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Sermons on Yochanan 9:33:

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  • Ngunit Ngayon Nakikita Ko

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Mar 13, 2022

    Ang sermon na ito ay tumatalakay sa pagpapagaling ni Jesus sa lalaking ipinanganak na bulag at kung paanong ang pagpapagaling ay hindi humantong sa kung ano ang iniisip ng lalaki na nararapat. Maaari tayong maging bulag at hindi alam ito sa ating buhay sa kabila ng ebidensya.

    Ngunit Ngayon Nakikita Ko 3/13/2022 Bay Exodo 20:1-12 Juan 1:1-17 Naaalala mo ba ang mga emosyon na iyong pinagdaanan sa darating na pagsilang ng iyong anak o apo o pamangkin o pamangkin. Naaalala ko pa kung paano ang sandali pagkatapos ipanganak ang aming anak na si Samantha, gusto kong more

  • Jesus Came To Open Our Eyes Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Mar 17, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Just a few verses and his physical blindness is gone. But then Jesus takes the rest of the chapter (41 verses) to do something even more important – to heal his spiritual blindness, to help him to truly see God for the first time

    He Came To Open Our Eyes The Coming Of Christ What Jesus Came To Do – week 4 FOR – the last several few weeks we’ve been talking about what Jesus came to do. FRIENDS – 2000 years ago, God the Son – left all the glories of heaven, put on human flesh – and walked this earth… I love how the more

  • Light And Darkness Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 26, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    As we continue our pursuit of spiritual soundness this Lent, we ask for the grace we need from the Holy Spirit

    Homily for 4th Sunday in Lent The team’s morale had never been higher. Their speed was peaking; their accuracy was better than ever. They had become a team through good times and bad, encouraging each other constantly. The cheering section on the sideline was packed; the cheerleaders were more

  • Red Rover Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Jul 5, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The single most significant impacting force in our lives is relationships. Therefore, we must learn the games people play so that we can manage relationships to win!

    Games People Play Pt. 1 - Red Rover I. Introduction It is without a doubt a hall of fame worthy playground game! It is a perennial favorite. It was in fact on of my favorites because even though I was small, tiny in stature I was quick and in a very short amount of space I could generate enough more

  • Eyes To See Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Aug 3, 2022

    In this sermon the focus is on the story of the blind man that Jesus cured, and the consequences that followed that healing for both he and us.

    If you have your Bibles with you please open up to the gospel of John 9:26. You may recall we have been in the gospel of John since about February. Most recently, we have been looking at the miracle story of Jesus healing the man who was born blind. You may recall that Jesus was walking along more

  • Grant Me Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Aug 7, 2022

    God, grant me the wisdom to know the difference … and, as we shall see, therein lies the problem. I don’t know about you, but I usually don’t know the difference and I usually do the most harm to myself and to others when I think that I do.

    [This is the third sermon on Reinhold Niebuhr's "The Serenity Prayer," asking God to grant us the wisdom to know what to accept and what to change. This was also preached on Communion Sunday, hence the lead up to Communion at the end.] Wisdom. What is wisdom? Well, let’s more

  • Jesus Confronts Blindness

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Aug 11, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    A Man was Blind from birth; disciples were Blinded by tradition and the Religious Leaders were Blind by choice. Here we learn some lessons about blindness. All of us may have some blind spots. Gaining a new perspective.

    Sermon – Jesus Confronts Blindness Scripture Lesson - John 9-1-15 “Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. 2 And His disciples asked Him, saying, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" 3 Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his more

  • Creating Godly Memories.

    Contributed by Sylvester Fergusson on Aug 27, 2022

    Memories of good times are fading, while the expectation of experiencing new ones is gradually disappearing. However, when persons are introduced to Jesus, when they have an opportunity to meet Jesus hope springs alive once more.

    Good morning brothers and sisters. Good morning, everyone. Don’t touch. Don’t hug Stand 6 ft apart or at least 3ft apart. Many are losing hope and the joy of life is ebbing away, as they seek to battle the many challenges which they face. Memories of good times are fading, while the expectation more

  • Miracle 6: The Man Born Blind Lesson 6 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jul 13, 2023

    Jesus the Light of the World.

    Jesus The Light Of The World John 9:1-41 The Man Born Blind A. INTRODUCTION 1. Where did the action take place? Temple entrance. “As Jesus passed by” (9:1). a. Blind could not enter Temple. b. Normally begged. 2. What was the background? Crisis. “They (the Jews) took up stones to cast at more

  • Jerusalem- Conversations About Jesus Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Aug 6, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 30th Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Jerusalem".

    Series: Biblical Cities- Jerusalem [#30] JERUSALEM- CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS Matthew 23:37 Introduction: We are continuing in our Series about the most mentioned City in the Bible- Jerusalem. Matthew 23:37 We looked at Jesus healing the blind man last week and tonight we are going to see more

  • Visionary View: Don't Close Your Eyes To The Truth Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 10, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    We live in a world filled with various perspectives and ideas, but as believers, it's crucial that we seek the truth found in God's Word. Let us explore the Scriptures for guidance.

    "Visionary View: Don't Close Your Eyes to the Truth" Today, we delve into an essential topic: "Visionary View: Don't Close Your Eyes to the Truth." We live in a world filled with various perspectives and ideas, but as believers, it's crucial that we seek the truth more

  • Now I See! Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 16, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    In your darkness, let a blind man show you the way. 1st, see Jesus as a good man and appreciate Him. 2nd, see Jesus as a great man and respect Him. Then 3rd, see Jesus as the God-Man and worship Him.

    Several years ago, sightless restaurants became a growing trend across Europe. So what is a sightless restaurant? John Bohannon experienced it firsthand. Bohannon plunged into what he called the “inky blackness of Unsicht-Bar, a restaurant named for the German word for invisible.” To get to his more

  • Jesus' Sixth Sign Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 21, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The sixth sign in John 9:1-41 teaches us that Jesus is the light of the world who gives sight to the spiritually blind.

    Introduction The Apostle John wrote The Gospel According to John. Jesus had done thousands of miracles. John selected just seven of these miracles, which he called “signs,” to help his readers “believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing [they] may have life in his more

  • Sent Ones Series

    Contributed by Scott Turansky on Dec 25, 2022

    Nobody can argue with the fact that you once were blind, Jesus did something, and now you see. We can have the confidence to go out and share that with others.

    You know, one of those things that we receive when we become Christians is we receive a testimony. You get a testimony and that testimony is pretty powerful. It's a testimony that helps you to be able to communicate a message to the world. There's a world waiting out there for a message more

  • 4th Sunday In Lent, Year A. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jan 16, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    MARCH 19th, 2023.

    1 Samuel 16:1-13, Psalm 23:1-6, Ephesians 5:8-14, John 9:1-41. A). ANOINTING A MAN AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART. 1 Samuel 16:1-13. Saul had rejected the word of the LORD, and the LORD had rejected Saul from being king (cf. 1 Samuel 15:23), much to the grief of Samuel (cf. 1 Samuel 15:11) - but the more

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