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  • Running Into Jesus

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Apr 21, 2020
    based on 5 ratings

    The two folks on the Emmaus Walk point to our own relationship with God: sometimes we grow disappointed with him. Then we need to re-orient our life on his word, and discover a whole new joy as we walk again in concert with him and his plans.

    Luke 24:13-35 Running into Jesus The Bible records ten different resurrection appearances of Jesus. Today we look at one of the most captivating, a story only found in the gospel of Luke. The setting is a round trip hike between Jerusalem and Emmaus. A couple of Jewish believers are heading home more

  • Running Into Jesus

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Apr 30, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Like the two on the Emmaus Road, we sometimes grow disappointed with God. But, if we seek his will through his word, he speaks to us and clarifies his plans. Then, our disappointment turns to joy as we begin to see things from God's perspective.

    Luke 24:13-35 Running into Jesus The Bible records ten different resurrection appearances of Jesus. Today we look at one of the most captivating, a story only found in the gospel of Luke. The setting is a round trip hike between Jerusalem and Emmaus. A couple of Jewish believers are heading home more

  • Running To Jesus

    Contributed by Thomas Andrufski on Mar 17, 2021

    When a sinner realizes that they are lost and understand the meaning of salvation, they should RUN to Jesus and not delay. There are several examples of men in the New Testament who actually ran to Jesus.

    Running to Jesus Proverbs 18:10 (KJV) The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. When a sinner realizes that they are lost and understand the meaning of Acts 4:12 Acts 4:12 (KJV) Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name more

  • Run Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jun 1, 2021

    Our Marathon ends only at our death. Till then we need to run without hesitance and fear. We will face all kinds of encumbrances in life but throw off the run with the same pace and win the race.

    Theme: Run, Text: Hebrews 12:1-3 Dearly beloved in Christ. Today, we will have mediation from Hebrews 12:1-3 under the theme, RUN. I would like to leave three thoughts, such as, Run the Race, Run to Jesus, and Run without weary. An old priest died and arrived at the Gates of Heaven. Next to him more

  • Run Repent And Rejoice

    Contributed by Judith Hand on Jan 14, 2015

    Real Christianity involves running to Jesus, repentance and rejoicing

    RUN REPENT AND REJOICE Luke 3:7-18 Suppose I began my message this morning by saying, “Hello you bunch of snakes, why did you come this morning? Hoping to make a few brownie points with God?” Well that is similar to what John the Baptist told his crowd. When John saw the Pharisees more

  • Faith-Running To Jesus Lesson 1 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jul 28, 2023

    It is not our great faith in God, it is our faith in a great God.

    INTRODUCTION “The Bible tells us of “faith-chasers” who surround us like a cloud. So let us lay aside any weight that slows us down, and any sin that entangles us, so we can run with endurance as “faith-chasers” the race before us, looking to Jesus our pace-setter who first gave us faith and more

  • I Want To Run

    Contributed by Jeremy Farmer on Mar 7, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Do you want to walk, jog, or run with Jesus Christ? He’s running, why are you walking?

    I Corinthians 9 Jeremy Farmer Pomona Assembly of God AM Service - May 5, 20021 Corinthians 9 19Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under more

  • He Ran And He Ran

    Contributed by Ronald Fair on Apr 3, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    It is ours to run to Jesus if all the running was ours, but the real truth is that the Lord runs to us.

    HE RAN AND HE RAN . Text: Mark 5:6 “But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him”. Luke 15:20 “But when he was a yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion and he ran and embraced him, and kissed him”. INTRODUCTION These two texts taken from more

  • Default Settings

    Contributed by Johnny Byrd on Oct 18, 2017

    When we Leave the presence of Jesus we return to our Default Settings

    John 21:2-7 2 Several of the disciples were there—Simon Peter, Thomas (nicknamed the Twin),[a] Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples 3 Simon Peter said, “I’m going fishing.”“We’ll come, too,” they all said. So they went out in the boat, but they caught more

  • When You Run To Jesus, Everything Changes

    Contributed by Mark D. Stetler on Jul 27, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    Sometimes change is difficult!

    When you run to Jesus, everything changes! Ephesians 2:1-10 Intro: A few weeks ago (1st Sunday in June) I tried to preach a message entitled “If only I could run away.” In that message I tried to talk about the fact that ‘when you run’ everything changes. In that message I talked about Elijah more

  • Enduring With Jesus Series

    Contributed by E. True Neilson on Dec 16, 2014

    The book of Hebrews is all about Jesus!

    SIMPLY JESUS ENDURING WITH JESUS HEBREWS 12:1-13 INTRODUCTION -Have you ever had that life changing moment when you decided to get in shape? -Some of you are thinking, “I’ve never been in shape…but I’ve heard about that from a friend.” -If getting in shape is the more

  • Run,run, Run!

    Contributed by William Neel on Jan 23, 2003
    based on 181 ratings

    God wants us to run the race of faith to victory

    RUN, RUN, RUN! Hebrews 12:1-3 INTRODUCTION I don’t know who the author of Hebrews is, but I think that he would be right at home in front of a big screen television watching the Superbowl next Sunday, that is if he had not already purchased tickets. Why? Take a look at the first few verses of more

  • Running On Empty Series

    Contributed by Chris Talton on May 20, 2002
    based on 188 ratings

    By turning water into wine, Jesus was renewing the supply so the party could continue. In our lives, Jesus wants to change us so that our supply of joy can last forever.

    May 19, 2002 John 2:1-11 “Running on empty” INTRODUCTION In every marriage ceremony, there is always at least one mistake. A young couple, very much in love, were getting married. Sue, the wife to be, was very nervous about the big occasion and so the pastor chose one verse that he more

  • On The Run And Searching For Water

    Contributed by James May on Feb 26, 2012
    based on 9 ratings

    Like the deer pants after water, the people of God are often hounded by adversity and the enemy of our souls. Often we find ourselves running the wrong way, becoming thirsty and dry spiritually. It's time we started running to Jesus, our only true sourc

    On the Run and Searching for Water By Rev. James May I know that I’ve told this before, but I want to begin this message again by bringing to your mind the story of the lion and the gazelle that dwell on the Serengeti plains of northern Africa. Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. more

  • Run With Endurance Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Oct 4, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Run the race of faith with endurance. Don’t get tangled up. Keep it up. Remember that there is a great cloud of witnesses that surround us. Fix your eyes on Jesus. This is the key to your endurance.

    We know Thomas Edison as a creative genius and inventor of the light bulb, motion camera and phonograph. When he was a small child, he had a hearing problem and a note came home from his teacher, withdrawal this boy from school because he is too stupid. His mother taught him at home. As an adult more

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