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Sermons on Yochanan 9:33:

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  • Doubting Jesus’ Power

    Contributed by Leonard Davis on Mar 4, 2016

    Examining the "faith spectrum." Where do we find ourselves on this spectrum?

    DOUBTING JESUS’ POWER John 9:1-17; 35-41 We casually talk about belief and doubt and faith and such subjects and we may find that when we hear of certain things that are “out of the ordinary” that we ourselves may be skeptical. There is a spectrum of faith issues that runs more

  • Why Does God Allow Suffering?

    Contributed by John Hamby on Mar 15, 2016

    The text brings us face to face with one of the questions that we all have asked at one time or another, either concerning ourselves or someone else; “Why does God permit such suffering to occur.”

    “Why Does God Allow Suffering?” John 9:1-39 Our text brings us face to face with one of the questions that we all have asked at one time or another, either concerning ourselves or someone else; more

  • The High Cost Of Standing For Jesus Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Jan 28, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Standing for Jesus may extract a high price, and sometimes it is not from the world, but from those those within the church.

    Opening the eyes of the blind. Though this 9th chapter of John is about Jesus giving sight to a man born blind, but there is so much more here. The physical eyes being opening is not nearly as significant as the spiritual eyes. The blind man’s spiritual eyes where being opened and he was seeing more

  • The Story Of The Man Born Blind- A Journey Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Mar 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The man born blind will see his life change when he encounters Jesus!

    INTRODUCTION " SLIDE #1 " Have you ever thought that life had dealt you a bad hand? I mean it seems like you can never get ahead, that you have allowed your past to haunt you to this day? " When we feel like life has somehow cheated us, it is so easy to turn away and blame God for what has more

  • Healing Methods Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Oct 10, 2017

    It is God’s will for us to be well. Jesus employed many different methods as He worked healing “in” broken people. God is not bothered with the limitations of man. He is God!

    Healing Methods of Jesus Lakewood COG | Pastor Jonathan Vorce | 10-8-2017 Introduction It is God’s will for us to be well. Jesus employed many different methods as He worked healing “in” broken people. I am convinced that Jesus used many methods to let us know that He can use whatever means more

  • Man's Extremities Are God's Opportunities To Show His Glory!

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Aug 3, 2021

    Amid the many crisis of today, that are causing so much loss and pain, it is wonderful to know that God is still at work. Although, we cannot choose how the works of God, the method God will use to supply the help we need. The good news is that God is still in charge and will help.

    Man’s extremities are God’s opportunities to show His Glory in this present world. Our study in John brings us to chapter 9, here we learn some lesson from a blind man. Jesus follows his familiar pattern of worshipping in the temple. Our Lord took great delight in visiting His father’s House. The more

  • With Jesus Into The Light - 4 Of 7 Series

    Contributed by Russell Metcalfe on Feb 1, 2021

    Then Jesus said one of those enigmatic statements that aren't too difficult to understand if you really want to understand them: "I've come, he said, to help blind people see, and to make those who see become as blind as bats."

    March 17, 1996 20/20 BLINDNESS John 9:1-41 Did you ever hear the old saying about college students: Freshmen know not, and know that they know not; Sophomores know not, and know not that they know not; Juniors know, and know not that they know; Seniors know, and know that they know? I more

  • The Healed Man's Testimony SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Oct 25, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus is the healer

    Good morning, brothers and sisters in Christ. We are gathered here today, not just as a congregation, but as a family, united in our love for the Lord and our desire to understand His Word more fully. We are about to embark on a journey through the pages of Scripture, a journey that will take us to more

  • Clinging To Jesus Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The sermon explores the journey of a blind man healed by Jesus, emphasizing the importance of experiencing God's love and walking with Him, rather than just knowing about Him like the Pharisees.

    We are all on a journey of discovery when it comes to knowing God and his core nature of self-giving love which is revealed in Christ. On a scale of “1 to Infinity,” I am probably a solid seven! I have a long way to go. But that’s okay, because God is never in a hurry. He meets us right where we more

  • Jesus Gives Sight, To Those Who Want It (John 9:1-41) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Feb 8, 2022

    Jesus gives physical sight, and spiritual sight. By chapter's end, the only blind ones left are the Pharisees. Have to be open-minded, and know what you don't know.

    At this point in the gospel of John, some of you are maybe feeling a little confused. John is not a very easy book. Jesus' words seem complicated-- they are "from above," as he is from above, and we struggle to climb up, and view things from above, and understand them from more

  • Clinging To Jesus Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Prioritize our relationship with Jesus and follow His teachings to grow in our faith and understanding of God's love.

    Today, we're going to talk about a story from the Bible where Jesus heals a blind man. This story teaches us some important lessons about our faith and how we should live our lives. So, let's dive in! In John 9, Jesus heals a man who was born blind. This guy didn't even ask to be healed, but Jesus more

  • Jesus Is The Better Shepherd (John 10:1-21) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Feb 10, 2022

    John's readers who have chosen to hear Jesus, and follow him, and become part of his flock, have upgraded their shepherd. Jesus is a better shepherd than the Pharisees.

    Let's start today by simply reading John 10:1: (1) Truly, truly, I say to you, the one not entering through the gate/door into the inner courtyard of the sheep, but going up from some other place-- that one, a thief, he is, and a robber. When we read this, we should notice something, more

  • Will You Take God Up On His Test? (Exodus 15:22-27) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Feb 21, 2022

    If you're actually/fully obeying God, will He heal you?

    I apparently needed a break from Exodus, which I didn't expect (did Psalm 9-12). But I'm learning to not fight it, and just go with it. [And I'm hoping this is the Spirit leading me, somehow]. This week, I felt like I was maybe ready to try Exodus again. Let's start by more

  • But Now I See

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Mar 13, 2022

    This sermon deals with Jesus healing the man born blind and how the healing did not lead to what the man thought it should. We can be blind and not know it in our lives despite the evidence.

    But Now I See 3/13/2022 Bay Exodus 20:1-12 John 1:1-17 Do you remember the emotions you went through with the coming birth of your child or grandchild or niece or nephew. I can still remember how the moment after our daughter Samantha was born, I wanted to send out her picture more

  • Pero Ahora Veo

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Mar 13, 2022

    Este sermón trata sobre Jesús sanando al hombre ciego de nacimiento y cómo la sanación no condujo a lo que el hombre pensó que debería. Podemos estar ciegos y no saberlo en nuestras vidas a pesar de la evidencia.

    pero ahora veo 13/3/2022 Bahía Éxodo 20:1-12 Juan 1:1-17 ¿Recuerda las emociones que atravesó con el próximo nacimiento de su hijo o nieto o sobrina o sobrino? Todavía puedo recordar cómo, en el momento en que nació nuestra hija Samantha, quise more

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