
Summary: Prophecy gives the hope that allows us to cope with any difficulty. We can praise God for the fact that all of the prophecies in the scripture always come to completion. (2 Pet 1:20,21) We have a sure and certain hope that the Lord is omniscient and knows

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Some Benefits of Prophecy

Isa 65:17 - "Look, I am creating a new heaven and a new earth - so wonderful that no one will even think about the old ones anymore. Be glad; rejoice forever in my creation! And look... And the sound of weeping and crying will be heard no more."

1. HOPE - Prophecy gives the hope that allows us to cope with any difficulty. We can praise God for the fact that all of the prophecies in the scripture always come to completion. (2 Pet 1:20,21) We have a sure and certain hope that the Lord is omniscient and knows the future as well as the past. Therefore, our hope is in the Lord’s promises that He will never leave us or forsake us so that we can confidently say, the Lord is my helper, what can man do to me. Act 15:18 - Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.

2. PROBLEM-SOLVING - Prophecy shows people the nature of God’s evaluative processes. We are constantly trying to evaluate ourselves, situations and others. However, leave all the problem-solving to God. It is God’s business to judge the world for its sins. God said He would back back the people for their sins in His time and way. Judgment is not our job but His for He alone is just, omniscient and capable of rendering objective verdicts. Who else knows what each person deserves by way of punishment or reward? We can leave all the sorting out of people’s problems, guilt and sins to the Lord who is greater than all our sin.

3. REVEALING - Christ’s coming will bring both blessings and sorrow. There will be Christians who will be blessed to see the face of Jesus. (Rev. 22:4) but what sorrow will be present when the the Lord Jesus looks into the eyes of some and asks, "What have you done for me in a rhetorical sense? How did you use your time, talents and possessions for me? I came into the world to save sinners. Did you carry out my will for your life? Who is in heaven because of your witness? (Acts 1:8) Paul wrote about the revealing of his fruits in I Thes 2:19, "For what is our hope, joy or crown of rejoicing? Are not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming?" Prophecy tells us that all will be revealed about our working for the Master of lack thereof.

4. PERSPECTIVE - Prophecy gives us an eternal perspective on events. Paul wrote, "Set your thoughts on the things above rather than on things on the earth. For your life is hidden with Christ in God." (Col. 3:1-4) Rev. 21:8 and 22:15 describe those who are not allowed to enter heaven as follows: But the fearful and unbelieving and the abomindable and murderers, and whoremongers and sorcerers, idolaters and all liears, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone. This description mixed with the sins in Romans 1:24-32 and I Cor 6:9,10 provide a perspective from God’s point of view on the heinous nature of sin and its consequential effects:

1. The fearful, prideful and apathetic - Those who do not accept Christ to escape ridicule (Matt 10:32)

2. Unbelievers - Those who do not believe and receive the Lord Jesus Christ (Jn 8:24)

3. The abominable - Those who engage in wicked practices (Titus 1:11)

4. Murderers.

5. Whoremongers - Those who engage in fornication or consort with immorality.

6. Sorcerers - Those who practice witchcraft, demonism and follow after the occult. This word comes from pharmakia and enchantment with drugs.

7. Idolaters - Those who worship or reverence anyone or anything other than the living and true God.

8. Liars - (Jn 8:44)

9. Dogs - False professors (2 Pet 2:22)

10. Homosexuals - (Rom 1:18-28)

11. The unrighteous - Those who trust in themselves, their works, a false religious system or mere religion for salvation. (Tit 3:5)

12. Fornicators - Those who engage in pre-marital and extra-marital sex. (2 Cor 6:9)

13. The wicked - Those who disregard all morality and moral standards.

14. The covetous - Those who wish all things for themselves, especially that which belongs to others. (Eph. 5:5-8)

16. The malicious - Those who willfully seek to destroy the person or property of others (James 1:26)

17. The envious - Those resentful of others.

18. Debaters - Those who would rather argue with God than accept His truth.

19. Maligners - Those who speak evil of, defame, or slander others. (James 3:2,3)

20. Whispers - Gossips

21. Backbiters - Those who constantly find fault with others and speak maliciously about them.

22. Haters of God

23. Despisers - Those filled with contempt toward God and man.

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