
Summary: God uses many ways to preach to us: Noah's Dove, Balaam's Donkey, Elijah's Ravens, Simon Peter's Rooster, the Disembodied Hand, Abraham's Ram, and the Angel of No More Time. See what they say to us!


Matt. 24:14


A. HUMOR: Baby on the Way

1. I heard the humorous story of Loann Burke, who was 8 1/2 months pregnant. She was meeting her husband at a restaurant, and she arrived first. She waddled up to the hostess. "One for dinner?" asked the hostess.

2. "No," I replied. "There will be two of us...” [just then the baby kicked, she made a face, and then continued] “...any minute." When she saw the panicky look on the hostess's face, she realized she had forgotten about her appearance. “No, not my baby, my husband!”


1. The Lord Jesus told us, “And this gospel...SHALL be preached” Mt. 24:14. It was preached to the people of the O.T. (Heb. 4:2) as well as to us. God has had preachers in every age of time.

2. Not only does God use people to preach, but uses His creation to proclaim the truth to us (Ps. 19:1-4).

3. Tonight we’re going to look at “Seven Strange Preachers,” see the message they preached, and what their message means to us today.

I. NOAH’S DOVE [The Faithfulness of God]

“When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth” Gen. 8:11


1. Imagine that you’re Noah and his family, pinned up with thousands of animals in a small enclosed space! Not for a day or a week, but for 6 1/2 months)!

2. Even Noah began to get cabin fever. He finally let a raven fly out of the Ark (maybe as a "trial balloon" to see if it got the Lord's attention). It didn't come back.

3. A week later, Noah released a dove (a clean bird), and it came back to the Ark (probably signifying that the righteous should stay in the Ark). Poor Noah!

4. A week later he sent up another trial balloon -- this time the dove came back with a fresh olive leaf in its mouth. It must have been a wonderful sign to the family of Noah - fresh life had appeared on earth. But even more, God was giving them a sign of His watchful care, and hope of relief from their trial.


1. Have any of you had a long trial? Have you been praying for something and it seems like it will never happen?

2. Take courage from Noah’s Dove! He’s preaching to you tonight that God has not forgotten you, that He’s on the job, and He will bring your answer to pass, soon! Remember: God is faithful!

II. BALAAM’S DONKEY [God’s long-suffering Nature]

“Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?” Numbers 22:28


1. Sometimes we make up our minds to do something we know is not God's will and we stubbornly refuse to do otherwise.

2. Balaam the soothsayer was a person who could hear from God when he wanted to. This time, however, Balaam closed his ears to God's voice.

3. Judgment, in the form of an Angel, was close to falling on Balaam. But God was so long-suffering with his stubbornness, that He caused a donkey – an animal known for its stubbornness – to rebuke Balaam (2 Pet. 2:16)! What symbolism! That sermon finally got Balaam’s attention!


1. We sometimes use the phrase “dumb animals,” but in this case the animal was smarter than her master.

2. When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord holding a sword and turned aside, saving Balaam’s life. How many times have we been spared from death because God was protecting us from ourselves?

3. Aren't you glad God is so long-suffering with you? He gives us years and years to grow up into Christ and is so patient to wait for us to get straightened out. Praise God!


“I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.” The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and...evening...” 1 Kings 17:1,6


1. Not only did the Lord protect Elijah, but He also had some unusual servants to feed him. The Lord usually leads His people a step at a time. God didn’t give Elijah a three-year schedule to follow, but day by day, and Elijah obeyed by faith.

2. At the brook Cherith, God used little birds to provide for Elijah! (They were probably swiping food from Ahab’s kitchen!) Peter’s tax was provided by a fish. A dog brought money to reformer John Craig and God sent a chicken to feed the hiding John Brenz each day until he could escape!

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