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  • Christians Count The Cost Of The Cross

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Nov 13, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    Pentecost 16 (C) - Christians count the cost of the cross. This price takes sacrifice. Christ makes the sacrifice.

    CHRISTIANS COUNT THE COST OF THE CROSS (Outline) September 20, 2009 -- PENTECOST 16 -- Luke 14:25-33 INTRO: At the center of the life of a Christian is Christ. At the center of the life of Christ is the cross. Today the cross is still considered by some only an instrument of extreme more

  • The Cross Has Two Beams

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Sep 4, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Ordinary Proper 18: What is the relationship between saving faith and works of righteousness? Sometimes an inability to distinguish can create confusion. But we look to Saint James to answer the question!

    There are vocations that endeavor to deal in certainty. Take engineering: I’m not certain that I would feel comfortable driving over a bridge designed by a person who simply ‘felt’ that their design would have integrity. I want somebody who will crunch the numbers and who understands beam and more

  • Candle And Cradle, Curse And Cross

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Oct 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Every positive experience has its negative side. Jesus’ coming was threatening to many, and His birth foreshadows a cross. The light of Christ, however, will never be put out.

    Dr. Seuss knew that every Christmas has a Grinch. Every positive experience, it would seem, has a dark side, a negative side. Every Christmas has a Grinch to steal away its joy. Maybe you are one of those people, and there are quite a few of them, who just get tired of the whole murky business more

  • Take Up Your Cross

    Contributed by Einar Kristoffersen on Sep 9, 2008

    To live the christian life

    TAKE UP YOUR CROSS Matthew 16:24-27 24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. 25 "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. 26 "For what will more

  • Sounds Of The Cross, Sounds Of The Resurrection

    Contributed by Richard White on Apr 11, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    In this we examine the last words of Jesus on the Cross and the first words at the Resurrection

    Sounds of the Crucifixion Sounds of the Resurrection Luke 23:34ff John 20:1 ff I am told there are a lot of books on the last words for Jesus. I will focus on these briefly and then move to the first words spoken by Jesus at the Resurrection. In John Masefield’s drama The Trial of Jesus, there more

  • The Altar Of Sacrifice And The Cross Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Mar 4, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This is the second message about the relation of the Old Testament Tabernacle and the New Testament

    (Memorial Day Weekend) SERIES: “DISCOVER THE LESSONS OF THE TABERNACLE” TEXT: VARIOUS (Start with Exodus 27:1-8) TITLE: “THE ALTAR OF SACRIFICE AND THE CROSS OF CHRIST” OPEN: A. An older couple have been invited over to another older couple’s home for dinner. When they more

  • The Way Of The Cross Pt I Series

    Contributed by Samuel Stephens on Mar 8, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    The gift of the cross, and the way to the cross so that we might recieve the gift!

    The Way of the Cross Matthew 10:38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. Matthew 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 1 Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching more

  • The Cross Opens Our Eyes

    Contributed by Mike Cleveland on Nov 9, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    The disciples on the road to Emmaus had their eyes opened when the bread was broken. The songwriter wrote, "at the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light..." The cross opens our eyes.

    Johyn 8. Nicky Cruz was the leader of the toughest gang in New York City. His Satanist parents abused him brutally, so he grew up a hardened man void of love and full of hate. “I wanted to do to others what my mother did to me,” Nicky says. “I used to feel good when I hurt people.” But privately, more

  • Take Up Your Cross

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Sep 9, 2010

    To seek after God, to follow His ways, means we must believe that His is – ever present, all knowing, all powerful.

    Take Up Your Cross ACT up part 3 12/27/09 AM Text: Luke 9:34-35 INTRODUCTION We began this month considering “our year in review”, the need to examine ourselves to ensure we are in the faith of Jesus (2 Corinthians 13:5.) We have learned there is great value in examining ourselves and more

  • Jesus - Confession, Cross & Challenge

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 24, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus - Confession, Cross & Challenge (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Mark chapter 8 verses 27- chapter 9 verse 1. Ill: • The Duke of Wellington is best remembered; • As the general who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo on Sunday 18th June 1815. • During his earlier service in India, • Wellington was in charge of negotiations after the battle of Assaye. more

  • Following Christ To The Cross And Resurrection

    Contributed by Richard Futrell on Nov 24, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    Where then can we turn when our possessions do not satisfy, our politicians fail us, our presents get old, and passions whither into pain? Where can we turn? We can turn only to the God of our salvation.

    Intro They are nearly gone. The leaves, that is. Rich in the green of spring, they are even more stunning in autumn: gold, auburn, red as if on fire. Then follows the falling leaves and the blowing wind. Finally, only the muted-brown pallor of death remains. This death is followed by cold, more

  • Word Of Salvation: Thief On The Cross

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 29, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    Word of Salvation: Thief on the Cross. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Luke chapter 23 verses 32-43. Ill: • When evangelist John Wesley (1703-1791) was returning home from a service one night, • He was robbed. • The thief must have been disappointed; • Because his victim had only a little money and some Christian literature. more

  • The Cross Sets Us Free Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on Feb 28, 2010

    Why are we taking four weeks to study the Cross of Christ? Have you ever used Google Maps? You can see the map using a street view, satellite view or the regular map with lines and street names. All three are of the same area, but it gets confusing to loo

    Purpose: To explain the impact the Cross has on our lives. Aim: I want the listener to see himself as a possession of Jesus Christ. INTRODUCTION: Why are we taking four weeks to study the Cross of Christ? Have you ever used Google Maps? You can see the map using a street view, satellite view or more

  • Which Side Of The Cross Are You On

    Contributed by Clint Shrum on Jan 14, 2007
    based on 76 ratings

    How the death of the two thieves are pertinent to our spiritiual condition and position with Christ

    WHICH SIDE OF THE CROSS ARE YOU ON Luke 23:33-43 Intro: In these passages of scripture Luke takes us to Calvary’s Hill. Here we find three men being killed two for being criminals and one for being perfect. And more times than not I would preach on the middle cross out of these scriptures but more

  • How Jesus Saw The Cross

    Contributed by Monte Brown on Jan 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    “To make you stand before the Lord blameless with great joy. This has come about because of the cross.”

    Scripture “To make you stand before the Lord blameless with great joy. This has come about because of the cross.” Prayer Introduction So how did Jesus see the cross? Read John 17:1-26 How should we think about the cross? Let us look at the prayer that Jesus prayed before the cross. There more

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