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  • Making Better Choices Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Jun 8, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    A comment my mother made frequently when we were kids with this: “a woman’s work is never done.” My mother worked in a doctor’s office all day, took care of our home and paid most of our bills on her own.

    “Making Better Choices” Luke 10:38-42 A comment my mother made frequently when we were kids with this: “a woman’s work is never done.” My mother worked in a doctor’s office all day, took care of our home and paid most of our bills on her own. So she had a more

  • Mystery Of The Manna

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Nov 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus often broke bread with His disciples, the early church broke bread from house to house, the Lord’s Supper He took bread and said, “This is my body” believe Jesus waited with baited breath in great anticipation of when the time would be right for Hi

    Introduction: A The first shadow we see of Communion is found in Genesis 14.18, Melchizedek (King of Salem) offering Abraham And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was a priest of God Most High. Gen 14:18 (NASB) 1 Jesus was declared to be in the order of Melchizedek more

  • Until The Harvest

    Contributed by Frank Edwards on Jan 27, 2010

    A man had a field and that man was industrious /and production conscious.//He sowed good seed in his field./When sowing time was ended /he took leave from his fIeld to wait for the harvest.//But one night while men slept, the good field sown in good seed

    "Until the Harvest' "Let both grow together until the harvest... " MATTHEW 13:30 A man had a field and that man was industrious /and production conscious.//He sowed good seed in his field./When sowing time was ended /he took leave from his field to wait for the harvest.//But one night while men more

  • "faith Vs Distractions" Part Ii

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Aug 14, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    This sermon is about the contrast between Peter's faith when he was distracted when walking on the water. He took his eyes off Jesus. The Canaanite woman faced many distractions but refused to take her eyes off Jesus. some comments from Ray Pritchard Matthew 15

    In Jesus Holy Name August 16, 2020 Text: Matthew 15:28 Pentecost XI - Redeemer “Faith vs. Distractions” Part II Matthew has another great story for us this morning. Matthew tells us about the faith of a Gentile woman. It is a lesson for us about over coming more

  • Remember That One Time??

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Jul 3, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Truth be known, we have all been guilty of playing Thee one ups Manship game. The words, I remember the time have all rolled off of our lips and while it's good to remember, it's better to remember the one who took you thru safely to the other side

    Remember that One Time? Illus. I've Always Liked The Story Of The 3 Old Widows ..... I’ve always liked the story of the 3 old widows who lived together. One sister got up to go to bed, half way up the stairs she stopped and asked "was I going up or was I coming down" One sister replied with more

  • Jacob's Prosperity, By God's Grace

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Aug 12, 2024

    Jacob worked 14 years for his wives, and family, but he had nothing. He wanted to leave to go home, but used his father-in-law to gain wealth for himself by means of his own. However, it was GOD's GRACE that took over, despite Jacob's actions.

    2024.08.11.Sermon Notes. Jacob’s Prosperity by GOD’s Grace William Akehurst, HSWC BIG IDEA: Jacob has finished his 14 years working off the dowry for his wives. And yet he has nothing. He wants to leave and go home, but realizes that he must provide for his family. And does so, at the expense of more

  • Six Kings

    Contributed by Eric Aschendorf on Dec 25, 2002
    based on 49 ratings

    When Samuel “took the horn of oil, and anointed him,” he didn’t simply put a drop on his finger and touch his forehead with it. The entire horn would have been poured over David. Then it would have been rubbed into his body. He would have been saturated w

    Tree Of Life Ministries Association Six Kings CHRISTmas 2002 Matthew 2 Pastor Eric Aschendorf 12/22/2002 _____________________________________________________ Now the birth of JESUS CHRIST was on this more

  • Thanksgiving Vs Thanksliving

    Contributed by Danny Anderson on Oct 27, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    God not only deserves our thanks, but I believe He also desires it. He wants us to be grateful for His goodness rather than just take it all for granted. How many of you took time out this past week just to re-count your blessings and thank God for everyt

    Thanksgiving Versus Thanksliving Text: I Thessalonians 5:18 Introduction: I believe Scripture substantiates the fact that God expects us to thank Him for His blessings in our lives. This is evidenced in the words of Jesus to the one lone ex-leper who returned to thank Him in Luke 17:15-17: "One of more

  • How To Be A 10

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Aug 28, 2013

    Expect conflict on your way to being a “10.” Hannah was most likely Elkanah’s first wife who proved to be infertile so he took a second wife named Paninnah. When we are on our way to being “10s” expect conflict to be a part of the journey.

    How to be a 10 Mother’s Day May 12, 201 Dr. Mike Fogerson Introduction The story of Israel in the Bible is a living demonstration of the fact that the Lord does win the battle. A As we enter 1 Samuel, Israel is a Spiritual and Political mess. 1 Israel wasn’t an united people as they more

  • I Am

    Contributed by Bishop Johnny Causey on Jul 13, 2021

    To often in life, we as a people know everything, not realizing that if we truly took notice to what’s going on around us we would come to the shocking reality that we really don’t know as much as we thought. To put it bluntly, in reference to GOD and the WORD, we don’t know a thing!!

    1. I KNOW: If we reflect on the Old Testament, we see that in Jeremiah 1:5 GOD said I knew you before you came from the womb, and that he will know us when we reach the tomb. GOD said that HE knows our thoughts from afar off before we even think them. Psalm 139:2 You see, GOD has known and yet more

  • Why We Take The Lord's Supper

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 1, 2023

    1. To remember the Lord (vs. 23-25). -Remember that Jesus took the punishment we deserved. -Remember the price Jesus paid. -Remember the power He displayed. 2. To reveal the Lord (vs. 26). 3. To review our lives (vs. 27-28). 4. To renew our lives (vs. 29-32).

    Why We Take the Lord's Supper 1 Corinthians 11:23-32 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared August 1, 2023) MESSAGE: *Do you know the first food ever eaten on the moon? Believe it or not, it was the Lord's Supper. Apollo 11 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin took the Lord's Supper with him on that more

  • The 7 Backward Steps Of Peter

    Contributed by John Gaston on Nov 10, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    Peter, the greatest of the 12, a man of faith & power, took 7 backward steps that nearly ruined his ministry. But God's love & grace was greater than his sin. He was restored and again became God's prime mover. Look for these 7 steps in your life.

    THE 7 BACKWARD STEPS OF PETER Mk. 14:30-72 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A college student went into a large pet supply store and approached the pet food counter, “Hi! I would like to order 30,000 cockroaches to be picked up tomorrow, please.” 2. The astonished clerk said, “What in the world would more

  • I Am The Light Of The World Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Dec 17, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    1) The Area in which the conflict took place (John 8:20), 2) The Lord’s Assertion (John 8:12), 3) The Leaders’ Accusation (John 8:13), 4) The Lord’s Answer to that accusation (John 8:14–19), and 5) His Announcement of their impending judgment (John 8:21).

    Just in time for winter, Hydro One said it is working to reconnect power for hundreds of customers who are in the dark, because they had their electricity cut off due to unpaid bills. The power provider says it is reaching out to roughly 1,400 residential customers who failed to pay their bills in more

  • Jesus Left Behind At The Temple

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Jan 6, 2024

    The account in Luke 2 of Jesus in the Temple reveals two incredible things. First, how wonderful our relationship with God the Father will be when all the effects of sin are removed from our lives. Second, how much our Savior gave up for us and for our redemption when he took humanity on himself.

    Today we have a unique story, in that it’s the only story of Jesus growing up. Only Matthew and Luke give us the nativity, and only Luke tells this ONE story that fills the huge gap between the wise men, and Jesus turning 30 and his Baptism in the Jordan River. I think our imaginations always run more

  • From Distress To Deliverance: Finding Peace In God Psalm 120:1 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Feb 29, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Our hearts are often burdened by the trials and tribulations of life. In the midst of our distress, we seek solace and deliverance. Our journey begins with Psalm 120:1, where the Psalmist cries out, "I took my troubles to the Lord; I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer."

    From Distress to Deliverance: Finding Peace in God Psalm 120:1 Introduction: Our hearts are often burdened by the trials and tribulations of life. In the midst of our distress, we seek solace and deliverance. Our journey begins with Psalm 120:1, where the Psalmist cries out, "I took my more

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