
Summary: Based on Matthew 3-4, this message addresses the beginning of the ministry of Jesus (baptism, trial, fame). It uses the theme of "Something to Talk About".

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“The Story” Series through the Bible

Sunday, March 11, 2012 - “Something to Talk About” - Jesus’ Ministry Begins

by Pastor Michael R. Hodge

Introduction to the Message

This message is the continuation of our journey through the story of God’s Word. We first began this series in the early fall of last year and have walked through 22 of 31 stories that make up the story of the Bible. It has been a great journey for our church family. I hope that this message concerning the beginning of Jesus’ ministry will challenge you to share the good news of Christ’s coming as “Something to Talk About”.

In our face paced culture, news magazines and shows know that they have only a small window of time to grab your attention. The headline has to be short and it has to be catchy. In the same way, as the ministry of Jesus begins, this is the headline story of the ages. It’s not only the front page story. It’s the talk of the town! It’s the greatest news story of all time! In fact, if we were to try to sum up the buzz about Jesus if His arrival would have taken place in 2012…news reports would say that Jesus is trending – He would be the talk of Facebook and other social media!

Well in the sequence of our “Story” through God’s Word, everything has pointed to this moment where Jesus is the talk of the town! And in this message, as we study God’s Word together, I want us to consider WHY JESUS is WORTH TALKING ABOUT! And it all began with an announcement, another preparing the way.

Apple iPAD News: In the technology world, this was a big week for computer giant Apple. They announced the latest iPAD (with a host of upgrades/features). But what’s equally impressive about Apple is how they are able to create suspense and anticipation with their releases. While other computer companies fight for ad space… Apple only has to offer a rumor of a new product and news agencies line up for sneak peak filled with free coverage!

Well, in the same way that Apple has mastered the announcement of a product, Jesus didn’t arrive on the scene without His OWN announcement… and it was a job given to a fellow named “John” – known as the baptizer. And the one who would prepare the way for Jesus…he sets this theme in motion because he was definitely “Something to Talk About”. Camel hair and a questionable diet program of locusts and honey…John the Baptist set the stage for the arrival of the Messiah.

I. Something to Talk About: The Word - Matthew 3:13-17

The Word clearly spoken that day confirmed that Jesus is truly the Messiah, Immanuel – God with us!

And yet the one that was drawing all of the attention in this time period wasn’t Jesus…it was John. You see, at this point…John was the headline!

In Matthew 3:5, we discover that people were coming from all over Jerusalem, Judea, and all of the regions surrounding the Jordan in order to be baptized by the man of the moment…John.

The Baptism of Jesus

And as Jesus came out among the crowds to be baptized by Jesus, it was a request that blew the mind of John.

This week Peyton Manning, former quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts has been in the news. He was released by the team and is now the much sought after next player for several NFL teams. And as we consider this request of Jesus, it would be like Peyton Manning approaching one of us saying, “Would you throw me some passes so I can catch some footballs.” You would say, “Wait a minute! You’re the expert. you should throw to me and show me how to throw!” Or it would be like a star vocalist passing you the microphone and you refuse…saying THEY should be the one singing!

Well in the same way, John recognized Jesus as One who didn’t need repentance or forgiveness in baptism. John knew that Jesus was much greater than he was, and that he wasn’t even fit to tie Jesus’ sandals. But now Jesus wants to be baptized by him? John is thinking, “This is backwards! This shouldn’t be happening this way!”

But Jesus’ response to John was this, “Permit it be so now; for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.’”

In the baptism of Jesus we witness not the inauguration of a new life in salvation, but God chose to use this external witness as the inauguration of how NEW LIFE would be made possible!

The Bible says in 2 Cor. 5:21, “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

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