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  • Reflection B.19 / Does God Have A Purpose In Coronavirus? / Summary So Far. Do We Imagine God Has Something To Say?

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on May 11, 2020

    This is a summary of the Reflections on coronavirus so far (series A and B). I will follow with a series based on the New Testament excluding Revelation, and then another on Revelation, in the coming weeks.

    Today we’re at a milestone in our Reflections. We’ll be leaving the Old Testament! Do I hear ‘hooray’? 🙂 After a short break we’ll move on to the New Testament. A milestone is a good place to take stock. It’s probably impossible to summarise 23 Reflections in a short space but I’m more

  • Jesus Is Stronger

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Jan 25, 2021

    The story of Jesus casting out a demon in Luke 11 teaches us that Jesus has the power to release us from the power of Satan and indeed from everything that enslaves us. The story also shows us how Jesus deals with reproach and the necessity of positively choosing Jesus.

    INTRODUCTION We are continuing our series in Luke. Today, we have the story of Jesus casting out a demon. I suspect that this story might not be the first choice of many preachers. Casting out demons probably seems very alien to many of us. But this story appears in Matthew, Mark and Luke and more

  • A Passion For The Lost

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Feb 8, 2021

    Jesus welcomed those who others rejected. The Pharisees and scribes pushed them away. The crowd just watched. Who will we be like?

    We’re continuing our journey with Jesus and his disciples from Galilee to Jerusalem. This week we’re taking a big hop from Luke 12 to Luke 15. As Jesus and his disciples travelled, Jesus has been teaching [picture on slide]. He and his disciples have been healing and casting out demons. more

  • Therefore, Do Not Be Anxious!

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Feb 11, 2021

    Jesus isn't simply telling us not to be anxious. He's calling us to have a completely different attitude towards material possessions and material needs from the rich fool; to be confident in God and in that confidence, to be rich towards God and others.

    ‘Do not be anxious.’ That’s what Jesus told his disciples. If only! we might think. Can we banish anxiety from our hearts simply because Jesus tells us to? We’re in a series in Luke, following Jesus and his disciples on their journey from Galilee down to Jerusalem. Their journey starts in Luke more

  • The Parable Of The Prodigal Son

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Feb 20, 2021

    The parable explains why Jesus received tax collectors and sinners and why we need to too. It's all about God's grace!

    Today we’re going to look at the Parable of the Prodigal Son. It’s Jesus’ longest parable and one of the most famous. We can look at this story from several perspectives. We could reflect on the father in the story and what he shows us of God’s extraordinary grace. We could think about the more

  • Not The Prodigal Son

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Feb 28, 2021

    In the parable of the Prodigal Son, the younger son squandered his inheritance. And yet, his father received him back. So, is what we do with our money not important?!’ The Parable of the Dishonest Manager is Jesus' answer.

    "Not the prodigal son" Today we’re looking at what is often called the Parable of the Dishonest Manager, or the Parable of the Shrewd Manager, or similar. A rich man entrusts his manager with stewardship of his assets. The manager wastes his master’s wealth. The rich man demands an more

  • The Gospel. Part 3: What Happens If We Accept Jesus?

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Nov 15, 2020

    When we accept Jesus we ARE a new creation and the old passes away. There is new birth and death. But we shouldn't imagine for a moment that the job is done. Just as a new baby needs nurturing, our new spiritual selves need nurturing. And our old selves need to be shown the door.

    The Gospel, Part 3 We have now reached the third of our four talks in our series ‘the gospel.’ Part 1: The problem Part 2: The solution Part 3: What changes if we accept Jesus? Part 4: What happens if we reject Jesus? [Slide of Adam and Eve] In part 1 of this series on ‘the gospel’ we first more

  • The Gospel. Part 4: What Happens If We Reject Jesus?

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Nov 24, 2020

    Without Jesus in our lives, sin takes hold; weeds start to grow up in the garden of our lives. But the consequences for eternity are much more serious. However, does scripture really lead us to expect the 'pains of hell for ever'?

    Please note. The passage for this talk is Matthew 25:31-46, however the main focus of the talk is v.46. Part 4: What happens if we reject Jesus? Today we have the fourth and last talk in my series on the gospel. We’re thinking about the question, ‘What happens if we reject Jesus?’ Quite a more

  • Christmas: Reason To Hope

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Nov 28, 2020

    Simeon hoped to see the messiah before he died and he did. His story teaches us something about why we hope and how to hope.

    We’ve just sung that great song by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend, ‘In Christ alone my hope is found.’ That’s quite a declaration! Getty wrote the music and Townend wrote the words. Townend isn’t merely saying that Jesus is A source of HOPE. He’s saying that Jesus is the ONLY source of hope! more

  • Jesus, Prince Of Peace

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Dec 5, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Peace is central to Christmas. Jesus came to heal the age-old fracture and bring us peace with God and he's the only one who can.

    What does Christmas mean to you? What do you like best about Christmas? Spending time with family and friends? Christmas trees? Turkey roasts? Christmas puddings and brandy butter? Stockings? Santa? Presents? Carols? A season of goodwill when we put past hurts aside? I certainly like all more

  • Joy To The World

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Dec 12, 2020

    The angel proclaimed ‘good news of great joy.’ Sounds great! But what exactly is this good news? What kind of joy should we experience? Do you have that joy?

    In the lead-up to Christmas this year we’re focusing on four great themes: hope, peace, joy and love. Many churches have Advent candles and they associate these four themes with the first four Advent candles. The fifth candle is for Jesus. The last two Sundays we looked at hope and peace; today more

  • Jesus Will Come Again.

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Dec 26, 2020

    Covid-19, Brexit, climate change. The world today seems very fragile. But at Christmas we remember not only that Jesus came 2000 years ago but also that he will come again. When he does, he will establish a kingdom that will last forever.

    Each year, the Oxford English Dictionary identifies a word as its ‘word of the year.’ But this year, the Oxford English Dictionary was unable to. There were just too many new words in this ‘unprecedented’ year to be able to pick one. The word ‘unprecedented’ would be my word of the year. When more

  • The Journey Of The Christian Life

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Jan 2, 2021

    The Christian life is much more than a single decision to follow Jesus. It's a lifelong journey with Jesus. Jesus is with us on this journey. The journey is his classroom; it provides the context in which we learn to be like him.

    Today we’re just about at the end of the Christmas season and we’re going to move on from our Christmas themes. We’re starting a new series in the gospel of Luke and we’ll mostly continue in Luke until Easter. But before we start to look at our passage I want to explain why it’s so important that more

  • What Mary Got Right

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Jan 9, 2021

    Mary was willing to leave the role society expected of her. She's a great example to us: Jesus calls all of us, in one way or another, to leave.

    This talk starts with a very short sketch, done online. The person who plays Martha will need an apron, a rolling pin and a few pans. Sketch: [Members of the cast first introduce themselves.] Simon-Peter: Hey, Andrew, we’re quite close to Bethany, aren’t we? Andrew: Yes. Mary and Martha live more

  • The Supreme Fact

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Apr 5, 2021

    Jesus' resurrection is the supreme fact in history and the supreme fact for every believer.

    INTRODUCTION I’d like to start by telling you a bit about the time in my life after I became a Christian. I became a Christian when I was about ten. For a few years life went on much as before. Then I went on to secondary school. It was a private boarding school. When I started it was an more

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