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  • Hanging Out With Sinners

    Contributed by William Rushing on Jul 29, 2002
    based on 39 ratings

    This sermons shows the way Jesus ministered to Zaccheaus. Jesus Came to Him, Called to Him, Convicted Him, and Created Him.

    I. Introduction a. Jesus was a people person. b. The type of Ministry Jesus wants is a people centered ministry. c. Four things Jesus did for Zacchaeus. II. Jesus Came to Him (4) a. John 1:14 – The Word became Flesh and Dwelt among us. b. Zacchaeus was looking for more

  • Salvation Came To His House

    Contributed by Joseph Marshall on Aug 11, 2002
    based on 41 ratings

    Zacchaeus faced many problems that we face today. People are trying everything they can to solve them, but they find just a large emptiness! Who could possible solve these problems? Friend, let me introce you to the Salvation that came to His House!

    Introduction: Just like many today, Zacchaeus had some problems that he needed someone to help him overcome! A. His position was a problem (vs. 2) It is always hard for the rich to get saved because they do not need anything! (Mat.10:23) B. His elevation was a more

  • Coming Home With Zacchaeus

    Contributed by Tammy Garrison on Sep 10, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    This is the 5th in a 5 part sermon series on people who encountered Christ and how their lives were changed. Zacchaeus tells us that our lives can be different and we can be changed. It also talks about home.

    The crowd was thick that day. The road coming into Jericho was thick with people pressed up against one another. They were there because word had it that the man Jesus of Nazareth was coming. Jesus had earned quiet a reputation of late. People were talking about how he had healed many, more

  • La Historia De Una Conversión

    Contributed by Cesar Delvillar on Apr 26, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    Muy a menudo nosotros somos tentados a juzgar a las personas de la misma manera errónea que cuando juzgamos a un libro por su tapa. La historia de la salvación de un alma puede variar en algunos aspectos, pero en otros sigue un patrón estandard que si se

    La Historia de Una Conversión Ilustración: Una profesora de escuela decidió un día hacer un viaje por todos los EUA para poder ver por ella misma las hermosas cosas que había estado enseñando a sus alumnos durante los últimos 13 años. Una tarde, mientras recorría la carretera en una hora de mucho more

  • A Little Man Meets A Big God Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 15, 2003
    based on 478 ratings

    This morning we’re focusing on a high-ranking IRS man named Zacchaeus who cheated not on his return, but on everyone else’s. He had figured out a way to skim some money off the top and squeeze the last drop from people’s wallets. Jesus not only changed h

    A Little Man Meets a Big God There’s a story about a local fitness center, which was offering $1,000 to anyone who could demonstrate that they were stronger than the owner of the place. Here’s how it worked. This muscle man would squeeze a lemon until all the juice ran into a glass, and then hand more

  • Contrast Of Barnimas And Zaccheas

    Contributed by Doug Blackmon on May 30, 2002
    based on 19 ratings

    There is a striking contrast between Bartimas and Zaccheas.

    There is a striking contrast between Bartimas and Zacchaes while they were both named Jerico they were two extremes. -one sitting by the way side one in a tree -one was poor one was rich -one needed mercy one needed sight -one had to get up to be saved one had to get down Christ is able to more

  • What Is God Looking For?

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Dec 19, 2000
    based on 229 ratings

    To begin this sermon, I’m going to read 3 brief passages of Scripture. And as I do, see how quickly you can discover the connection between them.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK (REVISED: 2020) TEXT: 1 Samuel 9:2; 16:7; Luke 19:1 10 A. To begin this sermon, I'm going to read 3 brief passages of Scripture. And as I do, see how quickly you can discover more

  • Why Zacchaeus Climbed The Tree

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Dec 22, 2000
    based on 160 ratings

    The curiosity of an unbeliever led to salvation

    LUKE 19:1-10 "WHY ZACCHAEUS CLIMBED THE TREE" A) Zacchaeus was a very rich man. * This is the only time the title "chief" is used with a tax collector. * This probably means that he was the head of the local taxation office. * Therefore, Zacchaeus would be responsible to the Roman government for more

  • Out On A Limb

    Contributed by W Pittendreigh on Feb 22, 2001
    based on 57 ratings

    Zacchaeus was not just a "wee little man" he was also a man who went out on a limb to see Jesus. Having done that, he went out on a limb to be generous. What would happen if we went out on a limb and gave out of our generosity?

    "Out On A Limb" By the Rev. Dr. Maynard Pittendreigh Sunrise Presbyterian Church Miami Florida Luke 19:1-10 1 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. 3 He wanted to see who Jesus was, but being a short more

  • Keeping Grace In Bounds?

    Contributed by Jason Patrick on Jan 12, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Arrogance destroys our walk with Christ because any notion of self-sufficiency pertaining to righteousness distorts the power and necessity of God’s grace in all of our lives.

    “Keeping Grace in Bounds” / Luke 19:1-10 Proper 25, Year C, Downsville Baptist Church (4 November 2001) As Mr. Zachary Allens walked into Main Street Baptist Church a couple of minutes late last Sunday evening, he was greeted by scowls and low whispers. Nobody liked Zach Allens, and everybody more

  • The Church Of The Hot Waffle

    Contributed by John Roy on Jan 15, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    The church is to be the welcoming place for struggling sinners and stained saints.

    The Church of the Hot Waffle Matthew 11:19 & Mark 2:15-17 The Waffle House is to restaurants what little league baseball is to the Major leagues. The Waffle House serves food and that is where it’s comparison with other restaurants stop. It features, waffles, of course, Bert’s Chili, Omelets, and more

  • What Does It Mean To Be Lost

    Contributed by Brent Williams on May 16, 2002
    based on 71 ratings

    What does it mean to be lost? How Lost is Lost? Lost enough that Jesus gave up heaven to be a man. Lost Enough that Jesus stayed on the Cross!

    What does it mean to be Lost? Luke 19:1-10 I. A Seeking Soul A. Zacchaeus was a seeking soul Zacchaeus was a tax collector Sinner among sinners Rome handpicked the worse Jew to collect taxes from their own people, therefore, other Jews despised him. more

  • No Little People (Or People Eyes)

    Contributed by Tom Mccrossan on Dec 10, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Zacchaeus was a litle man in his own eyes and in the people’s eyes; but not to Jesus. There are no insignificant people to Jesus, nor should there be to us. Jesus can give us "People Eyes" like his.

    NO LITTLE PEOPLE (or PEOPLE EYES) Luke 19:1-10 Intro: A young woman’s car stalled at a light. The light turned green. The car behind her actually had room to go around but didn’t. Instead the person in the car kept on honking the horn. After attempting to start the car, the young woman got more

  • El Hijo Del Hombre Vino A Buscar Y Salvar A Los Perdidos

    Contributed by Esteban Ulloa on Dec 18, 2003
    based on 76 ratings

    Explica el proposito de la venida de Jesus al mundo.

    TEMA: EL HIJO DEL HOMBRE VINO A BUSCAR Y SALVAR A LOS PERDIDOS Texto: Lucas 19:1-10 Introduccion: Me pregunto ¿cuántas personas entienden verdaderamente el propósito de la venida de Jesucristo al mundo? Pareciera que la gente no tiene dificultad en aceptar al niño Jesús en el pesebre, pero es more

  • It's A Love Story Series

    Contributed by Bobby Mcdaniel on Dec 19, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    4th Sunday of Advent 2003 -- Christ’s life as a man and as our Savior is love story, a ministry of love for us. He, then, is the perfect example for us to following in living a life of love.

    It’s A Love Story 4th Sunday of Advent, 2003 Scripture Ref: Luke 19:5-10; 23:33-34a John 15:12-14 1 John 3:15-16 Hebrews 7:23-25, 9:24 Additional References: The Bible Knowledge Commentary New Topical Textbook 1. 4th Sunday of Advent Candle Lighting a. Last Sunday we lit the candle of more

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