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  • Recognition In Heaven Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 9, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    We will not only know each other in heaven, but we will not really know each other until heaven. We know each other only in part in this life. In heaven all the problems that prevent complete intimacy will be gone.

    F. W. Borham tells the story of the English cricket player who lost his sight in his old age. This was a cause for great grief, because he could not watch his own boy play the game in which he excelled. His son became the crack bat on his school team, but the father got small satisfaction from more

  • Treasure In Heaven Series

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Apr 26, 2021

    Greed and generosity are opposing spiritual forces. Selfishness and greed have the effect of shriveling our souls by wasting our potential for love, whereas generosity becomes the source of God’s richest blessing and joy.

    Luke 12:13-21 In the days of the Wild West there was an armed bank robbery in California involving a large sum of money. The bank hired a bounty hunter to track down the thief, and when the search led to Mexico he realized he’d need to hire an interpreter. One was found, and the bounty hunter more

  • Thankful In Heaven

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jun 25, 2022

    There are many things to be thankful for here on earth, but remember it is only temporary. Thanksgiving in Heaven is eternal.

    This is Thanksgiving season. We have much to be thankful for. I know different needs causes us to be thankful for different aspects in life. For example, ask a teenager what he is thankful for and then ask an elderly person what they're thankful for and the answer will be completely different. more

  • Heaven Or Hell

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Sep 27, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    God does not condemn a person to hell. Sin takes them there. Those who have rejected the gospel of Christ Jesus will end up in hell.

    Heaven or Hell Luke 16: 19 - 31 Intro: On Sunday, April 5, 1987 at 10:40AM a bridge on the New York State Thruway collapsed even though people in 4 cars and a driver of a semi-truck traveling at 55 to 65 mph all believed that the bridge was safe. --- Believing it was safe did not MAKE IT safe. more

  • Heaven Will Be Colorful!

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on May 11, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    You better put your prejudice away or you may not get to find out how colorful Heaven is going to be.

    Proposition: You must win all men and women to Christ! I. Because it is a sin to be prejudiced! A. You deny God’s character! Deuteronomy 10:16-19 Regards not persons B. You deny God’s Word! James 2:8,9 Love thy neighbor! II. Because more

  • Treasures In Heaven

    Contributed by Michael Monica on May 16, 2020

    Laying up treasures in heaven

    An Introduction: 1. In Ec 5:10-16, Solomon described the problem with earthly treasures... a. Money and abundance do not truly satisfy b. The abundance of the rich prevent good sleep, and often hurts the owner c. Riches perish through misfortune, and cannot be taken with us more

  • On Earth As It Is In Heaven

    Contributed by Darryl Ward on May 15, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about the realisation of God's kingdom.

    A short novel I would recommend to anyone who is interested in pondering the mysteries of theology and spirituality is Flatland by Edwin A. Abbot, an English schoolteacher, theologian, and priest, which was first published in 1884. Flatland is set in a two-dimensional universe, where everyone and more

  • Connection To Heaven Series

    Contributed by Johnny Byrd on Jul 24, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Why it is important to attach ourselves to the local church

    Why Church? Hebrews 10:23-25 23 Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. 24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage more

  • The Promise Of Heaven Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    The promise of heaven is eternal rest and freedom from all the sin, death, and destruction that permeates life. It's where weary travelers find everlasting rest and peace at the faithful feet of Jesus.

    Today, we're gonna talk about the promise of heaven. That's that awesome place we get to go to when we believe in Jesus. But first, let me show you something cool. Object Lesson: Bring out a heavy backpack filled with rocks or books. Ask for a volunteer to wear it and walk around. See this more

  • The Promise Of Heaven Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the promise of eternal rest and freedom from sin in heaven, as a part of the 'Sunday is Coming' series, which celebrates the resurrection of Christ.

    Welcome back, church! We are currently wrapping up a three week series called Sunday is Coming, which began this past Easter Sunday when we celebrated the resurrection of Christ. Which, if you’ve been following along, is a pretty big deal with far-reaching and eternal implications. What we learn more

  • The Promise Of Heaven Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the promise of eternal life and rest in heaven, as a result of Jesus' sacrifice, encouraging believers to exchange their earthly burdens for the glory of eternity.

    Welcome back, church! We are currently wrapping up a three week series called Sunday is Coming, which began this past Easter Sunday when we celebrated the resurrection of Christ. Which, if you’ve been following along, is a pretty big deal with far-reaching and eternal implications. What we learn more

  • Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 9, 2018

    We will ask God to “teach us to judge wisely the things of earth, and hold firm to the things of heaven.”

    Second Sunday of Advent 2018 Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord You may have been a bit surprised when you stood for the Introit today to find that we did not sing “O Come, Emmanuel,” which has become the musical heart of the whole Advent season. There is a good reason for that, which I’ll explain more

  • Results Of The Redeemer's Return

    Contributed by Billy Kryger on Feb 24, 2003
    based on 53 ratings

    "In the twinkling of an eye" the Lord Jesus is going to return for His people. What’s going to take place in that fraction-of-a-fraction of a second? This message lists several things.

    INTRODUCTION: The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent (it could happen at any moment). We believe that there is nothing else that needs to happen before that day when the trumpet sounds and we’ll be taken up to spend eternity with our Saviour. Our text reminds us that His more

  • The Lord's Prayer: "our Father In Heaven" Series

    Contributed by Barnabas Park on Jan 12, 2021

    Jesus taught the right pattern of pray so that His people may pray properly pray, unlike the pagans.

    The Lord's Prayer: "Our Father" (1) Matthew 6:7-9 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 "This, then, is how you more

  • Three Keys To An Open Heaven Series

    Contributed by Herman Abrahams on Oct 12, 2009
    based on 84 ratings

    When we commit ourselves to seeking the Lord on a regular basis through persevering prayer, diligent obedience and sacrificial giving we will start experiencing an open heaven from God.

    Compiled by: Herman Abrahams (Pastor), Cornerstone Faith Ministries, P.O. Box 740, Westridge 7802, Rep. of South Africa. E-Mail: Note to the reader: If you have been blessed with this sermon compilation, I would be honoured to receive an e-mail from you more

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