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Sermons on San Juan 2:3:

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  • 2nd Sunday After Epiphany, Year C. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    January 19th, 2025.

    Isaiah 62:1-5, Psalm 36:5-10, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, John 2:1-11. A). A JOYOUS PROSPECT. Isaiah 62:1-5. Isaiah’s so-called ‘Song of the Vineyard’ (Isaiah 5:1-7), spoke of a time when judgment and desolation loomed large upon the horizon of his contemporaries. There the husbandman (cf. more

  • "transfomed" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Mar 25, 2022

    This was the first. This was when His ministry is launched into the public eye and this miracle changed the course of His ministry and nothing would ever be the same again

    “Transformed!” John 2:1-11 So, it’s good when you start, to start at the beginning. The miracle we just observed is the famous miracle at the wedding of Cana. The changing of the water to wine. John tells us this was the first time Jesus revealed His glory. So we arrive at the belief that this more

  • Defined By Days.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jun 14, 2022

    I know that you would agree with me, there are days. Then there are days that define the rest of your life. Some follow a predictable path, like the middle isle of a church on your wedding day. Others are as unpredictable as a blind date.

    Defined By Days. John 2:1-5NIV I know that you would agree with me, there are days. Then there are days that define the rest of your life. Some follow a predictable path, like the middle isle of a church on your wedding day. Others are as unpredictable as a blind date. Either way you aren't more

  • Experiencing The Miracle Of Transformation

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Jul 7, 2022

    In changing the water into wine, Jesus demonstrated his authority over all things down to the smallest molecule. This was a miracle for transformation designed to convince the disciples of who he was. Water doesn’t change its molecular makeup without the authority of the Creator.

    Subject: "Experiencing the Miracle of Transformation" Text: John 2:1-11 The next day there was a wedding celebration in the village of Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the celebration. 3 The wine supply ran out during the more

  • Water To Wine Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Jul 13, 2022

    This sermon focuses on Jesus' miracle of turning water to wine at the wedding at Cana, and two applications gleaned from it for believers today.

    If you have your Bibles and you want to follow along, we are going to be looking at the second chapter of John starting at verse one. While you are looking that up, I will ask a quick question. How many of you tend to watch some of those shows like Dateline or 60 Minutes? Mostly the older more

  • The Best Till Now Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Jul 19, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon focuses on Jesus' first miracle at the wedding in Cana, and how it might apply to us today.

    Good morning. If you have your Bibles, please open up to John 2:1. We have been looking at the book of John. We are actually trying to get through the entire book of John. We are actually succeeded in getting through chapter 1, so we only have about 20 more chapters to go and we will be more

  • "my Vineyard Is Not For Sale."

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Hulse on Jul 23, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    “This message came to my heart concerning the complacency in the Church and how many people allow even the slightest problems to obscure their view of Heaven. Instead, we must see our issues through God's eyes and appreciate our walk with Him."

    SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES (1 Kings 21:2) "Ahab said to Naboth, “Let me have your vineyard to use for a vegetable garden, since it is close to my palace. In exchange I will give you a better vineyard or, if you prefer, I will pay you more

  • Mary, Mother Of Jesus

    Contributed by Jenny Franklin on Dec 10, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God chose Mary of Nazareth to be the mother of His Son, the Savior of the world. He knew her not only by her actions, but also by her heart. What does God’s Word tell us about Mary?

    Imagine you had the opportunity to choose a woman who would be the mother of the Son of God. You not only knew her by her actions, but also by the intents of her heart. What kind of woman would you choose? God chose Mary of Nazareth to be the mother of His Son, the Savior of the world. What does more

  • Jesus Offers A Better Drink (John 2:1-11) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Jan 6, 2022

    The wine Jesus gives, is far superior to Judaism's water. Celebrate the grace given to you in Christ.

    Our story continues this week in John 2. In the series of days we've seen so far in the gospel of John, this is day 7. Now, before I do anything else, I want to say this up front: I'm not sure I've ever studied a passage before, and seen so many gifted scholars come to so many more

  • Come And See His Power

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Jan 6, 2022

    The greatest invitation in the world is this: ‘Come and See Jesus’. John 1:29 “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” Water to Wine - come and see his power!

    COME AND SEE HIS POWER John 2:1-11 Introduction The greatest invitation in the world is this: ‘Come and See Jesus’. John 1:29 “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” We are looking at John’s Gospel and some of the things that he wants us to see in Jesus. John more

  • Jesus' First Miracle

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jan 10, 2022

    What was the first epiphany or miracle in your life? A Jewish wedding and fine wine entailed a surprise divine encounter. Let’s encounter the kingdom of God pictured in God’s provision for a marriage. Let’s examine how a wedding at Cana portrays an epiphany of the kingdom of God in John 2:1-11.

    Prelude What was the first epiphany or miracle in your life? A Jewish wedding and fine wine entailed a surprise divine encounter. Purpose: Let’s encounter the kingdom of God pictured in God’s provision for a marriage. Plan: Let’s examine how a wedding at Cana portrays an epiphany of the kingdom of more

  • When The Wine Runs Out

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 12, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Sometimes "the wine runs out," i.e., the positives disappear out of our hopes & dreams, out of our marriages, and out of our relationship with God. The wonderful thing is that we don't have to stay that way! Jesus is here to restore our wine!

    WHEN THE WINE RUNS OUT John 2:1-10 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A man got a ticket to the Superbowl. He was happy until he got to his seat in the nosebleed section. He got his binoculars out and began looking around the stadium. 2. He spied an empty seat on the 50-yard line and decided to walk more

  • On The Third Day, Do Whatever Jesus Tells You Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 14, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    As in the early Church, the gifts are given to each of us so that we might build up the Body of Christ, making the Church stronger internally and more effective in spreading the Word of God.

    Second Sunday after Epiphany Every three years we get to hear the story of Jesus changing a huge quantity of water into wine, after being asked by His mother to help a struggling newlywed couple. It’s a beautiful story often used at weddings. God designed human beings to marry and procreate—give more

  • Take The First Step

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Jan 18, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Just as Jesus stepped forward to claim His identity, so must we take the first step to follow Him

    JOHN 2:1-11 Today we heard about the first miracle that Jesus performed in his ministry. It was one that he really did not want to do, but who can disobey your mother? During his ministry, Jesus performed thirty-seven miracles: • He turned water into wine • 26 times he healed people • Twice he more

  • Signs

    Contributed by Bill Stonebraker on Jan 18, 2022

    In John's Gospel, miracles are signs pointing to something beyond the miracle. In Jesus' 1st sign, turning water to wine, what does it point to? What's it got to do with us?

    A drunken coal miner came to Christ & went stone cold sober. He began telling all his friends about his freedom in Christ & the evils of alcohol. One friend decided to trap him. “Do you really believe Jesus turned water into wine?” “Absolutely!” he replied. “For me, He’s turned wine into a more

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