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Sermons on remember and thank:

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  • Give Thanks For All Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Dec 26, 2019

    Psalm 136 is a beautiful Psalm to read at the year-end and think of our own life and praise the Lord. Reasons are given why we need to praise Him and say that the Lord is Good.

    Psalm 136 “Give Thanks” Introduction: This Psalm was probably composed by David and given to the Levites to sing every day (1 Chronicles 16:41) in the temple as a responsive Hymn. “Great Hallel” (Great Psalm of Praise): A solemn prayer of thanksgiving, it was sung traditionally at the more

  • Thank You, Lord

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jul 26, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    We must remember to thank God all the time.

    Thank You, Lord November 23, 2008 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must remember to thank God all the time. Focus Passage: Luke 17:11-19 Supplemental Passage: Psalm 100 Introduction: Emerson said that if the stars came out only once a year, more

  • "I Thank God For You”

    Contributed by Joe Harding on Nov 21, 2001
    based on 21 ratings


    “I THANK GOD FOR YOU” PHILIPPIANS 1: 3-11 NOVEMBER 18, 2001 INTRODUCTION: “I THANK GOD FOR YOU” BY SAWYER BROWN TRANSITION THOUGHT: The Apostle Paul, like Sawyer Brown, teaches us that we must give credit where credit is due. Paul realized just how important the Philippian church was to his more

  • Remember

    Contributed by Richard Futrell on Nov 3, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    On this Thanksgiving Eve, we gather to do what God urged Israel to do--to remember. We gather to remember what our Lord has done for us. We gather to remember and give Him thanks.

    Intro The Israelites spent four decades wandering through the Sinai Peninsula. Finally, they arrive on the outskirts of Canaan. They are on the verge of leaving a desert of scarcity and going into a land of plenty. Moses then warns the Israelites how easily they could forget the goodness of more

  • Give Thanks And Remember Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Aug 17, 2013
    based on 96 ratings

    1- Give thanks and remember His wonders 2- Give thanks and remember His covenant 2- Give thanks and remember His people

    INTRO.- ILL.- "Grandpa, I'm really proud of you," said his granddaughter. "What's to be proud of?" asked the old man. She replied, "I noticed that when you sneeze, you've learned to put your hand in front of your mouth." "Of course," explained Grandpa. "How else can I catch my teeth???" ILL.- more

  • Remember To Give Thanks!

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Nov 29, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Thanksgiving or Advent reminder to be grateful as believers.

    Intro: A man stood writing at the post office counter one day when an older man shuffled up to him with a postcard in his hand.“Sir,” the older man said, “would you please address this postcard for me?” The first man gladly consented, and wrote what the older man dictated to more

  • Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Sep 7, 2017
    based on 5 ratings

    In the Bible, giving of thanks goes far beyond an annual American celebration on a day we remember to thank God for a multitude of blessings. It is a preoccupation of every Christian and extends even to those elders who are "before the throne" in heaven.

    Note: I have some simple, not fancy textual slides I used with this sermon. If anyone is interested, I'll send them directly by email if you'll send an email to me at with the subject: Thanksgiving slides. THANKSGIVING I. In his 2nd letter to the Corinthian church, Paul told more

  • Year-End Sermon - Remember. Forget.

    Contributed by Sunitha Justin on Dec 31, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Even as we come the end of this year, let me remind two important things you need to do before you close this year. 1. Remember and be thankful 2. Forget your past and move on

    We are in the last day and the last Sunday of the year 2023. Do you know this year started on a Sunday and is also ending on a Sunday. Jan 1 was a Sunday and Jan 31st is a Sunday. "the end of a thing is better than it’s beginning." (Ecc. 7:8) Normally at the end of the year we have more

  • Give Thanks

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Oct 7, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    Of the 10 lepers only one returned to give thanks. Thankfulness is remembering, returning and living to give thanks.

    GIVE THANKS A man writing at the post office desk was approached by an older fellow who had a post card in his hand. The old man said, "Sir, could you please address this post card for me?" The man gladly did so, and he agreed to write a short message on the post card, and he even signed it for more

  • Remember That You Are Baptized And Be Thankful.

    Contributed by Roy Fowler on Jan 10, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Discusses baptism and then continues with the Remembrance that we are baptized ritual.

    Illustration: Over the centuries Christians have debated what baptism accomplishes, to whom it should be administered, and how much water should be used.  Christian Theology in Plain Language, p. 158. Illustration: The story is told about the baptism of King Aengus by St. Patrick in the middle more

  • Remember And Return To Give Thanks

    Contributed by David Zachrich on Nov 18, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Did you know … that, according to a recent national poll, the three most popular holidays in our country are: Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, and Christmas?

    Friends in Christ, Did you know … that, according to a recent national poll, the three most popular holidays in our country are: Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, and Christmas? Approximately 91% of us observe them in some way, but when asked about observing Thanksgiving this year, 25% of us said, ‘No, more

  • And Be Thankful

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Oct 11, 2014

    Christians are to be thankful. The message is encouragement from the Apostle to the Gentiles to remember to exhibit gratitude.

    “And be thankful.” [1] Only three English words comprise our text; but the text is assuredly appropriate on this Sunday before our national Day of Thanksgiving. It serves to remind us of one of the essential characteristics marking the person who knows the Living God. I have often more

  • Remember The Wonders

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 10, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Remembering the wonders of life brings us to thankfulness.

    Remember The Wonders (Thanksgiving 2004) 1 Chron 16:12 October 10, 2004 Intro: (calvin and Hobbes cartoon) Remember The Wonders Verse 12 of 1 Chronicles 16 says, “remember the wonders”. Can you? Birth The wonders began the day we were conceived. There in the safety of our mothers womb we more

  • Every Time We Think, We Have To Thank! PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 30, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Encourages us to live in constant gratitude, praising and thanking God daily, not just during Thanksgiving, but in every moment of our lives.

    Good morning, dear friends and family. It's a bright and sunny day. A day filled with hope. A day to gather and share. We're here to lift our hearts and voices to the Lord. To praise Him. To thank Him. To seek His guidance. The Scripture we're going to focus on today is Psalm 100:4. It reads, more

  • Remember The Lord

    Contributed by David Edward Ray on Jun 6, 2019

    How quickly we forget the Lord after He has rescued us from sure destruction. Or how we take credit for our own deliverance and forget to give God thanks and glory. This is a short message that encourages believers to Remember the Lord for all of His goodness towards them.

    Remember the Lord Johnny missed the train that would have taken him to see his favorite Football team play on Saturday. Running behind, he frantically started driving to the match. As he approached the stadium, there wasn’t a parking space to be found, anywhere. Not wanting to miss the opening more

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