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Sermons on San Juan 2:5:

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  • The End Game Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on May 27, 2015

    The final message in this series deals with the End Game of our walk. What is the goal, duration, process, and task of this lifetime walk? From John 2:5-6.

    The End Game (Our Spiritual Walk #8) John 2:5-6 INTRODUCTION: This is the last sermon in a series about Our Spiritual Walk. We’ve talked about where we walk – the broad way that leads to destruction or the narrow way that leads to life. We’ve talked about our preparation for more

  • Is Jesus In The Temple? John 2 Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on May 31, 2015

    Significance of our body as the temple of the Holy Spirit! A look at the OT temple.

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Is Jesus in the temple? This was fairly early in the earthly ministry of the more

  • Water Turned Into Wine Series

    Contributed by Glenn Narvaez on May 31, 2015

    This message talks about the first miracle of Jesus where He turned the water into wine. Hearers will learn that needs, problems and trials are part of life and we can trust Jesus to help us during these times. Hearers will also learn the faith of Mary.

    WATER TURNED INTO WINE ELOHIM Sta. Rosa, Laguna, Philippines March 7, 2015 Good morning. It is good to see you today. The Bible says I was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the Lord. It is good that you can go to Church today. You see, there could be many reasons why you more

  • Water To Wine—declaring God's Anointed-4 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jun 9, 2015

    4 of 6. Jesus turned water to wine in order to initiate/call attention to/set apart His public ministry. Where is Jesus heralded as God’s Anointed? or Why turn water into wine? God’s Anointed is heralded on the stage of...

    WATER To WINE—Declaring God's Anointed-IV—John 2:1-12 Attention: On Stage—Feb. 9, 1964—The Beatles were introduced to America on CBS’s variety show ‘The Ed Sullivan Show. Before they even played, the audience filled with young girls began wildly screaming & more

  • The Wedding At Cana

    Contributed by John Gaston on Aug 17, 2015

    We’re going to look at why it’s better to abstain from alcoholic beverages, then at Jewish wedding customs in N.T. times, and lastly at 5 foreshadowings of Christ’s first miracle at this wedding.

    THE WEDDING AT CANA John 2:1-11 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: RUNNING THE SHOW -- Michael McPherson “I am a deputy sheriff assigned to courthouse security. As part of my job, I explain court procedures to visitors. One day I was showing a group of ninth-graders around. Court was in recess and only more

  • Water To Wine—declaring God's Anointed-5 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 18, 2015

    5 of 6. Jesus turned water to wine in order to initiate/call attention to/set apart His public ministry. Where is Jesus heralded as God’s Anointed? or Why turn water into wine? God’s Anointed is heralded on the stage of...

    WATER To WINE—Declaring God's Anointed-V—John 2:1-12 Attention: Taco Bell’s ‘Breakfast Defectors’ campaign. “Taco Bell has been aggressively targeting the breakfast market among fast-food chains since last year, when it unveiled a new breakfast menu & a cheeky more

  • Water To Wine—declaring God's Anointed-6 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Sep 1, 2015

    6 of 6. Jesus turned water to wine in order to initiate/call attention to/set apart His public ministry. Where is Jesus heralded as God’s Anointed? or Why turn water into wine? God’s Anointed is heralded on the stage of...

    WATER To WINE—Declaring God's Anointed-VI—John 2:1-12 Need: When we bypass Jesus’ glory, we bypass Jesus’ blessing. Our lives become meaningless & joyless...Our work laborious & pointless. Our relationships fleeting & distant. Jesus turned water to wine in order to more

  • Miracles

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Sep 2, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    The first Miracle of Jesus, turning the water into wine.

    Today I’d like to talk about Miracles John 2:1-11 (Jesus performed His 1st Miracle / Elaborate / Some Big Some Small / Jack Cancer John 2:1-11 Read Now Does it seem strange to you that Jesus would pick a wedding as the place to launch His Ministry? • Maybe even • Maybe more

  • Three Responses Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Nov 9, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    For those who sought truth, Jesus offered Refreshment, Restoration and Assurance for their Reservations.

    John Chapter 2 Three Responses of Jesus. Introduction with illustration: I. REFRESHMENT Jesus offers refreshment for those who thirst after Him. 1 On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the more

  • A Letter To Me

    Contributed by James White on Mar 31, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    HOW you were born the 1st time makes no difference… OH but WHAT a difference being Born Again makes. It doesn’t change your past, but it releases you from it. It will change your present and make you brand spanking NEW.

    Brad Paisley wrote and sings a song which I am borrowing the title from today. “Letter to me” speaks of a desire to send a message to his own past self. It’s a note of encouragement…words to the wise and hope for the future. From the moment of our birth, we begin a lifelong more

  • Jesus Reveals His Glory At A Wedding

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Apr 21, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    EPIPHANY 3 - Jesus reveals his glory at a wedding by his presence and with his present.

    JESUS REVEALS HIS GLORY AT A WEDDING (Outline) January 23, 2011 - Epiphany 3 - JOHN 2:1-11 INTRO: Jesus’ public ministry in the flesh on earth lasted about three years. The gospels give us a detailed look at some important events in Jesus’ earthly life. We learn of more

  • How God Saves The Best Till Last

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on May 5, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at what an incredible Kingdom Jesus is offering.

    Outline: WHAT’S THE POINT? What Jesus does here is a sign, which is initially fulfilled in the disciples’ amazed response to the miracle. - John 2:11. DAWNING AWARENESS: Beyond the initial “wow” factor, there is a lot here to show that God has “saved the best till more

  • Mary’s One-Line Sermon

    Contributed by Jim Bennett on May 7, 2011
    based on 9 ratings

    A sermon extrapolating and applying Mary’s words to the servants at the wedding at Cana and applying them to our walk with Christ; for Mothers’ Day specifically, but appropriate for all occasions.

    It has been said that behind every great man there is a great wife; it should also be said that before every great man, there was a great mom. I have entitled this message, “Mary’s One-Line Sermon,” and I’m going to let some of you down now and tell you that, although Mary’s sermon was only one more

  • Jesus Turns Water Into Wine Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Oct 9, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    When Jesus turned water into wine, He demonstrated to us how we can experience a supernatural, extraordinary life.

    COME AND SEE #3: SIGN #1: JESUS TURNS WATER INTO WINE REVIEW: So far in the Gospel of John, we have gone through the first chapter. We have seen Jesus the Word come into the world, John the Baptist witness to Him, and the first few disciples. • We discussed how John paints a picture of Jesus more

  • One Step At A Time

    Contributed by Lori Broschat on Feb 29, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The first miracle of Christ

    Isaiah 62:1-5 January 17 2016 John 2:1-11 Pastor Lori Broschat 1 ONE STEP AT A TIME Evangelist George Whitefield was preaching to coal miners in England. He asked one man, “What do you believe?” “Well,” he said, “I believe the same as the church.” more

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