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  • The Right Approach For The Approaching Storm Series

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Oct 6, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    How to prepare for the storms that are on the horizon.

    SAILING THROUGH THE STORMS Part 1 The Right Approach for the Approaching Storm March 15, 2009 Pastor Brian Matherlee Introduction During the recent snow storm we had where the snow melted and then would refreeze overnight a man was relating how he used his seven-year-old son’s baseball bat to more

  • How To Approach The Bibile Nehemiah 8 Series

    Contributed by Nelson Thomas on Sep 6, 2020

    One of the reasons why we fail to make use of the scripture is the wrong approach to it. We read, hear yet somewhere we fail to get the effect of it.

    HOW TO APPROACH THE BIBILE Nehemiah 8 Introduction: One another reason why we fail to make use of the scripture is the wrong approach to it. We read, hear yet some where we fail to get the effect of it. We should never forget Bible is not like a secular book. We can not understand on our own more

  • Four Mistakes In Approaching A Dangerous World

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Jul 9, 2018

    Jesus' words about sheep and wolves point us toward the right approach with interacting with the dangerous world around us.

    FOUR MISTAKES IN APPROACHING A DANGEROUS WORLD: 1. IF THE WORLD IS MESSY AND DANGEROUS, IS THE WISE OPTION TO JUST WITHDRAW? No, Jesus is sending us out. - Matthew 10:16a. - Matthew 5:13-16; Matthew 16:18. - Our tendency is to withdraw from the world because it’s a scary place. - Over time, more

  • How Do You Approach Christmas? Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Nov 16, 2022

    We are about to look at how different individuals approached Christmas. One of them took the wrong approach. The other two with the right approach to Christmas received a tremendous blessing at the first Christmas.

    After a man visited the Holy land, he described his experience. He was turned off by the commercialism. Years later he took a second trip to the Holy Land, and he looked past the commercialism to focus on the places of Bible history. He was thinking more about being in the places Jesus walked. more

  • Approaching Prayer

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on Sep 18, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We need to consider the right attitudes God is looking for that are essential to Him responding to and guiding us.

    Approaching Prayer Prairie Baptist Church – 9/20/09 P.M. Service Text: Psalm 5 Key verse: Psalms 5:1 - Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. Premise: We need to consider the right attitudes God is looking for that are essential to Him responding to and guiding us. The more

  • The Approach To Worship Series

    Contributed by Kerry Bauman on Nov 25, 2005
    based on 29 ratings

    Is there a right or wrong way to approach God’s throne? This sermon looks at what Jesus says is the appropriate posture for worship.

    The Approach to Worship Text: John 4:20-26 Introduction: A couple had two boys, 8 and 10, who were always getting into trouble. The parents were certain if any mischief occurred in the community their two young sons were involved. They were at a loss as to what to do about their behavior. Then more

  • Boldness To Approach Based In What We Believe.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on May 31, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    The Christian faith, what we believe, can be broken down into several Biblical propositions. This is the basis of all the great Creeds, Catechisms, and Confessions of Faith of the historic church. When we believe right, then we can pray with holy boldness.

    BOLDNESS TO APPROACH BASED IN WHAT WE BELIEVE. Hebrews 4:14-16. 1. “Let us hold fast our profession” (Hebrews 4:14). Our “profession” is our confession of faith, our belief, in Jesus. It is based in several facts, some of which are evident in these verses. Jesus is “our great high more

  • Approachable Series

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Nov 29, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Some people are turned off from church but the Church Jesus instituted is attractive and approachable.

    THE CHURCH JESUS BUILDS Part 5-Approachable Hebrews 12:14-29 Sunday, March 18, 2007 Pastor Brian Matherlee Introduction Read Scripture • Comment on history of Hebrews 12 (from Exodus 19) • Highlight the heart of God in being approachable o Adam & Eve in the garden & God was broken hearted when more

  • Christian Approach To Suffering Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Oct 22, 2019

    In 1927 the wife of Scottish preacher Arthur Gossip died suddenly. When he returned to the pulpit he preached a sermon titled “When Life Tumbles In, What Then?”

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: What is the right approach to suffering? 1 Peter 3:13-17 Illustration on more

  • The Approach To Worship Series

    Contributed by Robert Massey on Oct 5, 2002
    based on 201 ratings

    We all know that worship is important, both to us and to God. This psalm is believed to have been written after the ark was carried to Jerusalem. The question is asked "who can approach the Lord?" This psalm lists three conditions that we need to remem

    THE APPROACH TO WORSHIP Psalms 24 Some time ago, for our Wednesday night Bible studies, we covered a course on the church. Some of you were here and perhaps you remember that I passed out a sheet of paper with a list of various missions/functions of the church, including such things as evangelism, more

  • The Bold Approach.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Sep 16, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    Access to God through our great High Priest.

    THE BOLD APPROACH. Hebrews 4:12-16. So far in the epistle to the Hebrews, the author has made extensive use of the Scriptures. After his latest warning against falling into unbelief (Hebrews 4:11), he reminds the Hebrew Christians that “the word of God” is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12a). more

  • The Verifier Approach

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Oct 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The four words that verifies our faith. 1. Written 2. Believe 3. Christ 4. Life

    -Qopchedy qokedydy qokololy qokeedy qokedy shedy. [NOTE: For this to make sense to the congregation, you will need to project these words on a scene, or have them printed as part of the worship bulletin.] Try saying that! The best cryptologists in the world have been unable to decode the more

  • The Approaching Storm

    Contributed by James May on Sep 9, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    There’s a storm of God’s judgment coming upon our land, but there is a force in the land to stem the tide. It’s the remnant church, on its face before God.

    The Approaching Storm By Pastor Jim May This next Tuesday will mark the 6th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington D. C. The memories of that day are so vivid that it doesn’t seem like 6 years have passed, but time marches on. Every year, as this date rolls more

  • The Approaching Horsemen

    Contributed by Dave Kinney on May 17, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    The Four Horsemen! Now we’ve reached the very heart of the Book of Revelation. We move from heaven’s splendor to hell’s sorrow on earth.

    Now we’ve reached the very heart of the Book of Revelation. We move from heaven’s splendor to hell’s sorrow on earth. Matthew 24:21 “For then there will be great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, nor ever shall be.” You might be surprised to know more

  • Approaching Tomorrow Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Nov 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    God expects His people to plan the future after factoring in His rule over their life.

    JAMES 4:13-17 APPROACHING TOMORROW “Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit’—yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then more

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