

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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God created us to serve others and fulfill His plan for our lives. We can make a difference wherever we are because God is faithful and provides us with opportunities and resources.


Youth Group Plan: Service (2 Corinthians 9:6-8, Matthew 20:28)

Youth Sermon: Service

Helping Others

Today, we're gonna chat about helping others. God's got a plan for us, and it's all about serving the people around us.

Imagine you're at a restaurant, and you've just finished a huge meal. You're stuffed, but then the waiter brings out a dessert menu. You see your favorite dessert, and even though you're full, you decide to order it. Why? Because there's always room for dessert, right?

In the same way, no matter how busy we are, there's always room to serve others. Just like we make room for dessert, we can make room to help others.

No matter how busy we are, there's always room to serve others.

Jesus as an Example

When we talk about helping others, what do you think of? Maybe donating money or volunteering somewhere? There are tons of ways to help, but today we're gonna focus on why we should want to help others. And for that, we look at Jesus.

Jesus came to help, not to be helped. He gave His life for us. As we follow Him, we're called to give our lives for others. Jesus teaches us to love our enemies, help our neighbors, and serve others in our everyday lives.

Even when we feel weak, God can use us. We can use our phones and computers to help and love others. We might not feel like we have enough, but God will give us what we need to help others. We give generously and get generously. God loves a cheerful giver.

We're Made for More

So, what would Jesus do? He'd give Himself for others. He gave Himself fully to the work God sent Him to do. We're called to do the same.

We're made for more than just getting by. We have a deep desire for something greater, and that's from God. We're created in Christ to do good works. God has these works ready for us. We're made for more.

We've covered a lot in this series. I hope it's been a game-changer for you. Make time for prayer and reading the Bible. Say sorry when you mess up and pray with your friends. Find a way to help others that means something to you. In helping, you'll experience God's love and the community of believers.


Just like Jesus loved, we should love. He gave His life for us, and we should give our lives for others. Living a life of faith is like running a marathon, so start small and build up. Start somewhere today.

Let's pray together.

Jesus, you showed us what real love and selflessness look like. Help us to love and serve like you did. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How can you serve others in your daily life?

2. What are some ways you can use technology to serve others?

3. How does serving others make you feel?

4. Can you share a time when you felt God provided what you needed to serve others?

5. How can you follow Jesus' example of service in your own life?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Service Scavenger Hunt

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