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  • The Sins Of Communities Noted And Punished. Series

    Contributed by Fredric Lozo on Jan 5, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    This Sermon is #29 of 29 from Rev. Andrew Lee’s SERMONS published in 1803 by Isaiah Thomas, Jr. at Lisbon, Connecticut.

    INTRODUCTION: The entire book of Andrew’s Lee’s Sermons is available free at Project Gutenberg as e-Text #15031. SERMON XXIX. The Sins of Communities Noted and Punished. Matthew xxiii.36. "Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation." THIS is predicated of the more

  • Dismantling Our Doubts Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Feb 9, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    Looking at the life of Thomas, we can discover how God views out doubts and how doubt can lead to faith.

    Dismantling our Doubts Associate Pastor Jeff Williams 05-02-04 Drowning in Doubt It was a hot, humid Mississippi night nearly ten years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. I was sitting on the third step of the swimming pool at my apartment complex. I was twenty-six years and had more

  • Bad Kids Of The Bible: Shelomith's Son Series

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Feb 19, 2011
    based on 8 ratings

    Part 2 of a series of sermons inspired by the book "Bad Kids of the Bible and What They Can Teach Us" by Thomas J. Craughwell.

    BAD KIDS OF THE BIBLE: SHELOMITH’S SON Text: Leviticus 24:10 – 23 Although I don’t really want to do it, I feel led to share something about myself that I am completely ashamed of. Back several years ago, when I taught eighth grade at McKell Middle School, I had a class of more

  • Bad Kids Of The Bible: Micah The Ephraimite Series

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Mar 6, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Part three of a series of sermons inspired by the book "Bad Kids of the Bible and What They Can Teach Us" by Thomas J. Craughwell.

    BAD KIDS OF THE BIBLE: MICAH THE EPHRAIMITE Text: Judges 17 – 18 Have you ever heard the saying, “What goes around comes around?” Well, the bad kid of the Bible that I am going to talk about today surely experienced that firsthand. It doesn’t seem to happen as much as more

  • Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time- Speck And Beam

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jan 11, 2022

    Thomas Merton said, “Nothing is more suspicious in a man who seems holy, than an impatient desire to reform other men.”

    Many issues have both psychological and spiritual components as we hear today in our Gospel, “How can you say to your brother,‘…let me remove that splinter in your eye,’ when you do not even notice the wooden beam in your own eye? The message is: Be careful of pointing out the shortcomings, moral more

  • The Journey From Doubt To Faith

    Contributed by Bruce Montgomery on Mar 24, 2008
    based on 21 ratings

    Thomas is a case study of how we can move from doubt to faith ourselves, and assist others in making the same spiritual journey.

    The Journey from Doubt to Faith John 20:24-31; 21:12 INTRO When you and I woke up this morning, we didn’t wake up thinking that Jesus of Nazareth is still buried in a tomb in Jerusalem. We didn’t wake up in a world where death and the grave appeared to have been victorious. But remember that more

  • Psalm 23:5 Provision In The Presence Of Our Enemies. Series

    Contributed by Sam Furmage on Nov 4, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A 20 minute walk through Psalm 23:5 and putting into context for St Thomas' an Anglican Church in semi-rural Hampshire, UK.

    Sunday 4th November 2012 11:00 – The Living Room @ St Thomas, Fair Oak Psalm 23:5 Now, O Lord, take my lips and speak through them; Take our minds and think through them; Take our hearts and set them on fire with love for Yourself, Lord Jesus. Amen Good Morning!! I am about to speak to more

  • To Be Like Jesus Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Aug 12, 2013

    Thomas a Kempis wrote a famous book called :The Imitation of Christ". Good idea. What does this text teach about it?

    To Be Like Jesus 1 John 3:1-6 Exposition of the Text Verse 1: See what kind of love the Father has given to us that we should be called children of God, and we are. Wherefore the world does not know us because it did not know Him. “What kind of love” here has the meaning of more

  • Marks Of Faith

    Contributed by Daniel Haas on Apr 25, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    That is why we gather every week, because doubt is permitted in church. The story of the doubting Thomas is a great example for our faith lives.

    John 20:19-31 DOUBTING THOMAS - The disciples saw that Jesus resurrected from the dead - Thomas says, he could not believe unless he sees it - Many people were spectators when Jesus was crucified - The disciples - foremost our fearful Thomas for sure - hid away from the people, e.g. Peter denying more

  • My Lord & My God!

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on May 18, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Why are we concerned about our purpose as a church, & what we are trying to do? To answer that, let me tell you of something that happened here about 9 years ago.

    MELVIN NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK (REVISED: 2020) TEXT: John 20:24-28 As most of you who are present here this morning know, our Wed. Evening Bible Study group, before we had to stop meeting because of the Covid regulations, was using Rick Warren’s book, “The Purpose Driven more

  • This Ain't No Joke!

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Apr 13, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    What will be required for you as a follower to Christ to believe His commands? Receiving Him as Master over life leads us to accept His commands.

    “Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, ‘We have seen the Lord.’ But he said to them, ‘Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will more

  • The Week After Easter

    Contributed by Charles R. Swindoll on Sep 12, 2006
    based on 29 ratings

    This sermon deals with what happen when Thomas saw Jesus for himself. We can learn from this what we really have in Jesus.

    TEXT: John 21:1 The capture of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane is over The brutal treatment of him at the hands of Roman soldiers is over The trial that found him guilty is over The torturing and twisting of his body is over The cruel fastening of his body to an old rugged cross is over The more

  • Two Post Resurrection Appearances Of Jesus In Jn 20

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Apr 2, 2016

    God treats us an individuals and knows our specific needs just as he did with MAry, Peter and Thomas and the unnamed disciples of Jn 20

    Story: There were once two identical twins. They were alike in every way but one. One was a hope-filled optimist, Peter who only ever saw the bright side of life. The other, Thomas was a dark pessimist, who only ever saw the down side in every situation. The parents were so worried about the more

  • The Comfort Of The Bible

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Dec 4, 2015

    The comfort from the Bible is... (Material adapted from Thomas Manton's Commentary on Psalm 119, Volume 1, Sermon LVI, verse 50)

    HoHum: Have children come up and do Children’s Minute. Objects: A First Aid Kit A first aid kit is a very important thing to have around.  We should all have a first aid kit in our home, in our work place, and in our car.  We have several of them around the church so that they will be handy more

  • God's Peace PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 29, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores believing without seeing, becoming messengers of peace, and bearing the mission of spreading God's word, inspired by Thomas' encounter with the risen Christ.

    Good morning, beloved family of God. It is a joy to be with you today, to share in the fellowship of the Spirit, to stand together on the solid rock of our faith, and to open the pages of God's Word together. It is a privilege, indeed, to be in the house of the Lord, where we can find comfort, more

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