Contributed by Joe Mack Cherry on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: At times we need to step back and take a look at our relationship with the Trinity and assess its sincerity.
Introduction: Sometime we use the opposite of something to define it.
A. Feigners
1. Epitome and personification of insincerity.
2. What constitutes a feigner or feign person?
a. A pretender i.e. “The Great Pretender” by the Platters
b. An inventor of fabrications
c. A copier or imitator
d. Total lack of true sincerity.
1. Latin word “fingere” / Word from which the English
word “fiction” is derived.
2. French word “feindre” / Word from which the English
words “faint & feeble” are derived.
3. Biblical feigners
a. 1 Sam. 21: 13 (Read)
b. II Pet. 2: 3 (Read) KJV & NIV
1. Gr. word “platos” which means fictitious
2. Insincerity usually has ulterior motives.
c. Pharisees Mt. 23
1. Vs. 3
2. Vs. 5
3. Vs. 28
4. Mk. 12: 40
4. Religion is en vogue now.
a. Athletes
b. Actors
c. There is nothing wrong with being thankful and believing
God is the originator of our talents.
1. We should express out thanks.
2. It should be heartfelt and not flamboyant.
B. What is your reaction to feign people?
1. Remember the mafia scene were the boss tells a dumb joke and
all the underlings laugh.
2. The car commercial where the boss is driving and this happens.
3. Many feign people are considered patsies.
a. Goes back to the vs. in II Peter we just read.
b. Acts 8, Simon the Sorcerer went along to gain the gift and
then tried to profit from it.
C. Can we unconsciously be feign?
1. Is there sincerity in our walk with Christ?
2. What constitutes Christian sincerity?
3. This lesson is intended to provoke an inward look not an outward accusation.
Body: Faith – Confession – Witness
A. How strong is our faith?
1. Without faith it is impossible to please Him. (Heb. 11:6)
2. We cannot be sincere about something we do not believe in.
a. Ever try selling something you don’t believe in? Success, at
best, is limited unless you are a con man extraordinaire.
b. I experienced this in two brokerage businesses.
1. cattle
2. stocks & bonds
3. Faith to many in the world is foreign.
a. Jo. 20: 29 - More blessed than Thomas are those who not
seeing still believe.
b. II Cor. 5: 7 “We walk by faith and not by sight.
c. Hab. 2: 4/Rom. 1: 17/Heb. 10:38 – just shall live by faith.
4. Heb. 11: 1 (Read 1M times but do we really examine our faith?)
5. The world witnesses different types and degrees of faith.
a. Acts 17 – on Mars Hill look quickly at those he addressed.
1. Epicureans – did not believe in God at all.
2. Stoics – believed that God created the world but fate dictated the events (sound familiar?). They did not believe in the resurrection. (Sadducees)
B. Confession: How well do we know ourselves?
1. This section is based, not on initial confession, but on the
admittance of our own shortcomings and our willingness to
address them with others and with God.
2. How do we handle ourselves before the throne of grace?
a. Lord, I know I’m just a sinner.
1. Too often these words roll off our tongues emotionlessly as if this is all we have to do to get forgiveness. This
becomes no different than the canned prayers of others that we so readily criticize.
2. It is imperative that we have the mindset of the publican in
Lk. 18: 13.
b. Sometime we forget that God already knows our hearts and
needs and shortcomings before we acknowledge anything.
(Mt. 6: 7) He can see through our shallow confessions.
c. When was the last time we were genuinely touched by our
sins the way David was in II Sam. 12 & I Chr. 21: 1-13(Read).
1. We need to be sorry for the sin and not just because we are
caught. God knows the difference.
2. You ever been dealt a feign apology. Listen to kids when you make one apologize to another.
3. Are we guilty of this with God?
d. When was the last time we confessed to another Christian and
asked them to pray for us. (Jas. 5: 16)
e. Our earnest confession may be the inspiration and strength
an erring brother/sister may need to do the same.
C. Is there sincerity in our witness for God/Christ?
1. This brings the lesson full circle in my opinion.
2. Review the biblical definition of faith.
3. Remember what Jesus told Thomas? Also, read I Jo.1: 1-4
4. Now the real question: Do we believe in the evidence of things not seen?
a. We are so quick to tell others God cares. Scripture is good but
do you have personal proof? If so, are you reluctant to share?