Sin Series
Contributed by Jon Daniels on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is a basic doctrinal sermon on sin.
“SIN” Romans 6
INTRO – Begin a series today entitled “Power Points.” Purpose for this series is simple. Over the next 7 weeks, we are going to look at 7 subjects & topics that the world has taken & twisted & distorted to fit into its mold, & try to discover or rediscover what the Word of God says about them & the power of G’s Word over the lies of our day. We’re going to see the power of the Bible’s authority over the voices of our day that seem to scream so loudly at us from all sides. I hope that this series is a wakeup call to all of us of the importance of being able to discern the truth from the lies of our day. I pray that those of us who are parents will realize the incredible importance of knowing the truth & passing that truth on to our children. I pray that children & teenagers will come to understand the importance of reading & studying the Bible, realizing that there is no other source of truth other than God’s Word & that they must build their lives upon its principles. I pray that adults of all ages will come to see the dangers that lie in listening to the voices of our day that encourage us to compromise our convictions & our core beliefs, & will stake our lives on the truths of the living Word of God & hold on to the truth of G’s Word with a fierceness that we’ve never had.
John Piper in his book, A Godward Life, Book 2, gives 10 reasons to love biblical truth:
- Biblical truth saves.
- …frees from Satan.
- …imparts grace & peace.
- …sanctifies.
- …serves love.
- …protects from error.
- …is the hope of heaven.
- …will be resisted by some.
- …rightly handled, is approved by God.
- …Continue to grow in it!
“I pray that the effect of these biblical words will be a strong conviction that there is such a things as truth in a world of ‘vulgar relativism,’ & that the Bible is the all-decisive Word of the One who is Truth.” (A Godward Life, Book 2, pp. 111-113)
This morning, we begin this “Power Points” series by looking at a subject that anyone here could preach about today. It’s a subject with which we are all intimately acquainted. We’re all experts. Subject is “SIN.”
First, let’s look at what the world says about sin:
“No consequences.” – The world would have you believe that you can do anything you want to do without any consequences. And if there are some unwanted consequences, then all you have to do is figure out some way to find someone else to blame, or find one of the many ways that the world offers to take care of the consequences. World would simply have you believe that there are no consequences of sin, or that the consequences are just not that big a deal.
“No responsibility.” – World would have you believe that you don’t have to take responsibility for your actions. “Hey, it’s your life, so live it any way you want to live it. Don’t worry about anybody else; just worry about yourself. If somebody gets hurt, that’s their problem, not mine.” What a great, carefree way to live!
“No rules.” – There is a fast food restaurant in NYC called “Kool Bloo.” Motto – “No rules. Just good food.” That’s the way the world would have you view sin. There are no rules, just good times, good feelings, good experiences. There are no rules. But if there are rules, they are rules that I make up to fit my life. I don’t have to worry about anybody else’s rules except the ones that I make up, or the ones that I want to keep.
“No problem.” – World would have you believe that sin is just not that big a problem; that it’s just something that narrow-minded, conservative Christians use to beat up those folks who don’t see things their way. The world would have you believe that WE are the ones who are making a big deal out of sin.
“Nobody’s business.” – This view is extremely popular, even inside the church. Doesn’t this statement sound right to you: “How I live my life is nobody’s business but my own”? The world would say to me today as I preach on this subject – “You mind your own business!”
We’ve seen a little of what the world says about sin. What was your reaction to those statements about sin? Did you find yourself agreeing with them? Is there some turmoil within your heart right now as you consider where you stand? Keep listening as we discover what God says about sin.