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  • Religiosity Or Spirituality

    Contributed by Selvan John on Nov 8, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    To clarify the confusion between being religious and being spiritual.

    We are very religious but not too sure, if we are spiritual, what is the difference? Are they the same? On the other hand, do they have different meanings to convey? We often confuse with both the terms, they have very different meaning to convey. In order to understand them better let us first more

  • Spiritual Disciplnes Series

    Contributed by Noel Atkinson on Jan 17, 2011

    Looks at the type of community God wants us to be from a biblical perspective. Is the vision for your church biblical, are we moving in the right direction? Is our teaching biblical? Is our prayer life vibrant? do we welcome the stranger into our home?

    South Perth Baptist Church Vision for 2011 The Goldfields Water Supply Scheme is a pipeline and dam project which delivers water to communities in Western Australia's Eastern Goldfields, particularly Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie. The project was started in 1896 and was completed in 1903. Taking 7 more

  • Spiritual Fitness Series

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Mar 1, 2010

    In these statements, Paul gave to Timothy, Titus, and now to us, principles which are true and dependable, truths upon which we can build our faith and our lives in Christ.

    Spiritual Fitness A trustworthy statement 08/31/08 AM Text: 1 Timothy 4:1-9 Introduction This morning we have the third lesson drawn from the letters of Paul that we often refer to as the “Pastoral Epistles”, those letters written to Timothy and Titus. In this lesson, as with the others, we focus more

  • Spiritual Adolescence

    Contributed by Joanna Beveridge on Jan 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Just as we need to grow physically, so we need to grow spiritually

    Tonight I’m going to start by telling you a joke. A door-to-door salesman is selling encyclopaedias. He knocks on the door of a house and when the man of the house answers, the salesman begins to expound the virtues of his product. He hasn’t got very far into his sales pitch when the prospective more

  • Spiritual Blindness

    Contributed by Robert Cox on Feb 7, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    I once was blind, but now I see!

    JOHN 9:10 I once was blind, but now I see.......10"How then were your eyes opened?" they demanded.11He replied, "The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. He told me to go to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and then I could see." 12"Where is this man?" they asked him. "I more

  • A Spiritual Protection

    Contributed by Ricardo Rodriguez on Jul 15, 2009

    What would you say are the needs of every child? • What are the needs of every person? • What are the needs of our soul? It is interesting how here in the United States we have so many advantages and protections for our children yet, they are in dang

    A Spiritual Protection “Stones of Remembrance” 12/7/2006 - Marsing, ID Ricardo Rodriguez Eph 6:1-3; 11-12 “1Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 2Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) 3That it may be well with thee, more

  • Breakthrough Spirituality Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Jul 17, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Have you ever felt like a spiritual hypocrite? Good news… Jesus understands… and he came not to condemn us… but to call us out… from outward religion to real life and relationship with God.

    Breakthrough Spirituality Brad Bailey – February 25, 2007 (Much of the ‘commentary’ notes used in prep for this message are from or adapted from Don Williams, KingdomRain website study on Gospel of Mark Such commentary was never read but merely serves as ideas that were drawn on and more

  • Spiritual Encounter

    Contributed by Daniel Haas on Aug 7, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We are to be a bread and butter church

    John 3:1-17 Spiritual Encounter - “Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above.” - Born-again Christians are not exactly what I wanna be - heartfelt Mormonism - love mircales: Glenn Beck crying for job, statehood revelation requirements - legalistic more

  • Spiritual Adultery Series

    Contributed by Jerry Smith on Aug 10, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    the sermon parallels the physical adultery of the woman and the spiritual adultery of the Pharisees

    As I was preparing this message on the woman taken in adultery, I really wanted to focus only on the woman and not anything about the Pharisees. However, the more I studied the passage the more I came to understand a message there I had never seen before. Turn with me to John 8:1-11. (Show video more

  • Soil Spirituality

    Contributed by David Flowers on Sep 13, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    On this Friend Day at Wildwind, Dave makes the case that a local church is kind of like soil. As the health of a plant is determined in large part by the soil in which it is planted, so the health of a Christ-follower (or God-seeker) is determined by the

    Soil Spirituality Friend Day Sept. 10, 2006 Wildwind Community Church David Flowers I want to begin by welcoming all our guests this morning. At 10:30 on a Sunday morning, especially as summer wraps up and we look toward fall, there are ten-thousand other things you could be doing at this more

  • Spiritual Athletics

    Contributed by James May on Sep 24, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    6 points to remember as we run this race toward Heaven.

    Spiritual Athletics By Pastor Jim May Most of us have watched the Olympics on TV. We have watched as the athletes competed in all sorts of contests. Regardless of their area of competition, every athlete had to pay a high price to get to the Olympics. I know a young man who had such a dream. more

  • Spiritual Priorities

    Contributed by Gary Birch on Jul 14, 2006
    based on 29 ratings

    What are our Spiritual priorities? Have we got God in the correct place in our life?

    Distinguished American preacher, Haddon Robinson points out that one old recipe for rabbit stew starts with this injunction: "First catch the rabbit." Robinson notes: "The writer knew how to put first things first. That’s what we do when we establish priorities -- we put the things that should be more

  • Spiritual Kidnapping Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jul 14, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    What are you doing to protect yourself from being kidnapped spiritually?

    INTRODUCTION • Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., twenty-month-old son of the famous aviator and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, was kidnapped about 9:00 p.m., on March 1, 1932, from the nursery on the second floor of the Lindbergh home near Hopewell, New Jersey. The child’s absence was discovered and more

  • Spiritual Unpreparedness

    Contributed by Travis Johnson on Aug 9, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    Jesus is coming soon. Are you prepared for His coming?

    SPIRITUAL UNPREPAREDNESS Matthew 25:1-13 Intro: ILL- In April, 1988 a cameraman who was also a skydiver jumped from a plane along with several others & filmed them as they individually jumped out of the plane. After the final skydiver opened his chute something tragic happened. The cameraman, more

  • Spiritual Authority Series

    Contributed by Robert Higgins on Aug 23, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    What authority is to be wielded by those God has called? What is authority? What limits has God placed upon us?

    Introduction: When a pastor begins to speak about “spiritual authority” in a church, there is always a cringe on the part of the congregation. Women expect a sermon about “submission,” deacons expect a message on “getting in line behind the pastor’s vision,” youth imagine being told they better more

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