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  • Out Of Weakness Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lawrence on May 18, 2004
    based on 46 ratings

    It can be so difficult to handle our personal weaknesses, but know that God is using them for His glory.

    Out of Weakness Purpose Driven Life #35 Cornwall/Montreal May 8, 2004 When children come to Jesus they come knowing they are not particularly strong. This is to their advantage, and this is what Jesus knew when He brought them forward to bless them. Matt.19.13-15- Jesus saw something that others more

  • God's Strength In Human Weakness Series

    Contributed by Tim Richards on Aug 8, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    This message focuses on God's message and how we are to hear it and share it.

    Introduction: 1. Many years ago, a young man who had just got out of Bible College where he’d spent several years learning all the theological words he thought would make him a successful preacher. He was hired by a country church & was determined to bringing new people to Christ. So he set more

  • Strength In Weakness

    Contributed by Philip Beals on Sep 16, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    In our weakness we can always count on God to be our strength.

    Strength in Weakness There is a chorus we used to sing as kids that goes like this: - “My God is so great, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do.” You are probably familiar with it. Of course when we sing it, do we really pay attention to the meaning of the words. more

  • Writing Straight With Crooked Lines Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 9, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    In the midst of the Reformation, God weaves a tapestry of faith in the lives of weak human beings.

    Thursday of the 2nd Week in Advent 2017 Reformation/Revolution When external situations are the bleakest, God acts to fulfill His promises to His people–first in the history of the Jews, and now in the age of the Church. The second and third parts of Isaiah were probably written by his followers more

  • Transfigured In Faith Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 2, 2021

    Even when God's people screw up and turn their backs on their call, He continues to work to turn them back to the right path.

    Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus 2021 Whenever I read Gospels such as the one today, where Jesus is transfigured before his key disciples, speaks with Moses and Elijah, and then tells the witnesses not to tell anyone else about the vision, I think of Isaiah chapter 55. God is speaking: “For my more

  • Even The Wise Are Weak

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Aug 27, 2014

    The story of Solomon reveals that even the wisest man ever to live was flawed and weak. 1 Kings 3:7-13

    Solomon, Even the Wise are Weak I Kings 3:7-13 INTRODUCTION: We’re in the middle of a 20-week series of Old Testament stories. So far we’ve studied several of the Old Testament Heroes … people like Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Ruth, and Joshua and some of the judges like Sampson more

  • If We Say Humans

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Oct 28, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    To prove being afraid of people is not right.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you afraid of people? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To prove being afraid of people is not right. IV. TEXT: Mark 11:32 (The Message) 11:32 if we say 'humans,' we'll be up against it with the people because they all hold John up as a prophet." V. more

  • Christ Who Accepted Every Human Weakness

    Contributed by William Baeta on Dec 1, 2000
    based on 70 ratings


    Theme: Christ who accepted every human weakness Text: Isaiah50:5-9; James 2:14-18; Mk. 8:27-35 God’s Word has priority over everything else but many Christians are not prepared to accept this. This is the main reason why many Christians feel frustrated and inadequate even though they read the more

  • Giving In To Weakness

    Contributed by John Perry on Mar 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    By our very nature we all struggle with weakness & weakness is certainly part of the package of our humanity. What God never intended though is that we would simply give in to weakness & be content to live in weakness.

    Bunbury Wed pm 16/03/11 “Giving in to your weakness” Intro: I was stirred about the reality that God saves us so that we can live in dominion over the flesh & our fallen nature. And if we consider the design God has for His church I think we could all agree that we are living well more

  • Weakness Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lawrence on Jan 25, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    You must make a choice of alignment- either with the weakness and foolishness of God- or the supposed strength and wisdom of the world.

    Weakness January 27, 2001 Strength is a ‘big deal’ anymore. It shows up in many guises and in many different situations. Just a week or so back, there was a lot of advertising from the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) encouraging people not to miss the wonderful wrestling by the world’s strongest more

  • Admitting Our Blindness In Human Development Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Nov 14, 2009

    Jesus can act as Messiah when He is approached by humans who admit their blindness, weakness and sin; so we must admit decades of blindness in our human development policies.

    November 16, 2009 Caritas in Veritate “Deeds without knowledge are blind, and knowledge without love is sterile.” As Luke portrays Jesus making his pilgrimage to the Holy City whose inhabitants will murder him, He finally responds to one who is publicly calling him The Messiah–Son of David. But more

  • Overcoming Every Weaknesses

    Contributed by Mofiya Amos on Jul 22, 2018

    This message deals on how to overcome every human weaknesses that often times becomes channels for yielding into trials to sin against the Lord Almighty God.

    Ministering: Evang. Murphy Amos. Topic: You can overcome every sinful weaknesses. Text: "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you" Romans 8:11 more

  • Lamb: The Image Of The Human

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Jan 17, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    Today we are accustomed to a weaponsculture. Man develops inner psychological weapons as well as external physical weapons. But we need to develop a culture that tries to make the weak stronger.

    Some years ago, there was a very famous film star, MG Ramachandran by name, in Tamil Nadu in India. In his films he always acted as a fighter of injustice and a saviour of the poor, the helpless and the oppressed. He was the saviour who wiped the tears of misery and showed the helpless the way to more

  • Let Us Test Him With Insult And Torture

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 19, 2024

    Here and in other sources we see that there was at the time of Jesus a current of thought imagining that the Messiah, or some other righteous man, would die for the sins of the people.

    Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Course 2024 About fifty years before the birth of our Savior Jesus, an unknown Jew, probably living in Egypt because of the dispersal of Israelites by Assyria and Babylon, wrote what is called the Book of Wisdom. It’s written in Greek in the style of the Hebrew wisdom more

  • Humans!

    Contributed by Neal Gray on Nov 15, 2001
    based on 49 ratings

    Tell me: why do Christians behave they way they do? Hmmm? I mean, less-than-holy behavior at times. It’s because they are "human." Human! An incalculable gift from God!

    "Humans!" Author: Dr. Neal Gray Passage: Romans 7:18 - 8:1, KJV Purpose: Tell me: why do Christians behave they way they do? Hmmm? I mean, less-than-holy behavior at times. It’s because they are "human." Human! An incalculable gift from God! INTRODUCTION Opening Have you stopped to think about more

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