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  • All Evil Turns In To Good Series

    Contributed by Caleb Simon on Oct 17, 2013

    The plan which was planned by Satan of crucifying Jesus, the same plan was used in heaven to bring victory

    God gave me a good thought about changing all evil in to good, and i am glad to share it with all the children of God. For thousands of thousands years Satan was fearful about a prophecy said by GOD about him. Scripture says in Genesis 3:15 " I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and more

  • 1 The Good Samaritan, Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Jan 17, 2020

    Doing is essential for our salvation. Doing means keeping God’s law. But we can’t be justified by doing!

    N.B. This talk is in two parts. This is the first. The second talk is uploaded as '3 The Good Samaritan, Part 2'. Also, I can email you the slides I used - INTRODUCTION [Slide 1] This is my first talk as minister of Rosebery Park Baptist Church – or as minister of more

  • 2 A Cup Of Coffee

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Jan 28, 2020

    Jesus sees what we’re doing; he values our service to him, even in things that might seem very small to us; and he will reward our service.

    A cup of coffee *** Background: my second service as minister; the interim minister is leaving. At the start of the service I make a cappuccino coffee and cut a piece of cake. I invite Jo, the church secretary, to come to the front and then serve the coffee and cake, explaining that it is a more

  • 3 The Good Samaritan, Part 2

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Jan 30, 2020

    The lawyer asks, 'Who is my neighbour?' We should not take 'neighbour' to include everyone! But Jesus' parable warns us against excluding people from the group of people we regard as 'neighbour'.

    3 The Good Samaritan, Part 2 Note: this talk is the continuation of ‘1 The Good Samaritan, Part 1’, which is also available on Sermon Central. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, the expert in the law in the story had two questions. His first question was, ‘What must I do to inherit eternal more

  • 4 The Parable Of The Talents

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Jan 30, 2020

    What does this parable mean? Who is the man with the servants who goes on a journey? What are the talents he gives his servants? And how does the parable apply to us?

    Matthew 25:14-30 What does this parable mean? Who is the man with the servants who goes on a journey? What are the talents he gives his servants? And how does the parable apply to us? What does the parable mean? An important rule when we’re looking at Scripture is to look at the context. more

  • 5. Is Baptism Important?

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Jan 30, 2020

    We often don't give baptism the importance we should. We look at why baptism is important.

    5 Is Baptism important? Mark 1:1-13 Mark's gospel starts with John the Baptist baptising and then goes straight onto Jesus being baptised. So, it’s natural to talk about baptism! Baptism is a somewhat controversial subject as different churches and denominations hold different views on more

  • 6. The First Preacher And The First Sermon

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Feb 6, 2020

    The message Jesus drew from the story of Noah is that his coming will be as unexpected as the flood was for the people of Noah’s day. But most people don't believe his coming will be like the flood.

    6. The first preacher and the first sermon Sermon on 29 Sept 2019 PM, at Rosebery Park Baptist Church, Bournemouth, UK. According to the Bible, who was the world’s first preacher? And what was his sermon? The answer is Noah! We know Noah was a preacher from this verse in 2 Peter: ‘…if he did more

  • Reflection A.1 / Coronavirus - First Response / Go To God First

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on May 9, 2020

    In Isaiah 22, Isaiah imagines Jerusalem's response to a crisis - an enemy attack. The city prepares - but forgets God.

    This is an approximately daily reflection in response to coronavirus. As of 9th May, the number of people infected has passed four million and the number of deaths is 275,000. In the UK, we've passed the peak. But around the world the graph of infections against time is showing little sign more

  • Reflection A.2 / Coronavirus - First Response / Prayer Brought An End To A Plague

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on May 9, 2020

    Three examples of God's people praying in response to a plague

    Some Christians are asking why we’re experiencing this pandemic. Is coronavirus a judgement from God? Are we living in end times? Interesting questions! But I started yesterday on the subject of prayer and I want to continue with that theme a little longer. First and foremost, we as God’s more

  • Reflection A.3 / Coronavirus - First Response / We Should Grieve

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on May 9, 2020

    Scripture calls us to 'weep with those who weep’. We grieve over suffering. We should also grieve over sin.

    In my first two Reflections I considered prayer. Our first response to coronavirus, as a church and as a nation, should be to pray. Another response we must make is to grieve. Paul wrote in Romans 12:15, ‘Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep’. Some weeks ago I travelled up more

  • Reflection A.4 / Coronavirus - First Response / We’re All Lepers Now

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on May 9, 2020

    Jesus was amazingly sensitive to a leper. It's a great example of how we need to be, because, in a sense, we're all lepers now.

    Early on in the coronavirus outbreak in the UK Boris Johnson sent a letter to every household in Britain. The fact that he did this, and the content of the letter, highlighted the gravity of our situation. Boris Johnson’s key instruction was: stay home. We stay home in order not to pass on, or more

  • Reflection A.5 / Coronavirus - First Response / We Ask Why. But We’re Cautious In Forming An Opinion

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on May 9, 2020

    Looking at coronavirus - is there a bigger picture? We need to look, but we also need to be cautious in interpreting what we 'see'.

    There are many ways to ‘see’ things, not with our physical eyes, but with the eyes of understanding. In the previous 'Reflection' I reflected on Jesus’ sensitivity to different people he met: a leper, someone who was deaf, someone who was blind. Jesus ‘saw’ each person as an individual more

  • Reflection B.1 / Does God Have A Purpose In Coronavirus? / How To Approach The Question

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on May 11, 2020

    We should ask whether God has a purpose in coronavirus. It's a logical and reasonable question to ask. But we first need to think about how to even approach the question.

    In my second Reflection I wrote: “Some Christians are asking why we’re experiencing this pandemic. Is coronavirus a judgement from God? Are we living in end times?” In my fifth Reflection I noted that the Daily Express [an English newspaper] had asked another question: “What does the Bible say more

  • Reflection B.2 / Does God Have A Purpose In Coronavirus? / God Responds To Sin And Oppression

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on May 11, 2020

    The title is 'God responds to sin and oppression'. That's a very basic thing to understand in our process of thinking about coronavirus! Not only that, God responds to sin and oppression in an appropriate way. The plagues of Egypt show us this.

    We’re looking at three questions. Is coronavirus a judgement from God? Are we living in end times? And, what does the Bible say about COVID-19? Today we’ll look at some general principles about how God responds to a situation he doesn’t like. 1 Kings 6:1 tells us that ‘In the four hundred and more

  • Reflection B.3 / Does God Have A Purpose In Coronavirus? / Pestilence Is One Of God’s ‘standard’ Ways Of Judging

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on May 11, 2020

    We are asking if God might be behind coronavirus. Is sending a plague the kind of thing God might do? Yes, it is.

    Before him went pestilence, and plague followed at his heels – Habakkuk 3:5, speaking of God We’re looking at three questions. Is coronavirus a judgement from God? Are we living in end times? And, what does the Bible say about COVID-19? These are hard questions! Today I will think about more

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