Song Of Solomon
Contributed by Ernest Johnson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Song of Solomon as sung by Ernest Johnson.

Outline and Notes
List of Characters 2
Biography 3
Outline 4
Chapter 1 5
Chapter 2 6
Chapter 3 9
Chapter 4 10
Chapter 5 15
Chapter 6 17
Chapter 7 18
Chapter 8 19
Taught by Ernest Johnson
At the McLoud Pentecostal Holiness Church

List of Characters
1. The Bridegroom, designated “Him”, “My Beloved”, and as “Solomon”.
2. The Bride referred to as “My Love”, My Fair-one”, My Spouse”, ‘My sister”, and “The Shulamite”.
3. The Church is called “My Mother”.
4. The Human Race is called the Bridegroom’s “Mother”
5. The Saved and Sanctified are the “Virgins”
6. Christians, walking straight and according to pattern, are the “Upright”
7. Genuinely Born-Again Christians, the “Daughters of Jerusalem”
8. New Converts, or Small Children or Christian Parents, the “Kids”
9. Worldly Church Members, not the Children of God, the “Mother’s Children”
10. Sinners- daughters of the world- not of God or of the Church, the “Daughters”
11. Sons of the World, the unregenerates, not of God or of the church, “The Sons”
12. Ministers, the “Watchman” (that go about the city)
13. Higher ecclesiastical authorities, the “Watchman”, (keeper of the walls)
14. A notable company, the “Queens”
15. An honorable company, possessing no family authority, the “Concubines”
16. Underprivileged Christian, the “Little Sister”
Ernest Johnson
Ernest Johnson was born at ELReno, Oklahoma on May 13, 1920. He grew up in and around the Pentecostal Holiness Church all of his life. He graduated Central High School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in 1939.
Dan T. Muse who latter became the General Superintendent of the Pentecostal Holiness Church encouraged Ernest to enroll at Emmanuel College in Franklin Springs Georgia. Earnest enrolled and graduated in 1941 from the Junior College.
He signed up for the draft in the summer of 1941. Ernest Johnson’s name was drawn out of a basket by Franklin Roosevelt as number 2 in the draft. He told them he was planning to continue his education in order to become a minister, but Ernest was still drafted and spent 4 years, 3 months and 20 days serving his country.
After being discharged from the military, Ernest enrolled at Southwestern College in Oklahoma City and was a member of the first Graduation Class of 1950.
He pastored churches in Oklahoma, California, Kansas, and Arizona.
In 1979 Ernest enrolled at Southern Bible Seminary in Kansa City. He completed the correspondence courses offered there and earned his Master’s Degree.
Later, He studied at Trinity Seminary and College at Centerville Indiana and received an “Doctor of Divinity” degree in 1982.
Song of Solomon
Author –Solomon according to tradition
Its right to a place in the Bible has been defended by many saintly souls in all ages. They have regarded it as a spiritual allegory representing the holy affections existing between God and His chosen people, or Christ and his church
I. It is an oriental poem, the expressions of which can only be properly interpreted by a mature spiritual mind.
The theme- The Bridegroom representing Christ; The bride, the Church
1. Spiritual communion between the Bride and the heavenly Bridegroom.
(Ch. 1:1- 2:7)
2. The bride misses her companion and seeks him (Ch 2:8- 3:5)
3. The discourse of the Bride and Bridegroom on their mutual love and graces of each other (Ch 3:6- 8:14)
II. Key thought “My beloved” the believers title for Christ (Ch 2:16)
III. Companion passage, the 45th Psalm.
IV. Side lights-
The Heavenly Bridegroom
1. His love covers all defects of the Bride, (Ch 4:7)
2. He rejoices over her (Isaiah 62: 5)
3. He gave his life for her, (Ch 5:25)
4. He will come to claim her as his own (Mt 25:6)
The Bride
1. Loves the Bride Groom (Ch 2: 16)
2. Feels her unworthiness (Ch 1:5)
3. Has been purified and dressed in spotless robes (Rev 19:8)
4. Wears the jewels of divine grace (Isaiah 61: 10)
5. Issues the invitations to the wedding (Rev 22:17)
V. The marriage supper
Prepared by the Father for the Son (Matt 22:2)
Costly preparations made (Matt 22:4)
Invitations to a great honor (Rev 19:9)
Invitations scorned by many (Matt 22:5)
Invitations include all classes (Matt 22:10)
Neglect of wedding garments leads to exclusion from (Matt 22:11- 13)
Chapter 1
1:1 The author
1:2 Bride desires his love
Better than what she possess
1:3 Give the good things (healing ointment)
Others love Him as well as myself
1:4 Draw me (closer together) we will follow
(His chambers) close connection to him
(Glad and rejoice) happy of his presence
Something we will remember
Wine makes happy but this is better
In our right mind we love him
1:5 I am black (v6- because of being in the sun)
I may not be the best looking
Everyone takes notice