
Summary: The book of Judges describes a pattern of sin, servitude, supplication, salvation, and silence that worsens each time it appears.

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Text: Judges 2:11 – 19


· Tim’s story

Tim was a likeable guy in his 20’s. He had a good job at a business office, a lovely wife, and three adorable kids. Things went well for Tim for several years, but one night at an office party, a coworker talked Tim into drinking with him. At first, Tim didn’t like the taste, but it grew on him after a while. Within a year, Tim was drinking on a regular basis. He looked for opportunities to “celebrate” with his friends. His wife was concerned, and she confronted Tim about his drinking. Tim told her that he didn’t have a problem, and that he was in complete control, so she shouldn’t worry.

Nine months later, Tim was on the way home after “celebrating” his new promotion with friends, and he hit a telephone pole. Tim was not injured, but his new car was totaled. His wife again confronted Tim about his drinking, and this time Tim said that he would stop. Several weeks later, however, Tim was invited to go to a baseball game with another coworker, and while he was there, he drank several large cups of beer. After all, his coworker was drinking, and he didn’t want to be rude. Forgetting his promise, Tim started to drink again, this time more frequently. He began to fight with his wife about the drinking, and as a result, he spent less and less time with his family, and more time with his drinking buddies.

Two months later, Tim had another accident – this time a head-on collision with another car. There were minor injuries, but no one was killed. Tim was arrested for driving while under the influence, lost his license for 6 months, and had to pay a substantial fine. Tim swore that this was the last time, and that he would quit drinking immediately.

When he finally got his license back, Tim went out to celebrate with his drinking buddies once more. He began to drink again, long into the night. Because his drinking was affecting him more and more, Tim was arriving to work late on a daily basis, and would sometimes miss important appointments. Tim was called into the boss’s office one day, and he was fired from his job. When his wife found out what had happened, she took the kids and left.

Tim was all alone. He began draining his savings account to buy more liquor, and spent the nights with his alcohol. Finally, on New Year’s Eve, after leaving a party, Tim ran over a little girl who was walking home from a church service with her parents. Tim was arrested, given a huge fine, lost his license, and received a 10 year sentence for manslaughter. At his sentencing hearing, Tim tearfully apologized to the family of the little girl, and admitted that he had a drinking problem. He promised that he would never drink again. He even spoke to the prison chaplain about his problem, and asked about becoming a Christian.

Where is Tim now? After serving 7 years of his 10 year sentence, Tim is scheduled for parole in three weeks. He will be on probation for several more years. Tim has had no contact with his family the entire time he has been in prison, but he has spoken with some of his drinking buddies, and plans to celebrate with them as soon as he is released.

· Some people never learn

· Background of book of Judges

· Cycle of sin and salvation that worsened each time it repeated (They never learned)

· If you are not careful, you will fall into the same cycle


A. Sin (vv. 11 – 13)

· Idolatry

· Sexual immorality and lewdness

· Psalm 106:34 – 39

· Church people today do the same

· Materialism, moral relativism (self), hero worship

· Adultery, fornication, homosexuality, promiscuity, pedophilia, pornography

B. Servitude (vv. 14, 15a)

· Israelites were powerless against oppressors, and were forced to serve them (Mesopotamians, Moabites, Canaanites, Philistines, Ammonites, etc.)

· Gideon afraid to thresh wheat out in the open because of Midianites

· Entertainers and athletes can’t quit drugs

· Gamblers can’t stop gambling

· Tim couldn’t stop drinking

· Not sicknesses; sin

· Saved = freed from bondage of sin

· Proverbs 26:11

· Hebrews 12:5b – 8

· Romans 6:1,2, 6, 7, 11 – 13

C. Supplication (v. 15b)

· No matter how badly they had sinned, God just wanted the Israelites to turn back to Him and call upon His name

· 2 Chronicles 7:14

· You may have sinned, God may be chastising you, but He is waiting to hear your cry

· Psalm 32:5

D. Salvation (v. 16)

· God wanted to forgive

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