
Shine Bright, Show His Glory

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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God desires His children to ascend to greater heights in all aspects of life, demonstrating His purpose and glory. This radiant display serves to draw others towards the kingdom.


God desires that His children rise to greater heights in all areas of life, displaying His purpose and glory to attract others to the kingdom. In Isaiah 60:1-5, we find four key elements: the proclamation to arise and shine, the provision for our rising and shining, the purpose behind our rising and shining, and the prophecy surrounding our rising and shining.

The Proclamation to Arise and Shine

God commands us to rise and shine, as He is not pleased when His children remain stagnant and make no progress. He wants us to rise above our fallen, dead, confused, sitting, sleeping, fearful, reluctant, and lazy states. God calls us to action and expects us to make progress in every aspect of our lives.

The Provision for Our Rising and Shining

God has provided everything we need for our rising and shining. He has sent His Son Jesus as the light that shines upon us. Without His light, we cannot shine. We must receive His light and reflect it to the world. Additionally, God's glory will be seen upon us as we rise. We must remember to give Him all the glory for the extraordinary things we accomplish.

The Purpose Behind Our Rising and Shining

The purpose of our rising and shining is to stand out and display God's glory, attracting others to Him. In a world covered in darkness and filled with wickedness, God wants His children to be separate from worldly principles and wicked people. Our lives should reflect the light of Christ, leading others to salvation.

The Prophecy Surrounding Our Rising and Shining

As we rise and shine, the Gentiles will be drawn to the light of God in us. Our lives should be a testimony that brings unbelievers to the kingdom. Furthermore, even those in positions of authority and honor will be attracted to the brightness of our rising. We should not be intimidated by people in high positions but rather use our influence to bring them to God. God promises that all that belongs to us will come to us, and we will experience enlargement and receive the riches of those who reject God.


God's desire is for His children to rise and shine, displaying His purpose and glory in all areas of life. He has provided everything we need for our rising and shining. Our purpose is to attract others to the kingdom through our testimony and influence. As we fulfill this purpose, we can expect God's promises to be fulfilled in our lives. Let us arise and shine, bringing glory to God and impacting the world around us.

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