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  • What Kind Of Church Is This Church Going To Be?

    Contributed by Stephan Kirby on Nov 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Establishing what church should really be about according to scripture.

    What Kind of Church is This Church Going to Be? Pastor Stephan Kirby Ekklesia Christian Life Matthew 16:13-20 13 When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, "Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?" 14 So they said, "Some say John the Baptist, some more

  • The Tale Of Two

    Contributed by Martin Holland on Sep 7, 2012

    There are two people who are given the same opportunity and ability but yet the outcome are very different for one reason.

    The Tale of Twos Matthew 7:21-29 In this life it is not only the American dream to live life to it’s fullest with absolute satisfaction, but it is the ambition of the world. This parable is obviously speaking concerning the way in which we live our lives. Title: The Tale of Twos 1. The more

  • A Firm Foundation

    Contributed by Pastor David T. Diskin on Jul 31, 2012
    based on 8 ratings

    You can choose to build on the Rock of Jesus Christ or the Sinking Sand of this world, which will you choose?

    A Firm Foundation Pray. If I were to ask you, What is the most important part of any structure, Any house, skyscraper, hospital building, etc. What would your answer be? And of course the answer would be its foundation. See, it doesn't matter how beautiful of a structure you more

  • Water From The Rock: An Exposition Of Exodus 17:1-7

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Sep 23, 2023

    Who is the true Rock of our salvation?

    Water from the Rock Exodus 17:1-7 Yogi Berra was a famous baseball player known for his humorous liners. One of these was: “It’s deja vu all over again.” This applies well to the history of Israel and their journeys in the wilderness. In today’s passage, we see the thirsty Israelites complaining more

  • Christ Is Our Sure Foundation

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Aug 8, 2022

    Christ is our sure foundation. Shifting sand shifts. Solid rock is solid.

    INTRO: The Bible makes right choices easy choices. Be wise or foolish. Build on rock or sand. There are hardly any easier choices than these. Our sinful flesh desires to do what is contrary to God’s Word. God’s will. The early apostles reminded the Jewish crowds they were responsible for more

  • Water, Life And Divine Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 9, 2023

    Jesus was on earth to forgive our sins and raise us to divine status.

    Third Sunday of Lent 2023 Take a moment as we settle down from a very long Gospel, close your eyes but stay awake. Think of the best person you know who is not a relative. This person, man or woman, is honest, self-controlled, just to a fault, and cheering to everyone. The best person you know. more

  • How To Be Storm Ready

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Oct 1, 2020

    What does it take to be ready for the storms of life and death? Jesus says what is essential.

    10.4.20 Matthew 7:24–27 24 “Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on bedrock. 25 The rain came down, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house. But it did not fall, because it was founded on bedrock. 26 Everyone more

  • Warnings Against False Teachers Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on May 28, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    What does Jesus say about those who lead people astray?

    Introduction This is my last sermon here at GCC. When the realization that I was going to resign and move on into other avenues of ministry came to me. One of the first areas I mulled over was what I would say during my last message. I had always considered this day to be much further ahead in the more

  • The Golden Years

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Jul 17, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    Is it right or wrong for one to plan and save for the future? What should our attitude be toward our golden years? What does God expect? The account of the prosperous farmer in Luke provides us some valuable lessons.

    THE GOLDEN YEARS LUKE 12:15-21 Introduction: Is it right or wrong for one to plan and save for the future? What should our attitude be toward our golden years? What does God expect? The account of the prosperous farmer in Luke provides us some valuable lessons. Let us examine the rich man’s more

  • God Operates Value Village, Not The Landfill

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jun 6, 2009
    based on 24 ratings

    For Senior Adult Sunday: There are legitimate concerns about aging; but there are also those who would prey on the elderly. God is our ultimate refuge and the protector of those who are to be valued, not thrown away.

    If it’s old, it has to go. That used to be the message. In the years after World War II, once we got our economy back on a peacetime basis, we all wanted only new things. Bright, shiny, new. And so, if it’s old, it has to go. Do you remember? Do you remember, if you go back that far, how, during more

  • Born Old

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jan 29, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    To experience new life, even in the senior years, means using old knowledge to gain new knowledge; to set aside pride in order to learn; and to be fully open to Christ.

    We had been talking about a mutual friend. We had laughed a little at how rigid he was, how staid. We had commented that he didn’t like change; he could easily be "all shook up" when something didn’t go his way. I asked the other person in this conversation, "How long have you known John? Has he more

  • Envisioning A Dream For Your Joshua

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jan 30, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    1988. We may be at a point in our lives where we know we will never fully realize our dreams, but we can find fulfillment if we can identify and encourage others to embody our values.

    Several years ago a rather childish and tasteless movie, but nevertheless one good for escape purposes, made the rounds. The movie was called National Lampoon’s Vacation. It starred Chevy Chase, a batch of kids, fleeting glimpses of seductive models, and a monster station wagon that developed a more

  • Never Too Old To Stretch

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Sep 3, 2009
    based on 221 ratings

    We have a choice. We can live out the last years of life fearful of growing old, of being helpless, of being a burden, or we can live in great expectation of our Savior’s return.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK (REVISED: 2019) TEXT: Philippians 3:12-21; 1 Timothy 1:13-15 ILL. Look at the picture of the man up on the screen. It is the face of someone you have undoubtedly seen many times before. He grew up in the toughest part of Houston, TX, in more

  • Bonus Round Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Life is Short. God’s original plan for us was life not death. But when Adam sinned, it changed everything forever. Yet God does not want a short life for us. God wants many of His people living long lives- and this is a one of His blessings He grants to u

    Bonus Round Exodus 20:12, Lev. 19:12 Life Is Short. I think the older you get, the more apparent that becomes. When you’re younger, you feel like you’re going to live forever and can’t wait to get older. But when you’re older, you long for the younger years because they’ve just flown by. James more

  • A Few Life Lessons Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Jul 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    19th in a series from Ecclesiastes. A few life lessons for us to apply in the face of the certainty of death.

    Over the past two weeks, it seems like we’ve been barraged with a multitude of celebrity deaths – Farrah Fawcett, Karl Malden, Billy Mays, and, of course, Michael Jackson. In a sense, I’m really tired of all the coverage that has been given to the deaths of these people, just because they are well more

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