
Summary: Witnessing to Christ's great salvation.


Isaiah 12:2-6.

The motto of the City of Glasgow in Scotland is, ‘Let Glasgow flourish.’ Though rarely known in full, it continues, ‘by the preaching of the Word and the praising of His Name.’ So not only does the Word of the Lord pass from mouth to mouth, but also His Praise.

We see this solidarity of praise in Isaiah 12.

The writer witnesses to the reader:

“you (singular) shall say, ‘I will praise thee…

God is my (singular) salvation…’” (Isaiah 12:1-2).

Like prayer, praise is not about the speaker, but about the LORD. He is the “God” who is “my salvation” (ISAIAH 12:2a; cf. Exodus 15:2).

“Trust” in “the LORD” delivers from fear: for “the LORD, the LORD Himself is my strength and song; He also is become my salvation” (ISAIAH 12:2b; cf. Psalm 27:1).

The individual’s praise proves infectious to those around. From Isaiah 12:3, “you” is no longer singular - it embraces the whole community:

“Therefore with joy shall ye (plural) draw water…

And ye (plural) shall say,

‘Praise the LORD… make mention that His Name is exalted’” (Isaiah 12:3-4).

“Water” is used as a metaphor for “salvation” (ISAIAH 12:3). When we put our trust in the LORD Jesus, it is “with joy” that we thus “draw water out of the wells of salvation” (cf. John 4:10, John 4:14; John 7:37-38).

The “in that day” of Isaiah 12:1 and ISAIAH 12:4 echoes Isaiah 11:10, which ultimately points us to Jesus, and His great accomplishment (cf. Psalm 105:1). The “people” (or “peoples”) among whom the LORD’s doings are to be declared are the Gentiles (cf. Matthew 24:14). How can we not “Praise the LORD” and “make mention that His name is exalted” when we consider this so great salvation?

The community is not content to sing praises in a corner, but encourages others to join in their joyful song:

“Sing unto the LORD; for He has done excellent things: this is known in all the earth…

the Holy One of Israel is in the midst of His people” (Isaiah 12:5-6).

To “sing the LORD” (ISAIAH 12:5a) is to make Him the subject matter of our praise (as in ISAIAH 12:2, for example). Why? “For He hath done excellent things.” There are echoes here of the refrain ‘triumphed gloriously’ in the Song of Moses (cf. Exodus 15:1, Exodus 15:21).

“This is known,” and should be made known “in all the earth” (ISAIAH 12:5b). How is it known/ to be made known? Through the proclamation of the gospel!

“Thou inhabitant of Zion” (ISAIAH 12:6) stands for the whole community of the Church. “Zion” signifies Jerusalem, the city where the presence of the LORD was known – which in turn signifies the Church, where Christ is known.

We are exhorted to raise up a “cry;” a “shout” of joy because, in Christ “the Holy One of Israel” is “in the midst” of us (cf. Matthew 28:20).

Pass it on, and tell those others to pass it on. Pass it on to the whole community. Pass it on to all the nations, until ‘the whole earth is full of the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea’ (cf. Habakkuk 2:14).

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