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  • Abundant Grace

    Contributed by Robbie Bankens on Apr 27, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    Throughout our lives on earth, we as humanity will face troubles and trials, pain and heartache, that we don’t understand, but God’s Grace is sufficient.

    Scripture Setting: 2nd Samuel 9 I. INTRODUCTION: In the book of 2nd Samuel, we read of a time, when the news was spreading throughout the countryside, “Prince Jonathan and King Saul are both dead and David is now King!” When the news of their deaths reached Jonathan’s home, it not only brought more

  • Assurance Of Salvation

    Contributed by Michael King on Jul 20, 2003
    based on 401 ratings

    We can self examine ourselves to determine our relationship with God and to know with certainty weather we are saved or not by displaying Three attitudes that Jesus Himself gives us.

    Assurance of Salvation Sometime when you’re in an airport, observe the difference between passengers who hold confirmed tickets and those who are on standby. The ones with confirmed tickets read newspapers, chat with their friends or sleep. The ones more

  • Through The Eyes Of God Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on May 7, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    (PowerPoint Slides and Cell Study Notes freely available by emailing When we learn to see ourselves the way God sees us, we will rediscover the life He created us to live....

    Living Life to the Full: Sermon One (LTF-01) Through the Eyes of God Psalms 139:13-14 This morning I want to welcome you at the start of a brand new series that we have entitled Living Life to the Full. In Genesis 2:7 the Bible says that "the Lord God . . . breathed into man’s nostrils the breath more

  • “everybody Wants To Go To Heaven” Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Feb 11, 2013

    Everybody wants to go to Heaven so why are so many people afraid to die?

    “EVERYBODY Wants to Go to Heaven” 1 Thessalonians 4:13 Who wants to go to heaven someday? A recent Christian book is entitled, “EVERYBODY Wants to Go to Heaven, but Nobody Wants to Die”. There is a lot of truth in that title, but if we believe what was taught by Jesus more

  • Who Do You Listen To? Series

    Contributed by Michael Hollinger on Mar 5, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    On The Sufficiency of Scripture

    Intro: I suspect if I describe this picture, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Harry Truman is holding a copy of the Chicago Tribune over his head. The date is November 3rd, 1948. The headline loudly reads, “Dewey Defeats Truman.” But President Truman has the last laugh. You see, he had, in fact more

  • Holding On When You Should Be Letting Go

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Dec 10, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    We must put an end to self-sovereignty.

    HOLDING ON WHEN YOU SHOULD BE LETTING GO: A COMMUNITY OF FEAR Matthew 2.16-18 S: Community C: A Fearful Community Th: Advent Pr: WE MUST PUT AN END TO SELF-SOVEREIGNTY. TS: We will find in our study of Matthew 2 an example of a man who would not let go of his self-importance. Type: Inductive more

  • Mirror, Mirror

    Contributed by Johnny Knight on Jan 27, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    People who, figuratively speaking, hold up a mirror and show us some things about ourselves that we may not want to hear, but we really need to hear.

    MIRROR, MIRROR Text: John 8:32 A house with no mirrors means you'll never know what needs to be worked on. Most of us wouldn't want a house with no mirrors. But some of us are trying to live our life with no mirrors. Human mirrors, that is. People who, figuratively speaking, hold up a mirror and more

  • Going Back In Order To God Forward Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Feb 12, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Part 3 in series Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, this message looks at false messages we learn in childhood and their effects on us in adulthood, and explains why the pain of moving out of the false self is preferable to the pain of staying in it.

    Going Back in Order to God Forward Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, prt. 3 Wildwind Community Church October 24, 2010 In order to not cause confusion, I am naming each of the sermons in this series after whatever we’re covering in the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality book that week. So more

  • Blowing Our Doors Off

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Nov 10, 2010

    Here walked a man that the disciples were drooling over. He was righteous, rich, and ready to become a follower of Jesus. But the standards were out of reach for him.

    Passage: Matthew 19:16-30 Intro: I saw a campaign sign this week that made me think. 1. “water is our future” 2. if it is, we are in trouble. 3. I like water, but it can only do so much 4. but that kind of statement reveals a classic human characteristic. 5. we look for security more

  • A Sinner Comes To Jesus

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jun 12, 2016

    Do we look upon fellow sinners as a "super-righteous" person might or as Jesus does?

    Intro When we look at people what do we see? Do we see others as a super righteous person might or as Jesus would? Purpose Let’s discover how to see people as Jesus sees them, for the love in their hearts and not for the mistakes they may have made. Plan Let’s look at Luke 7:36-8:3 more

  • How To Live In Unity

    Contributed by Alan Shulver on Jan 4, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Loving God and loving others requires that we love ourselves.

    Psalm 133 1 How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! The greatest commandment that we have been given is to love God, love our neighbor and love ourselves. This commandment consists of three parts and no part can be fulfilled without fulfilling the other two more

  • Examine Yourselves

    Contributed by Roger Roark on Mar 23, 2016

    Daily examination of our spiritual walk

    EXAMINE YOURSELVES 2 Cor. 13:5 5 Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test! As Jeremiah lamented over the destruction of the city of Jerusalem, more

  • We Speak Of A Savior Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jul 3, 2015

    More like a Bible study from 1, 2 Timothy and Titus (material adapted from the North American Christian Convention Bible study by JK Jones)

    HoHum: Survivor Eva Hart remembers the night, April 15, 1912, on which the Titanic plunged 12,000 feet to the Atlantic floor, some two hours and forty minutes after an iceberg tore a 300-foot gash in the starboard side: "I saw all the horror of its sinking, and I heard, even more dreadful, the more

  • Old Life – New Life Pt 1 Series

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Aug 12, 2013

    If we are truly born again, then our new life should exhibit who we are in Christ Jesus!

    Old Life – New Life Pt 1 August 11, 2013 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: If we are truly born again, then our new life should exhibit who we are in Christ Jesus! Focus Passage: Romans 6:1-7 Supplemental Passage: Therefore if anyone is in more

  • Jesus Christ: Mighty To Save

    Contributed by Dan Proctor on Nov 21, 2016

    This text is usually taught with a focus on thanksgiving. We will certainly do that. But there are also some incredible principles that we can learn concerning Jesus Christ – His compassion and His sufficiency to save those who feel helpless and hopeless.

    Jesus Christ: Mighty To Save Luke 17:11-19 Introduction: 1. What would you do if you left church today and ten people with the same contagious, infectious disease cried out to you wanting you to help them? 2. This is exactly what happened to Jesus Christ as He was passing through Samaria and more

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