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Sermons on Shemot 14:30:

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  • Dead End Series

    Contributed by Sam Peters on May 4, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    A contemporary message for the "Make a Fresh Start" Series inspired by Outreach. This is part one of a four part series. It’s focus is on the hope we have through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was given on Easter Sunday night.

    Make a Fresh Start Series Are You at a Dead End? Remember when you were a kid and you’d play some game and something would happen while you were playing that messed you up and you’d cry out “do-over”. Well, in life sometimes we’d like a “do-over”. We’d like to make a fresh start. Do you remember more

  • The Shining Light

    Contributed by Timothy Gardner on Jan 7, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    People need to have a better knowledge of what God will do for them when they believe in and accept Him into their lives.

    It is so amazing to me to see different people in the world reject the needs they have. People come into the Salvation Army for financial support because they have lost their jobs, but when we give them a couple of employers that are hiring, they seem to back away. When we get into some sort of more

  • Marchemos!

    Contributed by Alfredo Serrano on Feb 17, 2003
    based on 94 ratings

    Como podemos seguir adelante mientras las pruebas nos invaden? Dios nos dice: Marcha! Yo estoy contigo.

    "MARCHEMOS" Éxodo 14 A. Uno de los eventos significativos del A. T. es el milagro de abrir el Mar Rojo para que el pueblo atravesara en tierra seca. 1. Esto fue un milagro muy impresionante. (Breathtaking!) 2. Todo milagro bíblico es grandioso, pero more

  • Don't Just Do Something, Stand There

    Contributed by Rick Labate on Feb 19, 2003
    based on 116 ratings

    It is very easy for us to get in our own way when it comes to salvation. We must trust God completely to save us.

    “Don’t Just Do Something…Stand There!” by Rick Labate Let’s play “What Am I?” · I am mentioned no less than 11 other times in the Bible. · I am an event so important that 5 other Biblical writers refer to me. · I happened when Moses raised his staff and stretched out his hands over the more

  • Stuck In The Middle; Smack Dab In The Middle

    Contributed by Robert Castile on Nov 16, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    Moses and the Israelites find themselves stuck in the middle between Pharoah and the Red Sea.

    Stuck in the Middle, Smack Dab in the Middle Exodus 14:1-31 Big Idea: Being stuck in the middle, smack dab in the middle sometimes is the best place to be to see God do his thing. Introduction: Remember when you were a kid and you’d come home from school, throw your books on the floor, and head more

  • God Will Make A Way Where He Leads Series

    Contributed by Bruce Landry on Oct 19, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    We will walk with the nation of Israel as God leads them out of Egypt in front of the Egyptian Army, lighting the way of Israel while keeping the Egyptians in darkness.

    God will make a way where HE Leads Follow Up Don’t Give Up, Get Up Look Up God Lift’s Up DBF Sunday Sermon/10/20/02 One of the greatest and scariest times of our life was the day that our oldest son Dominique was born. Gloria and I were so very blessed, of course, but we didn’t understand more

  • Moving Forward

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jan 18, 2006
    based on 40 ratings

    Difficult times requires confidence in God regardless what we see around us

    Moving Forward Ex 14:1-31 The Australian coat of arms pictures two creatures--the emu, a flightless bird, and the kangaroo. The animals were chosen because they share a characteristic that appealed to the Australian citizens. Both the emu and kangaroo can move only forward, not back. The emu’s more

  • This Trap Is Not For Me

    Contributed by Bishop Talbert Swan on Jul 21, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The enemy doesn’t realize that God will allow the trap set for you to be their downfall.

    Exodus 14:1-31 Then the Lord said to Moses, 2 “Tell the Israelites to turn back and encamp near Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea. They are to encamp by the sea, directly opposite Baal Zephon. 3 Pharaoh will think, ‘The Israelites are wandering around the land in confusion, hemmed in by the more

  • Step By Step

    Contributed by Jason D. Filler, Sr. on Jun 22, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Introductory Truth - How it pays to take one step at a time with God! ~ Isobel Kuhn There’s a lovely verse in Genesis 24, spoken by Abraham’s servant Eliezer while on a mission to Mesopotamia to find a bride for Isaac. Arriving there, he met Rebekah

    I. To be led, we must first cast out all fear. The only fear a Christian should entertain is the fear of sin. All other fears are from Satan sent to confuse and weaken us. How often the Lord reiterated to His disciples, ‘Be not afraid!’ ~ Isobel Kuhn Genesis 15:1 - more

  • Facing The Impossible

    Contributed by Randy Bataanon on Jun 28, 2011
    based on 515 ratings

    What are the impossible situations that you are facing today? I have good news for you my friend. You don’t have to panic. You don’t have to give up. You don’t have to close your eyes to ignore the problem and pretend that they do not exist.

    FACING THE IMPOSSIBLE What are the impossible situations that you are facing today? I have good news for you my friend: You don’t have to panic! You don’t have to give up! You don’t have to close your eyes to ignore the problem and pretend that they do not exist! Let us read our text today. Exo more

  • Nowhere To Turn

    Contributed by Scott Johnson on Sep 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    When you're at your wits end, when nothing else will work, when no backup is coming - God is there and He makes a way for His children.

    No Where to Turn (Ex. 14:5-31) Intro: This is my 1st Bible (Hold up 1st Bible). Do you know that difference between this Bible and yours is…well…it says the same thing; it’s the word of God…however this Bible is really special to me. Before I was a Christian – years more

  • Obstacles To Taking The Promised Land

    Contributed by Gregory Mc Donald on Sep 6, 2011

    Never in the history of God's dealings with His people has He done anything positive with pessimists and cowards. And the reason is they cut themselves off from the source of strength. Our unbelief and our unwillingness to trust God will limit His div

    OBSTACLES TO TAKING THE PROMISED LAND EXODUS 14 God works in mysterious ways...and also speaks to us in somewhat mysterious ways at times. Over this past week God has spoken to me by bringing to my mind very clearly 2 situations from my from the Scriptures. They've had quite a more

  • Victory Yesterday, Today And Forever!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Jan 24, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Moses and Israel were pushed to the point of disaster before their breakthrough came. They were slaves living under people who abused them. They were called of God, but instead they seemed to be losing their place in the world. Then God sent Moses and ho

    VICTORY YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER! Exodus 14:26-31 (KJV) 26 And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand over the sea, that the waters may come again upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and upon their horsemen. 27 And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea more

  • Back Against The Wall - Red Sea Crossing Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Jun 13, 2008
    based on 100 ratings

    Moses was a great leader and yet took a great deal of abuse. For those who insist on believing salvation is the end to problems--it’s the FRONT end! Link inc. to formatted text, audio & video, PowerPoint.

    Back Against the Wall Exodus 14:5-31 Have you ever felt like your back was against a wall? Ever been between a rock and a hard place, with nowhere to turn? Or maybe you’ve put in a lot of time going down a winding avenue of life only to find it more

  • God Is Bigger Than....impossible Series

    Contributed by Mark Nichols on Nov 3, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    God is big enough to handle the impossible events that we may face in our life! When Moses and the Israelites were facing a dead end; God moved the water to make way for His people!

    TEXT: Exodus 14 TITLE: God is Bigger Than…IMPOSSIBLE! SERIES: God is Bigger Than… TOPIC: God’s Power and Might OCCASION: Burnside Christian Church, October 19, 2008 PROP.: God is big enough to handle the impossible events that we may face in our life! When Moses and the Israelites were more

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