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  • Peter's Convicting Question To A Contentious People Series

    Contributed by A. David Hart on May 30, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This message will guide us to obey God,even if it means breaking a tradition.

    PETER’S CONVICTING QUESTION TO A CONTENTIOUS PEOPLE Acts 11:1-18 My brothers and sisters had you ever run across a person or a group that without examining the facts, is ready to expose you as being wrong concerning a particular issue? They have already set in their minds more

  • A Christmas Sermon

    Contributed by Ron Macarthur on Dec 20, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    A different approach to the traditional Christmas sermons. From the Apostles John and Paul

    A Christmas Sermon As I sit to write this Christmas Sermon I feel rather strange because it will find its roots in the Gospel of John and the writings of the Apostle Paul and the writer of Hebrews rather than the Gospel’s of Luke and Matthew. This seems odd even to me but this is where I am more

  • Justice For All Series

    Contributed by Denis O'callaghan Ph.d. ,th.d., D.d., D. Phil. on Sep 22, 2012

    "What Jesus really meant", standing up for truth over tradition.

    We are back and speaking out on our favorite subject "What Jesus really meant", standing up for truth over tradition. Our last truth was dealing with HIERARCHY and the opposite of hierarchy is equality, and Jesus was a radical egalitarian. The early church reflected this value, as we can see from more

  • The Power Of Laying Hands Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on May 29, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Laying hands on the sick is a powerful act of faith, rooted in biblical tradition.

    Laying hands on the sick is a powerful act of faith, rooted in biblical tradition. This practice has been used for centuries to bring healing, comfort, and restoration to those in need. Let's explore the biblical basis for this practice and its significance in the life of a believer. 1. A more

  • Things I'm Thankful For

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on May 6, 2023

    This is a non-traditional funeral message for my mom, for a largely Christian congregation

    Funeral Mama’s - Things I’m Grateful For I have to admit, this funeral is a little more difficult than many I have done. And I’m not talking about it being difficult because of the emotions that are involved, rather I’m talking about it being difficult because I couldn’t decide what to say. When more

  • The Week That Changed The World: The Day Jesus Cleaned House Series

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jul 3, 2021

    The Lord Jesus arrived in Jerusalem hailed by the Jews as the Davidic king who would restore Israel. He arrived not for that purpose, but to fulfill Isaiah's prophecy of the Suffering Servant who restored all of HIs people back to God. The first step was to restore His house.

    The final week of Jesus' public ministry had started with His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, being hailed as the rightful heir of David and the One who would finally drive out the hated Roman Gentile oppressors and restore the nation of Israel back to its former glory, or so the people more

  • Jesus Bursts Old Wineskins Series

    Contributed by Gordon Kroeker on Oct 28, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    Jesus challenges the religious leaders as He faces conflict from them.

    Mk. 2:1-3:6 JESUS BURSTS OLD WINESKINS A. “That Broadway Project! Why is it taking so long? Why are they ripping apart more roads and intersections than just putting on the new cement? They are stalling for time, and making hard for everyone in Minot!!!” 1. I am not a street contractor. I more

  • Diversity. Equity. Inclusion.?

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Dec 29, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    While we would never encourage a church to be "woke," there is a biblical expectation that we will practise Scriptural diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as demonstrated by Jesus.

    “[Jesus] came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and he stood up to read. And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written, ‘The Spirit of the Lord more

  • Hope Floats In The Compassionate Life Series

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Mar 25, 2008

    This morning we are going to examine the compassionate life. For it is in the compassionate life that hope is often lifted up. It is in this stream or tradition that hope floats and rises to the top of our live. This compassionate life is the tradition al

    Streams of Living Water Hope Floats in the Compassionate Life Amos 5:21-24 November 7, 2004 Mark Eberly This morning we are going to examine the compassionate life. For it is in the compassionate life that hope is often lifted up. It is in this stream or tradition that hope floats and rises to the more

  • Questions And More Questions Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on May 24, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    This is the 14th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross".

    Series: “From The Cradle To The Cross” [#14] QUESTIONS AND MORE QUESTIONS Matthew 27:22 Introduction: 1. When Jesus was arrested, the disciples scattered. 2. Those who arrested Jesus took Him to Annas, the father-in-law of Caiphas the High Priest, and Annas sent Him to Caiphas. Caiphas sent Him more

  • Lip-Service Won't Cut It!

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Feb 14, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Next message through Matthew, this one dealing with Jesus’ words about actually living what we say about loving God.

    Lip-Service Won’t Cut It! Matthew 15:1-9 November 19, 2006 There are a number of things in my life that I try to avoid, if at all possible. For instance, I try to avoid pot-holes in the road. I also try to avoid things like the tornado I mentioned a couple weeks ago, as well as any form of more

  • Religion Or Relationship? Series

    Contributed by Ronald Thorington on Jan 1, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Salvation does not come through religion but a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    #22 8-26-07 Religion or Relationship? Introduction, 1) How do you know if you are truly saved? 2) Are you relying on religious credits to save you? 3) Apostle Paul had a great amount of religious credits. Text, Philippians 3:3-8 I. Salvation in not earned through Religion (3:4-6) A. Salvation more

  • Stop Chasing Shadows! Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 9, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    Keeping religious rules and observing religious rituals in order to be close to God are only a shadow of the "real thing," a relationship with Him through Jesus.

    INTRODUCTION In the time of the early church, there were people in the churches who were teaching that once you became a Christian, you still had to obey the Jewish regulations and rituals to be religiously correct. That kind of false teaching still exists in the 21st century. In this series I’m more

  • Demonstrated By Paul’s Conversion (Series: Lessons On Galatians) Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 17, 2018

    Paul was well known even before his conversion; but it was not for any good thing he had done. He was known to be zealous for the Jewish faith, for which he persecuted Christians, but a meeting with Jesus changed his life.

    August 31, 2013 The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians Tom Lowe Lesson: Demonstrated by Paul’s Conversion and Early Years as a Christian (1:13-17) Galatians 1.13-17 (KJV) 13For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the more

  • God And People Of All Faiths

    Contributed by Minister Dachi on Sep 29, 2022

    This world we live in is a world of religions, beliefs, traditions, customs, methods, languages, regions, languages and folktales!

    This world we live in is a world of religions, beliefs, traditions, customs, methods, languages, regions, languages and folktales! This place where we live, this town, this country is not only the world. Human civilization spread across the globe. We live in a world filled with many mixed, mixed more

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