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  • The Church At Pergamum: A Compromising Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016

    The church at Pergamum

    The Church at Pergamum: A Compromising Church - Revelation 2 - 1/24/10 Turn with me this morning to the last book in the Bible, the book of Revelation, chapter 2. We want to continue on today, looking at the question, “What does God think of His church?” Here in Revelation 1, we more

  • The Danger Of Being At Church And Not In Church

    Contributed by Mcclinton Hall on Jul 12, 2004
    based on 106 ratings

    This sermon deals with how we sometimes miss what God has for us by not attending church or when we do attend, we don’t worship like we ought to.

    The Danger Of Being Church At And Not In Church Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour. And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is more

  • The Church At Philadelphia: A Committed Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    The church at Philadelphia

    The Church at Philadelphia: A Committed Church - Revelation 3:7-13 - 2/14/10 Turn with me this morning to the last book in the Bible, the book of Revelation, chapter 3. We want to continue on today, looking at the question, “What does God think of His church?” Here in Revelation 1, more

  • Rejoice With Me; Searching For The Lost Series

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Aug 8, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon was deliberately intended to shock and shake up the Church. God’s priorities need to be our priorities - the Lost!

    ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep’ (15:6). ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin’ (15:9). Rejoice with me; a young drug dealer is now clean. Rejoice with me; a former racist has completely changed his ways. Rejoice with me; a broken-hearted abused woman has found healing in body, more

  • Bury The Church Or Better The Church

    Contributed by Sajayan Chacko on Jan 29, 2024


    Illustration: Years ago in a small quiet community, it was the tradition that when someone died that the pastor would go to the church and ring the church bell three times. This was how the little town would know when someone passed away. So one Sunday afternoon, the pastor of the little more

  • The Danger Of Being At Church And Not In Church

    Contributed by Dr. Jwt Spies on Aug 1, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Knowing that God can make a way!!!!!!!

    As I was scanning through the scriptural neighborhood I stopped in the neighborhood of Acts 3 and looked at the scenes that were there and I quickly moved to chapter 4 because I said that I have preached this text before, as I was turning God said no go back because I want to show you something more

  • The Church At Thyatira: A Corrupt Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016

    The church at Thyatira

    The Church at Thyatira: A Corrupt Church - Revelation 2:18-29 - 1/31/10 Turn with me this morning to the last book in the Bible, the book of Revelation, chapter 2. We want to continue on today, looking at the question, “What does God think of His church?” Here in Revelation 1, we more

  • A Great Church Is An Evangelistic Church Series

    Contributed by Scott Spencer on Apr 6, 2016

    We need to think about how we present to our community. Sometimes words or terms mean things to us, but not to general people in the community.

    A Tour Through Acts ~ part 9 A Great Church is an Evangelistic Church Acts 2:47b And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2:47b) I was looking online at what churches have on their web page. I wanted to see just how the churches of that city were trying to more

  • A Great Church Is A Generous Church Series

    Contributed by Scott Spencer on Apr 6, 2016

    Here we see another mark of a great church. A great church is a generous church.

    A Tour Through Acts ~ part 7 A Great Church is a Generous Church Acts 2:45 Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. (Acts 2:45) The Sunday School Teacher asked her eight eager 10-year-olds if they would give $1,000,000 to their church. "YES!" they all screamed!! more

  • A Good Church Or A Great Church

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Mar 3, 2004
    based on 39 ratings

    What does it take to make a church a great church?

    The Church. The Church. When I say church, what do you think of? A little white clapboard building with a steeple and a bell, or perhaps the Crystal Cathedral in California. Maybe you don’t think of a building instead you think of people, perhaps your friends and fellow believers at BCC come to more

  • What Is A True Church? Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Aug 18, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    How does one distinguish a true church from a false church? This sermon examines three marks that define a true church of Christ.

    Scripture Last week I began a short series of sermons on the topic of the church. Jesus is building his church. All over the world, whether in urban or rural areas, in densely or sparsely populated areas, or in places hostile or friendly toward Christianity, Jesus is building his church. The more

  • The Church At Laodicea: A Complacent Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016

    The church at Laodicean

    The Church at Laodicea: A Complacent Church - Revelation 3:14-22 - 2/21/10 Turn with me this morning to the last book in the Bible, the book of Revelation, chapter 3. As you’re turning, think about getting ready for church this morning. If you are female, you probably thought through your more

  • The Church At Smyrna: A Crushed Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016

    A look at the Church of Smyrna

    The Church at Smyrna: A Crushed Church -- Revelation 2 -- 1/17/10 Turn with me this morning to the book of Revelation. We want to continue on today, looking at the question, “What does God think of His church?” Here in Revelation 1, we find the disciple John, living on an island more

  • The New Church

    Contributed by Jeff Hughes on Dec 28, 2002
    based on 19 ratings

    The birth of the early church / an Intro to Acts/

    The New Church Acts 1:1-4 I. Introduction a. The book of Acts is a first-hand account of the beginnings of the church. But, the book of Acts is more than history. It tells us about the love of Jesus for the world, and how that love was poured out to the ends of the earth. I think it is fitting more

  • The Church At Smyrna Series

    Contributed by Steaven Snow on Nov 12, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    A Sermon on the Faithfulness of Smyrna

    Chapter 4 The Church at Smyrna Revelation 2:8-11 continues Christ’s address to the Seven Churches. He speaks to the church in Smyrna. This church was the church that was headed by the martyr Polycarp, a disciple of John’s in the second century. It was one of only two churches addressed in a more

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