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  • Heaven Is A Concert Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Jun 24, 2013

    Heaven is all about harmony, unity, a place where divisions will be past and we will be one Body. Heaven is a symphony where each movement is better than the one before. "You ain't heard nothin' yet!"

    What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to? I have several: I remember going to Lincoln Center to hear the NY Philharmonic perform Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto #2. Seeing Paul McCartney in Frankfurt, Germany was quite an experience. Wynton Marsalis playing jazz in San more

  • Headed For Heaven

    Contributed by Paul Norwood on Feb 26, 2013

    Nine reasons why we should want to go to heaven.

    “Headed for Heaven” Text: 1 Peter 1:3-9 I. Welcome II. Introduction As we focus on our theme this year, our goal is to be the type of Christian who is pleasing to Christ and not one who makes Him sick. But, if we continue reading the Lord’s message to the church at Laodicea, we more

  • Heaven On Earth

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Apr 24, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    As God ushers in a new phase of eternity, John describes it in the form of a city, a wedding, and a tabernacle. All pain, sadness, and death will be stripped away. We will be with God forever, completely fulfilled in him.

    Revelation 21:1-6 Heaven on Earth The famous Christian author, C.S. Lewis, once wrote, “The Christians who did the most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next.” Today and next week we’re going to think a little of the next world. We’re in week more

  • Heaven Is Real

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Apr 27, 2016

    Heaven is not a concept, but it is a litteral place that believers will spend eternity with Jesus Christ.

    Heaven is real Introduction- Prayer- I appreciate all the kind words for Becky and I n the loss of our sister-in-law Charlotte and my brother’s brother-in-law Ron. It has been tough. It did make me do some thinking. Life events make you think- marriages, divorces, deaths, children born, more

  • On Earth As It Is In Heaven

    Contributed by Darryl Ward on May 15, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about the realisation of God's kingdom.

    A short novel I would recommend to anyone who is interested in pondering the mysteries of theology and spirituality is Flatland by Edwin A. Abbot, an English schoolteacher, theologian, and priest, which was first published in 1884. Flatland is set in a two-dimensional universe, where everyone and more

  • Acceptance To Heaven? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jul 10, 2017

    worldly possessions can blind people of heaven and living a godly life

    Let us continue our worship of God by listening and learning from His Word. But let us never forget that we can be so smart and know the Bible but not actually live out, we would be just fooling ourselves and mocking God. James 1:22 tells us, “do not merely listen to the Word but live it out!” So, more

  • Connection To Heaven Series

    Contributed by Johnny Byrd on Jul 24, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Why it is important to attach ourselves to the local church

    Why Church? Hebrews 10:23-25 23 Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. 24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage more

  • Treasures In Heaven

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Aug 6, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Our hearts will be where our treasure is. Those who are greedy and anxious about stuff put their emphasis on worldly goods. Those who trust in God’s provision invest their hearts in heaven.

    All of us are stewards. Does that seem strange to you? Well, it shouldn’t. All of us have responsibilities over one corner or another of God’s household. Just as we have to look after our own households, we also have to look after the part of God’s household that he has given us more

  • No Tears In Heaven

    Contributed by David Nolte on Aug 14, 2016

    Reasons to know there will be no tears in Heaven.

    “No Tears In Heaven!” Revelation 21:1-4 David P. Nolte Tears. They flow sometimes in grief, sometimes in pain, sometimes in regret, sometimes in sympathy, sometimes in weariness, sometimes in anger, sometimes in fear, sometimes in relief and sometimes in joy. But the day is more

  • Stairway To Heaven

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Sep 25, 2014

    Jesus makes some contrasts and comparisons in order to declare his path to God.

    1. Led Zepplin A rock band that came on the scene in the early 1970's by the name of Led Zeppelin. They became one of the most popular rock bands in history. One song in particular grabbed the heart and soul of world, it was called "Stairway to Heaven." This song talks about a woman who thinks her more

  • The Sacrifice Of Heaven

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Dec 30, 2011

    Jesus became the perfect sacrifice to allow us to gain the possibility of heaven

    The Sacrifice of Heaven John 3:16 Easter Morning Service Little Philip, born with Down's syndrome, attended a third-grade Sunday School class with several eight-year-old boys and girls. Typical of that age, the children did not readily accept Philip with his differences, according to an article in more

  • The Healing Of Heaven Series

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Dec 30, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Heaven is the place of ultimate healing

    The Healing of Heaven Revelation 21:1-4, 1 Corinthians 15:50-54, 2 Corinthians 5:1-4 May 8, 2011 Morning Service Introduction Happy Mother’s Day We are in the middle of a series of messages on the subject of Heaven. Heaven is a place of sacrifice because Jesus gave Himself for us. Heaven more

  • Heaven Is For Real Series

    Contributed by Patrick Nix on Jan 5, 2012

    “If you read history, you will find that the Christians who did the most for this world were those who thought most of the next.” - CS Lewis

    “If you read history, you will find that the Christians who did the most for this world were those who thought most of the next.” - CS Lewis Are You Living Up to Heaven? According to 1 John 3:2-3, the reality of Heaven produces a purifying hope - a motivation to real, spiritual more

  • Heavens Courtroom Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Aug 27, 2017

    Wil God hold things against me.

    I’m thankful to say that I’ve never been the subject of courtroom proceedings, though I was called to testify once and, specifically, to answer questions upon a subject on which I had some knowledge. The hope was that my answers would help the court settle a conflict between two people. Each party more

  • The Present Heaven Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Nov 16, 2014

    How and where do believes exist between their deaths and Jesus' Second Coming? (Material adapted from Daniel Overdorf's book, What the Bible Has to Say About the Church: Rediscovering Community; chapter 15 Eternally Worshiping, pgs. 386- 390)

    HoHum: Begin by reading Luke 16:19-31 From Rick Kallstrom- A few years ago I preached a message on hell. After the service I walked to the back of the church to shake hands with members of the congregation as they left the church. One individual said to me, “Preacher, I never knew what hell more

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