
Summary: If we put God first, and do His will, and obey His Word, God says He will take care of us by providing us with our needs, food, clothing ,and other temporal blessing.

The sermons that I have listed are 30 to 40 minute sermons. I have only listed the points and a couple of comments under each point of each sermon to give the preacher a remembrance which the Holy Spirit can lead on and speak through the man of God.

Setting My Priorities

Matthew 6:33 But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

God desires, demands, and deserves to be first in Christian's lives because He created us, He sustains us, and He saved from an eternity in hell. In Exodus 20:3-5 God is telling us not to put anything between us and Him in our relationship with Him. An idol is anything you put between you and God like work, money, material things, even a preacher. When this happens we who are Christians become like a radio losing its signal from the signal tower. We don't get the full transmission coming from the tower because there is something between our radio and the tower that is blocking the signal or impairing its full strength. Today we have a lot of men and women who belong to God and are walking around only getting a partial signal or none at all because we have put some things between us and God. In Exodus 34:14 God says He is a "jealous God". In John 3:29 it states the"bride belongs to the bridegroom" here, Jesus is the bridegroom, and its like telling Him, look we are married now, but I am still going to be dating my old girl or boyfriends three times a week before I come home. How would you feel if that happen to you from the one you loved and cherished enough to marry and would lay down your life for that person.

1. Our desired direction. V:33a

First, we see the word "seek" meaning your desired direction. It should be a Christians deepest desire to seek out the One who you love and honor and cherish in your life. God will put that desire of wanting to be loved in your heart; and the only love that will never fail you is God's love.

2. Priorities in order. V:33b

Second, we see we have priorities as servants of God. God wants us to put Him first in our lives. He wants us to put the kingdoms business and God's righteousness first. We are to reach the lost folks, the hurting folks, the rejected folks, the sick folks, and the lonely folks. While we are reaching these folks we should be living a life that is pleasing to God, and obeying God's Word. We can't expect others to obey and live for God if we are not doing it ourselves, this is why we should be living the sermon that we are preaching.

3. God assurance. V:33c

Third, we see that God gives us assurance. If we put God first, and do His will, and obey His Word, God says He will take care of us by providing us with our needs, food, clothing ,and other temporal blessing. When we put God first and seek His righteousness we will ask for the right things that God wants us to have in our lives.

In closing, in Matthew 10:37 Jesus states, "He that loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." God still demands to be first in your life, He is the One who created, and put all of these precious souls in your life and that is why you can love them unconditionally just like God loves you and the rest of us. God can give and God can take away anything or anyone that is hindering your relationship with Him. Remember we share because we care, if you know someone who needs this message please feel free to share it with them in love. May the Lord's peace be with you my friends.

Setting My Priorities

1. Our desired direction. V:33a

2. Priorities in order. V:33b

3. God assurance. V:33c

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