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  • The Baby King Series

    Contributed by Tom Cooperider on Dec 21, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The coming of the baby was not what anyone expected - this baby is the King

    Introduction I hope that you don’t mind, but I thought that I would show you some of the pictures from our family vacation… Isn’t this one of the times when you are looking for the door, looking at someone else’s family photo’s is usually not good, unless you are tied in some way. I think that more

  • The Anticipation Of The King Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Dec 23, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    In this sermon I want to show how all that took place in the life of Jesus was in fulfillment of prophecy.

    Scripture We have just heard the story of Jesus’ birth told in the Lessons and Carols. There is a sense in which the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation is about the Lord Jesus Christ. However, we have listened to various passages of Scripture that deal specifically with the birth of more

  • The Crowning Of The King

    Contributed by Clint Shrum on Dec 30, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The Crowning of our Saviour at His birth, death and second advent

    THE CROWNING OF THE KING Rev 14: 14-20 Intro: When a king takes power over the throne under normal circumstances he is the son of the reigning king or an heir to that throne. They are put into a position or place of power since there birth. And we find in the Bible there has been a number of more

  • The Return Of The King

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Feb 5, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    As Christians we long and wait for the day that the King returns.

    The Return of the King Matthew 25:31-46 January 23, 2005 Morning Service Introduction One of my favorite movies has to be the final chapter of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Return of the King. The major portion of the movie takes place in the land of Gondor. Gondor is a land without hope and more

  • Priest And King Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Feb 25, 2005
    based on 31 ratings

    Melchizedek portrays Christ as our eternal Priest and King.

    Priest and King Hebrews 6:20 – 7:28 SCRIPTURE READING: Hebrews 7:23-28 INTRODUCTION: Readers’ Digest has a section called All in a Day’s Work where people write in humorous things that happen at work. Here’s a good one: Confiding in a co-worker, I told her about a problem in our office and more

  • In The Presence Of The King Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Jul 23, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    22nd in a series from Ephesians. Our access to God has some important implications.

    A couple of weeks ago the national champion University of Arizona softball team was invited to meet President Bush at the White House. But if you or I want to visit the White House, it requires some prior arrangements. If I just want to take a trip to Washington D.C. and visit the White House, I more

  • The Kings Highway

    Contributed by Paul Shafit on Aug 6, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    No matter what the world says, Jesus is the only way.

    The Kings Highway John 14:6 The Mush god has been known to appear to millionaires on golf courses. He appears to politicians at ribbon-cutting ceremonies and to clergymen speaking the invocation on national TV at either Democratic or Republican conventions. The Mush god has no theology to speak more

  • In The Service Of The King

    Contributed by T. Michael Crews on Feb 19, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    Exposition of Col. 1:24-29

    Exactly what does it mean to serve the Lord? It was after one of those long sermons that seem to last forever that a father and his son were walking toward the door when the boy stopped in front of a plaque in the foyer. The little boy pointed and asked, “Daddy, what’s this for?” His father more

  • The Strength Of The King Series

    Contributed by Adrian Warnock on Feb 22, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    How did David keep going under pressure?

    David The strength of the servant king Audio at How can we make it* * What was it that gave David strength to be the servant King* * How can we learn from his example today in the situations we face* Psalm 18 * Heading ’A Psalm of more

  • The Character Of The King Series

    Contributed by Adrian Warnock on Feb 22, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    How did David see Gods word and the law? What can we learn from this despite being under grace?

    David The character of the servant king Last time- How to respond to difficult times * Winston Churchill’s ever patient wife told him that him that loosing the election immediately after the war might be a blessing in disguise. * His response was ’at the moment its certainly very well more

  • The Sin Of The King Series

    Contributed by Adrian Warnock on Feb 22, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Davids fall with Bathsheba can teach us much about our own struggles with sexuality.

    David & Bathsheba Audio at Preaching on the subject of sex is one of the hardest things I do. It would be much easier to dodge it. But there’d be no rescuing people from the devastation of misused sexuality and no leading them to the more

  • Jesus The King

    Contributed by Judith Hand on Nov 10, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Jesus reveals he is a MEEK ,MOCKED,and MAJESTIC king as he fulfills his purpose at the end of his earthly ministry

    SERMON : JESUS THE KING My grandfather used to say that he wished he knew where he was going to be when he died, and then he wouldn’t go there - (joking that he could avoid his death that way) But Jesus knew exactly where he would be when he died, and the scriptures tell us that he set his face more

  • Christ The King

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Nov 21, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    What are the implications of the Kingship of Christ to you today?

    The Gospel reading: John 18:33-40 33 Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" 34 "Is that your own idea," Jesus asked, "or did others talk to you about me?" 35 "Am I a Jew?" more

  • The Coming Of The King Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Nov 22, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    Jesus exposes real emotions as he comes to Jerusalem for the last time. It tells a lot about his attitude towards the lost, and towards our hearts as well.

    Jesus has just given a long story about a man who goes to become a king and what his servants do while he is gone. It has a lot of spiritual application, but it is very interesting considering what happens next. In the parable Jesus talks about a king that goes to receive his kingdom but the people more

  • The King Conquers Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on Oct 25, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The world has rejected God, and for a time they soared with the apparent freedom of an eagle. But, God will bring them down. This portion of Revelation also pictures the doom of every individual who is attempting to clutch sin and soar away from God. Let

    Revelation 19:17-20:3 Purpose: To show the awful consequences of rebelling against God. Aim: I want the listener to love and revere God so much that sin becomes very sinful. INTRODUCTION: One day a man, out hiking in the country, happened to see a magnificent golden eagle flying upward into the more

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