Signs And Signposts To Heaven?
Contributed by Dove Inspirations on Jul 14, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Many Christian leaders need to place special emphasis on JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOR and point HIS flock to HIM.
Signposts to heaven?
John 14:6
We all know the importance of signage. Some signs do not have words just an image that makes the person seeing the sign take precautions or behave in a certain preferred way. On major highways , you find many signs indicating important turns that should be taken in case one wants to reach a certain destination. Missing the sign, missing the turn can have very expensive consequences not only in terms of time, resources, safety and sanity.
Why are the signs there? Why put the markers there? The main reason is to prevent accidents and to prevent others from making mistakes that those who passed that route before made. Remember , that for the signs to be put, some kind of effort and even lobbying had to be put in place , because something had happened there and so the sign is put as a kind of warning or as a kind of direction pointing.
In many ways, religious leaders and institutions are like signposts or markers. They point to a certain destinations.
In my case, for clarity let me talk about the Christian faith. In our case , we have shepherds branded as Pastors, Servant of GOD, ministers, Evangelists, Overseers, Bishops. There are many titles. Each leader is a marker, a road sign to a particular place.
So, why did GOD put leaders among us and over us? A few reasons, definitely not an exhaustive list.
i) To show us JESUS CHRIST , The WAY, The TRUTH and The LIFE. It is fairly common to see ministries telling us “We preach the gospel of JESUS CHRIST unadulterated” “We preach CHRIST crucified and risen and coming again” We need to see more of The NAME of JESUS everywhere. Sweetest NAME of all. Lets make the songs we mournfully sing with the theme of “Less of me and more of YOU” a reality. After all, who are you kidding, JESUS knows if you mean “ more of me and add me even more”
ii.) To give direction and guidance to children of GOD based on HIM, HIS Word and HIS principles
iii). To minister to children of GOD with wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Certainly, the job description does not contain sheep butchering, sheep milking, sheep abuse, self glorification, witchcraft, scripture manipulation and being doubleminded to name a few.
Question is , “ Where are you going?” “ Is your shepherd leading you there?” " Pastor, where are you leading the sheep of CHRIST to?
Here are a few observations made about signs, road markers on one hand and Pastors and Christian institutions on the other. I will focus on Pastors and Servants of GOD in the vineyard of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
1. Most road signs are very clear. They are put in clear places and designed in such a way that they will be noticed and placed where they are visible and useful. Pastor, you are like that. Churches are not hidden. Most churches and ministries are very public and visible. Where they are going is clear and everyone will tell you," that is where the JESUS people meet." I hope you are like that Pastor. If you are, all glory to GOD. That is if you are clear that you are serving JESUS. The way the public describes your ministry, church or establishment can give you some insights. I have heard of churches being described as rich man's church, illuminati church, old mamas church, old time churches, real church, fake church etc. There maybe nothing you can do about this, but is there? I suggest you go and start by asking JESUS if HE called you and if HE knows about your church and what you should do next. HE will answer. Do what HE tells you even if it is two years in Arabia. It will benefit you. Trust HIM.
2. Some road signs are dilapidated, broken down and cannot show direction or give warning. Such signs are brought down and or replaced by other signs that serve their purpose. Pastor, it is clear, if you are not shining , if you are not clear, you will be replaced.
There is a scripture that says “ the harvest is plenty and the laborers are few” and that The OWNER of the Harvest should send more workers. Note the following:
i.) The harvest is the children of GOD.
ii.) At times past, few laborers are recorded over a period of time, with a significant person mentioned in the scripture . We have the judges. We have Moses and Aaron, then Joshua, then the judges. Samuel. Even our LORD, operated with HIMSELF, and then twelve and then seventy two and here we are. Pastor, do not ever make the mistake of thinking GOD , the OWNER of the Vineyard cannot replace you. OR that HE is desperate for workers. Didn’t HE come HIMSELF to the baptism of JESUS and say HE is HIS SON? Didn’t HE use a donkey to talk to Balaam? Didn’t HE HIMSELF come and talk to Elijah? Does HE not talk to many people nowadays ? They will tell you what HE said. Your problem is that you think they are crazy. GOD speaks and HIS sheep know HIS voice. Keep joking, you will be replaced, quietly but surely.