
Summary: As we think through this song, we are going to first look at a central belief that we hold about God… that He is Holy. Then we will look at the passage that inspired the song which is the vision of the Apostle John in Revelation chapter 4.

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Revelation 4:1-11





This morning we are continuing a sermon series called: “The Songs We Sing” and that previous video had little to do with the sermon other than the topic is worship and we have been digging into worship for a few weeks.


Worship is an important attitude of the heart and a total disposition of our soul focusing on God. As we focus on different songs we sing from now until Easter, understand that the songs are the surface focus, but the real focus is the direction of our hearts and minds when we sing. Worship is our focus!

Worship of God Almighty is our focus.

Worship claiming the blood of Christ is our focus.

Worship in the Spirit and in Truth is our focus.

Part of worshipping God is singing. It is not the only part, but is a significant part. Part of worshipping God is our posture of our body (or what we do or don’t do with out hands!) and also the posture of our minds. Part of worship is the words that we intentionally say or sing to God. Part of worship is our focus. So, in these weeks, as we think through some of the songs we sing in services, we are thinking through worship.


The song that we are focusing on today is the one we sang earlier: Holy Forever.


Verse 1

A thousand generations falling down in worship; To sing the song of ages to the Lamb

And all who've gone before us; And all who will believe; Will sing the song of ages to the Lamb


(Jesus) Your name is the highest; Your name is the greatest; Your name stands above them all

All thrones and dominions; All powers and positions; Your name stands above them all

Chorus 1

And the angels cry Holy; All creation cries Holy; You are lifted high Holy; Holy forever

Verse 2

If you've been forgiven and if you've been redeemed; Sing the song forever to the Lamb

If you walk in freedom and if you bear His name; Sing the song forever to the Lamb

We'll sing the song forever and amen

Chorus 2

Hear Your people sing Holy; To the King of Kings Holy; You will always be Holy; Holy forever

CONTENT [adapted]

The song “Holy Forever” came out in March of 2023 and was written by Chris Tomlin (GOAT) and some other folks. The song focuses our words on the transcendence of God. In an interview with The Christian Post, Chris Tomlin said:

"There are songs of deliverance, which when it comes to worship, those are the songs of rescue like 'Lord, I need You, rescue me, I need your grace,' Tomlin described. 'We need those songs. Then there are those other songs of transcendence. There's nothing about me in the deal; it’s just taking our eyes off ourselves and just [switch focus] onto the glory of God.”

An encounter with God’s transcendence reveals just how unworthy we are of God’s love and mercy. Yet He gives to us over and over again. The song also connects us to Heaven and the song that is sung in Heaven to God described in Revelation 4. Chris Tomlin talked about how transcendence connects us to eternity when it comes to worship:

"I just tried to capture a piece of Heaven in this song that never ends, this eternal song. What's amazing is that there is an eternal song and we know the lyrics. It’s 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.' That's what the Bible says throughout, and in Revelation, it says, 'Day and night, they never stopped saying it.”


As we think through this song, we are going to first look at a central belief that we hold about God… that He is Holy. Then we will look at the passage that inspired the song which is the vision of the Apostle John in Revelation chapter 4.


The worship song “Holy Forever” uses the word “holy” a lot.

What does the word “holy” mean? Why use it? What does the word mean in relation to God? What does that word have to do with us? All of these are worthy questions.

We are introduced to the word “holy” in Genesis 2:3, but it is Exodus 3:5 when YHWH God introduces Himself to Moses by way of a burning bush that we start to get a sense of the word. Exodus 3 makes it clear that the bush was burning with the presence of God and so the whole area was made “holy.” God is communicating to a man named Moses in a unique way and said:

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