
Soli Deo Gloria of the Reformation

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 24, 2023
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This sermon explores the doctrine of Soli Deo Gloria, emphasizing God's sovereignty in salvation and the importance of living for His glory alone.


Welcome, dear friends and beloved family in Christ. It is a joy to gather with you today, to sit beneath the broad branches of God's wisdom and drink from the wellspring of His Word. Oh, how sweet it is to be in His presence, to know His love, and to learn from His truth.

We stand today at the foot of a grand mountain, a peak of theological truth that has echoed through the ages, resounding in the hearts of believers from every corner of the globe. This is the doctrine of Soli Deo Gloria - to God alone be the glory. It is a truth that shines with the brilliance of a thousand suns, a beacon of hope in a world that often seems shrouded in darkness.

Sovereignty of God in Salvation

A. The first thing we need to understand about God's sovereignty in salvation is that it is rooted in His love. God's love is not like our love. It's not fickle or fleeting. It's not based on feelings or circumstances. God's love is steadfast and unchanging. It's a love that chose us before the foundation of the world, a love that sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, a love that draws us to Himself and saves us by His grace.

This love is the foundation of God's sovereignty in salvation. It's the reason why He chose to save us, the reason why He sent His Son to die for us, the reason why He draws us to Himself. It's a love that is beyond our understanding, a love that is deeper than the deepest ocean, higher than the highest mountain, wider than the widest sky.

B. The second thing we need to understand about God's sovereignty in salvation is that it is rooted in His grace. Grace is a word that we often use but rarely fully understand. It's a word that speaks of God's unmerited favor, His undeserved kindness, His unearned love. It's a word that speaks of God's decision to save us not because of who we are or what we've done, but because of who He is and what He's done.

This grace is the engine of God's sovereignty in salvation. It's the power that drives His decision to save us, the fuel that feeds His love for us, the force that propels His work in us. It's a grace that is beyond our comprehension, a grace that is stronger than the strongest storm, brighter than the brightest star, more powerful than the most powerful force in the universe.

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C. The third thing we need to understand about God's sovereignty in salvation is that it is rooted in His power. Power is a word that we often associate with worldly things, with wealth and status and influence. But God's power is not like our power. It's not limited or finite. It's not dependent on resources or circumstances. God's power is infinite and unchanging. It's a power that spoke the universe into existence, a power that raised Jesus from the dead, a power that can save us from our sins and give us eternal life.

This power is the cornerstone of God's sovereignty in salvation. It's the foundation upon which His love and grace are built, the bedrock upon which His plan for our salvation rests. It's a power that is beyond our imagination, a power that is greater than the greatest mountain, deeper than the deepest sea, wider than the widest sky.

D. The fourth thing we need to understand about God's sovereignty in salvation is that it is rooted in His wisdom. Wisdom is a word that we often associate with age and experience, with knowledge and understanding. But God's wisdom is not like our wisdom. It's not limited or flawed. It's not based on speculation or conjecture. God's wisdom is perfect and unchanging. It's a wisdom that knows the end from the beginning, a wisdom that sees all things clearly, a wisdom that can guide us in the way we should go.

This wisdom is the capstone of God's sovereignty in salvation. It's the pinnacle upon which His love, grace, and power rest, the summit upon which His plan for our salvation stands. It's a wisdom that is beyond our understanding, a wisdom that is higher than the highest heavens, deeper than the deepest depths, wider than the widest expanse.

Scriptural Basis for Soli Deo Gloria

In the heart of Paul's letter to the Romans, we find a profound declaration of God's sovereignty and glory ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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