Snout Beetle
Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Treating a weevil infestation means throwing out all contaminated food and grains. It may seem drastic, but this will prevent the possibility of an egg or weevil going undetected and starting the cycle again.
Snout Beetle!
1 Thessalonians 5:22 “Abstain from every form of evil.”
Weevil also called snout beetle has a downward-curving snout! They are destructive to nuts, fruits, stems, and roots; they are pests, feeding on plants and gnawing away at the roots. Another word for them is ‘destroyer!’
Click website to view pic of snout beetle:
Treating a weevil infestation means throwing out all contaminated food and grains. It may seem drastic, but this will prevent the possibility of an egg or weevil going undetected and starting the cycle again. The surface area within 3 feet of any infestation should be cleaned with a mild bleach solution, and all potentially infested grains or old food should be thrown away. After the areas has been cleaned, fresh food can be introduced and then stored back into the area. They eat the buds of the cotton plants, which then fail to produce cotton. The damaging effects of weevils are largely due to their ability to reproduce quickly and then spread throughout the crops in a matter of days. Female weevils deposit eggs in the beds of the plants and can lay as many as 200 eggs during their lifespan.
As I read about the snout beetle and also viewed the picture of it, somehow it reminded me of the scripture Jesus spoke in Mark 4:5”And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown. When they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts.” Observe the word ‘immediately!’ The precious ‘seed’ is snatched away by the devil when it lands on wayside. The devil grabs the seed away, because he knows the power in the Word. Shoo away the birds that come to snatch the seed away and allow the seed to grow by careful vigilance and bear much fruits.
I shared the Word with a young man and advised him to wake up early the next morning, pray and read the Bible. He was strongly determined to do it, alas, his friend came much earlier to his house and enticed him to first come along with him to the gym. The youngster fell into the trap of the enemy and he was never, able to come back to God. Friend, you cannot have bad friends on one side and have fellowship with God on the other side; are you listening to me? Bad associations are like ‘snout beetles’ that would gnaw deep and destroy your life. Cut away bad company. You got to treat them like contaminated food and grains that has to be thrown away to stop recycle. When Jehu killed Ahab and his family, he did not leave behind anyone connected with Ahab; read “So Jehu killed all who remained of the house of Ahab in Jezreel, and all his great men and his close acquaintances and his priests, until he left him none remaining.” (2 King 10:11) Observe ‘close acquaintances!’ God commanded, ‘wipe away everything connected with Ahab! Ahab was like a ‘snout Beetle’ that destroyed Israel and the people, hence God did not want a recycle of this wicked specimen!
Something as small and insignificant as a stored telephone number, email id or a small gift item can destroy your life; anything connected with the past wrong relationships throw them away. Throw away every form of idols, even though they may be tiny, close all doors to satan.