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  • The Belt, The Bush, And The Bowl

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Oct 4, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This message comes from Jeremiah 13, 17, and 18 dealing with three non verbal illustrations God gave to Jeremiah to aid him in his prophecies. The visuals included a belt, a bush, and a bowl.

    The Belt, the Bush, and the Bowl Jeremiah 13, 17, 18 CHCC – October 2, 2011 Props: white linen / dirty torn linen -- dead plant / living plant --clay bowl INTRODUCTION: I’ve heard people say that the God of the Old Testament is different from the God of the New Testament. They more

  • We Walk By Faith Part 7 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Oct 15, 2011

    These message discusses how our mentality as it relates to faith can be like the old ice box versus the modern day refrigerator.

    We Walk By Faith Part 7 The Ice Box and The Refrigerator Mentality Scriptures: Deuteronomy 11:31-32; Jeremiah 31:33-34; Hebrews 10:14-25 Introduction In my last message I shared with you that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit and therefore our faith lies within our understanding of how the more

  • The Most Expensive Meal In History Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 22, 2012
    based on 199 ratings

    Adam and Eve ate one of the most expensive meals in history. Why did they do it? And was there a more expensive meal than that one?

    OPEN: A few years back George Beane of Palmdale, California, stopped at a local Burger King and ordered 4 sandwiches at the drive-through window. Total cost of his bill: $4.33. However, when he handed the girl at the drive up window his debit card she absent mindedly punched in the numbers ... and more

  • God's Reward Program

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on May 14, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Our text this morning reminds us – God also has a reward program. Matter of fact His Reward Program is out of this world. Let me make this clear so you don’t try to tune me out at this point. Keep in mind we do not serve the Lord just for Rewards.

    TITLE: GODS’ REWARD PROGRAM SCRIPTURE: HEBREWS 11:6 / II TIMOTHY 4:8 I am not sure if you are like me, but I get tired for all of the direct-mail that clutters up the Mailbox with offers – • You have been Pre-Approved to receive a new Credit Card and experience all the amazing advantages of a more

  • The Church Is (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Sep 23, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    In this message we will unpack the truths that the Church is - the flock of God, the bride of Christ and the family of God!

    The Church Is… #BecomingTheChurchHeIntended 2000 years ago while in the region of Caesarea Philippi, Peter looked Jesus in the eyes and said… “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!” And Jesus responded, “Simon son of Jonah, you are blessed because flesh and blood did not reveal this to more

  • Greed Or Need: Keeping Up With The Jones Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 12, 2021

    Keeping Up with the Jones is an American saying that simply means when you use your friends or neighbors as a benchmark for success. Oftentimes, we look across the street or inside our social circle and become dissatisfied with our lives because we don’t have the same financial success.

    What do you think of when you think of Dallas? For many, Dallas will be connected to the iconic J.R. Ewing who appeared in the famous March 1980 Who Shot J.R. episode and an estimated 83 million people wondered and watched the famous “Dallas” oilman. In the minds of many, the Dallas brand has been more

  • The Book Of Ruth (2 Of 4)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 14, 2022

    The first sermon from the Book of Ruth showed us the effects of sin on a family that did not trust God for their DIRECTIONS or PROVISIONS.

    Look at verse 1 again, we read, “Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land. And a certain man of Bethlehemjudah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two sons.” Look at the words “Bethlehemjudah” and “Moab.” • Bethlehem more

  • Facing Persecution With Deepening Faith Series

    Contributed by Peter Ceccardi on Apr 25, 2024

    So, as we prepare for the possibility of persecution, let's not underestimate the challenges that believers face in today's society.

    Preparing for Persecution Friends, I want to share something personal with you today, something that's been weighing heavily on my heart. You see, I'm faced with a dilemma—a real moral quandary that's testing the very core of my faith. It's about my gym membership, of all things. more

  • How The Bible Describes Our Salvation

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Jul 19, 2003
    based on 219 ratings

    This brief outline identifies five wonderful adjectives that describe the salvation that we have in Jesus Christ our Lord.

    HOW THE BIBLE DESCRIBES OUR SALVATION "Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints." Jude, verse 3. I. A COMMON SALVATION: more

  • Tetelestai

    Contributed by Curt Cizek on Apr 19, 2003
    based on 45 ratings

    When Jesus spoke the words, "it is finished!" from the cross, He took care of our eternal destiny once and for all.

    How are you at completing projects? My life and house are littered with my half-completed projects – books to read, pictures to hang, messes to clean - even harder now that we have a baby Our “to-do” lists are more like “never-do” lists Mt. Rushmore – supposed to be portrayed to the more

  • Excellence #10- Service Series

    Contributed by Travis Moore on Nov 8, 2000
    based on 58 ratings

    A life of excellence will be expressed by service to others.

    Commitment To Excellence - Part 10 SERVICE Ephesians 2:8-10 Introduction: 2 Errors concerning Service A. Serve so God will love you. * (John 3:16) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. B. more

  • Freedom

    Contributed by Lou Nicholes on Dec 28, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    It is impossible to be neutral in life. Every person has a master - either God on Satan.

    THOUGHTS ABOUT THE PASSAGE: “Yesterday the greatest question was decided which ever was debated in America; and a greater perhaps never was, nor will be, decided among men. A resolution was passed without one dissenting colony, that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and more

  • Part Of The Family Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Jul 24, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    By faith we have become the adopted sons and daughters of God. We are no longer slaves, but heirs of the Kingdom.

    Part of the Family Galatians 3:27-4:7 Galatians 3:27-28 (NLT) And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have been made like him. [28] There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female. For you are all Christians—you are one in Christ Jesus. Together as One - more

  • Grace

    Contributed by Lou Nicholes on May 25, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    In the previous chapter Paul’s focus of attention has been on earthly, physical experiences in the gospel. In order to avoid exalting himself he describes these experiences in the third person.

    THOUGHTS ABOUT THE PASSAGE: To seek to earn, merit, or purchase salvation is to insult the Giver. Imagine yourself invited to a banquet in the White House by the president of the United States. You are seated at a table that is filled with the choist foods. Every effort is made to give you a most more

  • Love

    Contributed by Lou Nicholes on May 27, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    This short chapter pictures the nation’s exile and return. The Lord makes known His plans for the redemption of the prodigal nation. Although this chapter is short, its prophecies survey God’s past (v. 1), present (vv. 2-4), and future (v. 5) relationship

    THOUGHTS ABOUT THE PASSAGE: I read about a young man who was determined to win the affection of a lady who refused to even talk to him anymore. He decided that the way to her heart was through the mail, so he began writing her love letters. He wrote a love letter every day to this lady. Six, seven more

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