Silently Touch Jesus
Contributed by Samuel M on Jul 10, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: The woman approached Jesus while he was reclining at the table and touched, washed, wiped, kissed, and anointed his feet.
The Bible tells that certain people had the privilege to silently touch Jesus. Without Jesus’ knowledge, a woman who had been sick for 12 years silently touched his garment as he passed through the crowd (Luke 8:43). In Luke 7:36, a sinful woman approached Jesus from behind and touched His feet.
And behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil, 38 and stood at His feet behind Him weeping; and she began to wash His feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head; and she kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil. – Luke 7:37 & 38
The woman approached Jesus while he was reclining at the table and touched, washed, wiped, kissed, and anointed his feet.
In both cases, without Jesus’ permission, the woman came from behind to touch Jesus. Jesus was unaware of them touching him. They came silently and touched Jesus. The woman received healing when she touched, and the sinful women received her salvation experience. Both their needs were satisfied when they touched Jesus. The sinful women stood at Jesus’s feet means she might be kneeling or sitting down at Jesus’s feet.
The sinful lady did not come from the front but behind and was at a kneeling position. The posture of this women was a kneeling posture or ground posture. The Pharisees were at a standing posture whereas this woman was at kneeling posture.
She stood at Jesus feet means – her inward and outward appearance was at kneeling posture before Jesus.
In her desire to see Jesus, this woman might have discovered that Jesus’s feet is available to be touched from behind. There is always mercy and hope at Jesus’ feet. There is hope, security, a future, and, most importantly, the atonement of sins when we are at the feet of Jesus. This woman discovered that Jesus can atone for her sins.
The woman mainly touched Jesus’ feet. While the Pharisees welcomed Jesus into their home, they did not take good care of Jesus. After welcoming Jesus, they need to take care of Jesus properly by
1) Providing water to Jesus so that Jesus can wash His feet
2) Greet him with a kiss
3) Anoint Jesus’s head with oil.
Desire for Jesus will make you know the minimum requirements for Jesus to stay happy in your house. The Pharisees did welcome Jesus but did not meet the expectations and felt short to make Jesus happy and comfortable in their homes. Although the Pharisees welcomed Jesus, the sinful woman took good care of Jesus.
Martha welcomed Jesus into her house, but Mary at Jesus feet took good care of Jesus (Luke 10:41).
When Jesus enters your house, are you taking good care of Jesus? Does Jesus feel at home in your home?
The Pharisee called Jesus, but it’s the women who took good care of Jesus. A person who is desperate to see Jesus always rushes to places where he can take good care of Jesus. Jesus was uncomfortable in Pharisees house until the sinful woman came and took care of Jesus. Sinful women left her past and the opinions of others to come to take good care of Jesus in Pharisees house. Is your desire to take good care of Jesus rather than have Jesus take care of you?
Are the worship leaders and preachers in our churches welcoming Jesus and also taking good care of Jesus?
Today the churches are in sad state, the worshippers and preachers welcome Jesus but don’t take good care of Jesus. However, there are some individuals in the churches who are silently touching Jesus and taking good care of Jesus. Maintain your good work of taking care of Jesus. Jesus continues to patiently visit our churches. God is planning to raise a large number of men and women who can take good care of Jesus. Do you want to become a person who takes good care of Jesus in your church? Plead with God to grant you this opportunity to take care of Jesus in your church.
When Jesus comes to your house, be careful to meet the minimum requirements to make Jesus happy in your house. These requirements are not external gifts, but these can be things like love others, holiness, and repentance. Be prepared to do the things which make Jesus feel at home in your home.
In a kneeling posture, from behind we can silently touch Jesus. Kneeling posture can be laying our lives at Jesus’ feet, or a strong longing to see Jesus, or a strong desire to have our needs satisfied. From behind means it’s the self-realization of the unworthy state of the person to see Jesus directly face to face.