but our innermost being. Our innermost self is energized pointing towards God to focus on Him. Worshiping also requires a mind centered on Truth. Worship is an expression from the depths of our hearts toward a God Who is understood through His Word. If we do not have the truth of the Bible, we do not know God and we cannot be truly worshiping.

External actions are unimportant in Christian worship as there is no particular rule regarding whether we should sit, stand, fall down, be quiet, or sing praises loudly while in corporate worship. These things should be decided based on the nature of the congregation and even what we are comfortable with sometimes. Sometimes. The most important part of worship is that we focus on God in spirit (in our hearts) and in truth (in our minds.)

Christian worship is a way to honor, praise, and give thanks to God. It is also a way to cry out, lament, and be angry with God. It can include singing, listening to music, reading scripture, listening to Scripture, praying by yourself, praying with others, meditation on the Bible, giving offerings, listening to a sermon, and participating in ordinances like communion.

Part of worshipping God is singing. It matters how and why we sing to God and so our effort from now until Easter is to focus on some of the songs we sing on a regular basis and know what we are singing and give our worship greater focus. The most important part of worship is that we focus on God in spirit (in our hearts) and in truth (in our minds.)

SONGS WE SING: “What a Beautiful Name”

One song that we sing is “What A Beautiful Name”

CONTENT… [adapted]

"What a Beautiful Name" is a song by Australian praise and worship group Hillsong Worship. Written by bandmates Brooke Ligertwood and Ben Fielding, the song refers to the promise of salvation through Jesus Christ as represented by His Holy Name. "What a Beautiful Name" was composed in December 2015 in Sydney, Australia, for an annual church gathering. This song contributed to Hillsong being named Billboard's Top Christian Artist of 2017. "What a Beautiful Name" won two Dove Awards for Song of the Year and Worship Song of the Year in 2017. It won the 2018 Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song. "What a Beautiful Name" was released on 6 January 2017, as the lead single from their 25th live album, Let There Be Light (2016).

The song writers stated that the Scriptural foundation of the song can be found in Hebrews 1 and Colossians 1.


First, we have Hebrews 1.


“Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, Whom He appointed the Heir of all things, through Whom also He created the world. 3 He is the Radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His Nature, and He upholds the universe by the word of His power. After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become as much superior to angels as the Name He has inherited is more excellent than theirs.”

Hebrews chapter 1 begins by highlighting how important Jesus Christ really is for us. Jesus is the exact imprint and reflection of God. Jesus purified us and it is in His Name that we are saved. In Hebrews 1, the "Name" is significant because it represents Jesus' identity, authority, and divine nature. The Name is His reputation, fame, and importance. Jesus is not just SOMEbody or ANYbody or a NObody, but the Son of God Who is God. In the Biblical culture, a name is not just a label or a designation, but embodies a person's character and essence.

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