Silent, No More!
Contributed by Mickey Bell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Christians have allowed the world to determine how we are to live and believe. It’s time we stand up and began being heard. But make sure you are not going to the wrong places and the wrong people to sound off your voice.
Silent, No More!
Luke 19:40
The news continues to share with us the many stories of how this world is falling apart.
How some people work to remove everything that has to do with God!
You see it in our:
Schools Courthouse Jobs Corporate America
What should we do?
*Read Luke 19:40
This is the only time Jesus permitted a public demonstration on His behalf. He did so this time for two reasons:
1. He was fulfilling prophecy and presenting himself as Israel’s king.
2. To force the Jewish religious leaders to act.
I see and hear of opportunities when big issues arise. You have different groups of people asking you to call your politicians and ask them to vote a certain way that would benefit them.
I am here to tell you that we have some big issues in our world today and it’s because we as Christians have been silent.
I am not talking about calling our legislators because that doesn’t solve the problem.
Legislation is not the answer – Jesus is the answer!
And we have been silent for too long and have allowed the enemy to come into our territory and tell us how to live and act, how to respond and react to the things that are taking place in our society.
We have got to get to the place in our Christian walk where we have a made up mind that we are not going to be Silent, No more!
Too many issues
Too many people getting hurt
Too many lives being lost
Too many Christians who are not taking a stand!
Pledge of Allegiance
A federal appeals court ruled in June 2005 that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is an unconstitutional "endorsement of religion" because of the addition of the phrase "under God" in 1954 by Congress.
Supporters of this move said their reason:
The Pledge, as currently codified, is an impermissible government endorsement of religion because it sends a message to unbelievers ’that they are outsiders, not full members of the political community.
Can I say that it has nothing to do with the political community? And yes, they are outsiders –
Revelation 20:15
“And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”
You may say, “That sounds pretty exclusive”
Jesus said it was when he said in John 14:6 when He said,
“I am THE way” “I am THE truth” “I am THE life”
“No man can come to the Father but by me”
It’s time that God’s people start standing up for the right. We are sitting back and allowing the enemy to come in and steal what foundation has been laid for us.
I will be Silent, No More because God has to remain as my focus… I will be a nation under God because that is who I am.
Prayer in School
American Atheists opposes school prayer for a number of reasons. To begin, it is unconstitutional and a clear violation of our First Amendment. Remember, that amendment contains the "Establishment Clause" which prohibits the government from “establishing" religion. Simply put, secular institutions like the public schools should NOT be a forum for religious ritual or indoctrination.
But in the process, you break my first amendment right by saying that “I can’t”.
So what can we do? We can be Silent, No More!
I understand school officials have to abide by the rules that are handed down for them to enforce.
But it is also my obligation to my child and to my God to go and share with them why it’s important for my child to have an active prayer life.
1st Thessalonians 5:17 says “Pray without ceasing…”
That tells me to pray:
In the church Out of church
In school on the job
In difficult times in glad times
Removing Christ from Christmas
You were able to witness this past Christmas season how the ACLU tried to have “Christ” removed from Christmas.
· They said we could no longer call it Christmas tree – it was a holiday tree.
· We couldn’t wish each other a “Merry Christmas” – instead “happy Holidays”
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000, Christmas is simply “A Christian feast commemorating the birth of Jesus.
The last time I checked, Christmas was a holiday for the Christians. Who do you think you are coming in and telling me how to celebrate my holiday?
I will be Silent, No More – People are getting away with this because we are not vocal about who we are.
We are set apart! We are of a royal priesthood! We are Christians and we need to show how proud we are!
Mark 8:38
“Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”