Sing A New Song Series
Contributed by Darian Catron on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Bible teaches us to sing a "New Song" to the Lord. What this is basically saying is that our praise should be fresh and new because God's mercy are new every morning and He is still working in the lives of those who follow in faith and obedience.
SERMON TITLE- “Sing a New Song”
DATE- July 19, 2015 LOCATION- Shelbyville Christian Church
Illustration/Story/Quote/Statistic- I love music!
Music is an important part of our lives. You think about all the places and things we do that have music. It is a way of expression. It can be a means of escape. Music reflects our mood and it can also affect our mood.
Few things in life touch the heart as well as music. And music for many represents what you believe, what’s important to you, what you identify with, what resonates with who you are. Think about it. If the majority of the songs you listen to talk about getting drunk and wasted, then I’m going to bet that’s a temptation for you. If the music you listen to is filled with sexual innuendos and bold vulgarity, then I’m probably going to say that inside that’s the kind of person you really are. If what you listen to talks about faith, trusting in God, praising God, and living for God, then I’m gonna guess that you are a ... Believer, a Christian, someone who cares about God.
The kind of music we love says a lot about who we are. Why do we sing on Sundays? Why do we play music? Hopefully the music we sing expresses what we believe and what we feel about God.
She was an American mission worker, poet, lyricist, and composer who lived . She was one of the most prolific hymnists in history, writing over 8,000 hymns and gospel songs, with over 100 million copies printed, despite being blind from shortly after birth. She is known as the ‘Queen of Gospel Song Writers,’ and as the ‘Mother of modern congregational singing in America,’ with most American hymnals containing her work. Some of her best-known songs include "Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour,’ "Blessed Assurance,’ "He hideth my soul,’ "Praise Him, Praise Him,’ ‘I am Thine, O Lord,’"Rescue the Perishing,’ ‘Near the cross,’and "To God Be the Glory.’
Her name was Fanny Crosby.
He is an American contemporary Christian music artist, worship leader, and songwriter who has sold nearly 30 million records. Some of his most well-known songs are "How Great Is Our God", “Holy is the Lord,” "Jesus Messiah", "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)", “You grace is enough,” “Indescribable,” “Unfailing Love,” “Everlasting God,” “Made to Worship,” and "Our God.” He has had at least nine number one hits.
For over a decade, he has been providing the soundtrack for many Sunday morning worship services around the world. More people have heard this singer/songwriter’s songs than three of the top selling secular artists combined. He is undoubtedly one of the most successful songwriters of our generation, as well as the most humble.
His name is Chris Tomlin.
Two very different artists from two completely different time periods who have written completely different styles of music, but both having a great impact on their world through God’s gift of music.
Spoken Need- Most if not all of you have heard of Fanny Crosby. But I would dare to say that the greater portion of this audience has never heard the name Chris Tomlin. Why is that?
Is it because Fanny Crosby’s music is somehow more sacred or more important or more meaningful? Do we somehow question the Christianity or faith or sincerity of Chris Tomlin’s writing? Is the God of Fanny Crosby’s songs any different than the God of Chris Tomlin’s songs?
If not, then why? Do we not believe that our God is still able to inspire people to write great Christian songs, that God is still using the talents of men and women to share the gospel?
Then why? There’s only one reason why! It is a rejection... of anything new.
New is deemed evil. New is thought of as less sacred, watered down, and unholy. New is change and change is somehow bad.
If Chris Tomlin were to by chance walk into our service today, you would be nice as all-get-out to his face, but you won’t listen or sing his music because you’ve already formed an opinion about it. That’s not right folks. That’s not right.
Transition- As you many probably know, the last few days we’ve had a garage sale at our house. And I’ve gone through a lot of my stuff trying to get rid of what we don’t need. I came across two plastic tubs full of my cassettes. You guys remember cassettes, right? Kids that’s those small rectangle things that mom and dad used to listen to music on. We also have some records. Kids that’s like a really big CD looks like this. Didn’t own any 8 tracks tho. I also begrudgingly got rid of my VHS tapes (you know those movies that used to play on a VCR before the days of DVD players and Bluerays).