Show Me A Penny
Contributed by Larry Jacobs on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There is a wonderful outline on the penny. It is a gospel message.
Luke 20:24a
Show me a penny. . . . . . .Luke 20:24a
NOTE: I have the Power Point to this message. If you ask for it by email - I will send it to you. My email is LarryJ713@aol.com
Now most of you know that I am preaching FROM the text this morning. AWAYS FROM IT. In fact the text I read has absolutely nothing to do with what I am about to preach. I am just using it as a spring board to leap off into the message I want to share. I want to assure you that my message is rooted in the Word of God.
If you are a Bible student, you would know that the coin that our Lord was talking about was a Romans coin and did not look like or have any of the encryptions that one of our PENNIES has on it.
Since I have been a Christian I have been utterly amazed at how many different things testifies of God & gives us wonderful object lessons. I can see God in almost everything and the things I can’t see God in is because of my inability – It is not because it is not testifying of our creator and our God and Savior. God has given us many, many object lessons. Jesus said:
"Consider the Lilies" - Consider the sparrow - "look upon the fields" "Consider the Ant".
The Tree - The vine (Mike, I will share a short statement about each of these)
There is a great message on a Penny:
I was out on a run last Monday and on one of the side street – I looked down and saw a penny. On most occasions I would not have stopped long enough to pick it up. It is practically worthless in our monetary system today. There is a movement in our country to do away with the penny all together because it cost more to mint them than they are worth.
However, today I want to talk to you about the penny! I did look back (and for those of you who were here 10 years ago and have a wonderful memory) ten years ago I preached about the penny. However, as small and insignificant as the little penny is it have a great and powerful message stamped on it.
Now, you must know by now that I am a noted preacher. I use notes profusely. I am always looking for a great outline to share God’s message. The little penny has one of the greatest outline for sharing the gospel. There is a six point sermon outline on the penny.
I. First, LOOK AT THE DATE. The date on this penny is 1996
A. That date testifies of the birth of a man. The man Christ Jesus. Every time someone look at a penny, they must acknowledge that someone very special was born 1996 years ago at the stamping of that coin.
B. When Jesus was born the calenders all rolled to 000000 (zero) again.
C. The birth of this man has done more to change the course of human history than any other person who has ever been born. He has changed the lives of more people than any other.
Isaiah said, "For unto you a child is born, . . . .
He was born in a stable, the child of a peasant woman.
He grew up in an obscure village; worked as a carpenter until He was 30;
and then became an itinerant preacher for 3 years.
He never went to college; He never wrote a book;
He never held an office; He never owned a home;
He never had a family; He never had a lot of money;
He never traveled father than 200 miles from His place of birth;
He never accomplished any of the things that usually mark greatness;
He had no credentials but Himself; Although He spoke with great authority;
Taught with unusual wisdom; and was widely accepted by the people,
the religious leaders of His day opposed Him;
While He was still a young man,
the tide of popular opinion turned against Him;
He was betrayed by a friend; Abandoned by His associates;
and turned over to His enemies. He was falsely accused;
Endured the mockery of a trial; and was unjustly condemned to die.
He was crucified between two thieves,
and while He was dying His executioners gambled
for the only piece of property He had on earth, and that was His clothing.
When He was dead, He was buried in a borrowed grave
through the pity of a friend.
Nineteen centuries have come and gone and today
He is the central figure of the human race,