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  • A Personal Encounter With Jesus.” Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Aug 28, 2006
    based on 19 ratings

    # 5 in series -A Study of the Book of John - “That You May Believe.” We learn four things about the Lord from Nathanael’s personal encounter with Jesus.

    A Study of the Book of John “That You May Believe” Sermon # 5 “A Personal Encounter With Jesus.” John 1:43-51 Last week we looked at “The Requirement of Following Jesus” by looking at the call of Andrew. What stands out more

  • An Encounter With The Enthroned Almighty

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jul 30, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    When Isaiah received a fresh glimpse of God, it changed his whole outlook on life, as well as himself. This message challenges Christians and churches alike to take a fresh look at God in all His holiness.

    AN ENCOUNTER WITH THE ENTHRONED ALMIGHTY Text: Isa.6: 1 Intro: For many years now, Isaiah chapter six has been one of my favorite passages of scripture. It seems that though I have read it perhaps hundreds of times over the last twenty years or so, there still seems to be something new that can more

  • A Spiritual Encounter With God

    Contributed by John Butler on Aug 11, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Learn from Isaiah and Jacob what a face to face experience with God will do to the believer.

    An Encounter with God Turn to Isaiah 6:1-8 I. Something More Than A Shout (Introduction)... I’m glad I go to a church where I can lift up the name of the Lord right out loud! Amen? I love singing songs, clapping and shouting in church just as much as the next guy, maybe even more! But more

  • Nathanael's Encounter With Jesus

    Contributed by Monte Brown on Sep 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    We see that Jesus affirms Nathanael that he knows him. Then Nathanael accepts him, then acknowledges him, and then anticipates his greatness. This leads us to look at “The Four A’s of Nathanael’s Encounter with Jesus.”

    Nathanael’s Encounter with Jesus John 1:45-51 Monte T. Brown September 7, 2008 Sunday Morning Heart O’ the Hills Introduction Early in the ministry of Jesus chooses Philip to be one of his disciples and in return, we see that Philip takes Jesus to Nathanael and more

  • Encountering The Resurrected Christ Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Apr 12, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    What if... Jesus really did rise from the dead? And what if... we can know Him in the power of His resurrection? When we encounter the resurrected Christ, everything changes.

    ENCOUNTERING THE RESURRECTED CHRIST OPENING TEXT: “Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down! That the mountains might shake at Your presence… When You did awesome things for which we did not look, You came down, The mountains shook at Your presence. For since the beginning of more

  • A True Encounter With God

    Contributed by Richard Cook on Aug 10, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    But somewhere in your walk with God you have to grow beyond just a singing and shouting relationship with God.You have to learn how to walk and live for God!Somewhere you have to reach the point that your relationship is an intimate one.It involves talkin

    Psalms says: “I will praise the Lord according to his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord most high" “I will sing unto the Lord because he halt dealt bountifully with me” “I will sing, yea I will sing praise unto the Lord” “Sing unto the Lord o ye his saints and give more

  • Encounters With The Living Christ

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Mar 17, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Often we do not recognize when God is at work in our lives. Even those that walked with Jesus had difficulty recognizing the Risen Lord (Ideas for this sermon taken from an article entitled A Manifold Resurrection by John Witte and a Christianity Today

    Introduction As I was reading the accounts of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ … most started with … Mk 15:22 Then they brought Him to the place Golgotha, which is translated, Place of a Skull. (Picture- skull/cross bones, Tina Manthorpe) There is a principle that unfolds out of more

  • Encounters With A Living Christ Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Mar 25, 2008

    Often we do not recognize when God is at work in our lives. Even those that walked with Jesus had difficulty recognizing the Risen Lord (Ideas for this sermon taken from an article entitled A Manifold Resurrection by John Witte and a Christianity Today)

    Introduction 2nd part of series- examining how people responded when they encountered Jesus after His resurrection If we lived when Jesus walked on- earth, how would we have responded to- man- claimed to be God? Would we believe He was who He said He was? Why would the miracles convince us He more

  • Handling The Power Encounter

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    As Paul and his team went out into a dark world, it was no surprise that there were times when the light came smack up against the darkness. These "power encounters" are inevitable. How do we handle them?

    Passage: Acts 16:16-41 Intro: When we hear the word power, certain pictures come to mind. 1. huge guns, bombers, nuclear warheads. 2. human beings are obsessed with power, we love to be the ones with more. 3. every Sunday in the Fall, teams walk onto the football field for a “power encounter,” to more

  • Narnia: Encounter The Power Series

    Contributed by Terry Martell on Dec 28, 2005

    A look at the lion from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe- Aslan is his name. A brief overview of the story and the significant lessons we can learn. Aslan’s death is a picture of Ultimate love- a substitutionary sacrifice for one who is undeserving; g

    Narnia Christmas Series “Encounter the Power” Oakbrook Church 12/18/05 Intro.- “What’s up with the lion?” (slide) On posters and TV advertisement everywhere, billboard on Schuering Rd, the 8’ oil painting; what’s up with the lion? Here we are in the middle of December 2005, when people are afraid more

  • An Uncomfortable Encounter With Christ Series

    Contributed by Joseph Marshall on Jun 24, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Now these issues will destroy your life if you do not have one necessary component. That necessary component is a rock solid assurance in the character of God. When you can not understand what He is doing, the only thing you have left is your certainty

    As Christians we think that when we come to Christ everything will be a bed of roses. At times, we have to wrestle with things that seem the exact opposite of what we know of God. At times, I get questions as a pastor to try to explain the Tsunamis, earthquakes, illness, and such. Quite more

  • A Tearful Encounter With Church Series

    Contributed by Joseph Marshall on Jun 24, 2006

    Each family here has experienced death and sorrow at sometime in our life. We have found that death claims loved ones of all ages, shapes, and sizes. Each person deals with death differently. One come demoninator in death is the shedding of tears. How

    Each family here has experienced death and sorrow at sometime in our life. We have found that death claims loved ones of all ages, shapes, and sizes. Each person deals with death differently. One come demoninator in death is the shedding of tears. How can we survive when death takes loved more

  • Encounter With A Blind Man Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on Feb 18, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    All of our spiritual eyes are blinded, but by God’s Amazing grace we can spiritually see.

    “Jesus’ Encounter with a Blind Man” Introduction: Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now am found Was blind, but now I see I believe that a person can suffer from blindness and still have 20/20 vision. I believe that person can see thing around more

  • Encounter With An Adulterous Woman Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on Feb 23, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    Sometimes we respond to people’s sin and think we are responding the way that God would have. The best way to see how to deal with sin is to see how Jesus dealt with people’s sins during His life.

    “Encounters with Jesus: An Adulterous Woman” Introduction: I heard a story of a girl and a guy who were dating; they were a very religious couple. They went to the local Christian church and were there every time the doors were open. They tried very hard to center their relationship around more

  • God Encounters: Paul Series

    Contributed by Wesley Bishop on Sep 13, 2004
    based on 20 ratings

    This is about Paul’s conversion.

    Turning points are those things that happen, where after it life is never the same. Inventions are often turning points. The automobile altered life forever. The PC altered life forever. Cell phones (the electronic leash) altered life forever. It took almost a week for the assassination of A. more

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