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  • Reinventing Motherhood Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on May 10, 2019

    In showing how submission can be a godly force for revolutionary love, in Colossians 3, the Apostle Paul explains: 1) How should a Mother Act? (Colossians 3:18a), 2) To Whom should a Mother Act this Way? (Colossians 3:18b) and 3) Why should a Mother Act this Way? (Colossians 3:18c)

    Colossians 3:18–24 18 Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. 19 Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. 20 Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. 21 Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged. 22 more

  • The Obligation And The Evidence

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on May 26, 2021

    At Pentecost, God not only unites us through His Holy Spirit, but God also provides for our growth and fellowship. God sent Jesus and Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to us and Jesus sends us in the the Church---the Spirit filled, and the Holy Spirit sealed back into the world to make disciples.

    THE OBLIGATION AND THE EVIDENCE Text: Romans 8:12-17 Rom 8:12-17  So then, brothers and sisters, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh—  (13)  for if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the more

  • Why Are We Here?

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jan 25, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    God left His people here as physical and visible illustrations of the nature and person of God, which implies the seriousness of our fulfilling our purpose.

    Why Are We Here? Text: Eph.1: 9-10 Intro: The question we’re considering today is one that has puzzled mankind for many years. That question seems to gnaw at the soul of man, for somewhere in the core of his being he knows that life must ultimately have a purpose—that he must have a more

  • Instructions For Victory

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jun 18, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    The Christian life is a warfare. But this message suggests three practices that will pave the way for victory in the spiritual battles of life.

    Instructions For Victory Text: 1 Cor.15: 57; 2 Cor.2: 14 Intro: Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe has a saying that I have found helpful for many years. It goes something like this: “We aren’t fighting for victory; we’re fighting from victory.”(1) “But,” you may ask, “if we are fighting from victory more

  • Godly Sorrow

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Sep 8, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Mankind’s approach to protecting the innocent and compensating the violated will not please the LORD until Biblical Godly sorrow is implemented.

    Godly Sorrow The Necessity of a Sin Exposed Church From the time God raised up what we would recognize as the church structure to now, there has been sin in the camp which is eventually exposed. When Moses went up Mt. Sinai (Exodus 32) Aaron was appointed as the Lord’s representation to watch more

  • What Does God Say When People Pray (Part 4)

    Contributed by James Wilson on Mar 2, 2001
    based on 117 ratings

    How does God respond to our prayers?

    What Does God Say When People Pray? (Part 4) Daniel 4:18 If you had a pressing problem, who would you ask to pray for you? Who would you turn to for help? The other day, I got an email from a stranger with the heading, “Urgent prayer request.” I didn’t know how the person got my email more

  • How To Experience The Power Of Prayer: Part 1

    Contributed by John Knight on Jul 15, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Getting the most out of prayer! Part 1: Our misconceptions

    Luke 11:1 1 Once when Jesus had been out praying, one of his disciples came to him as he finished and said, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples." Matthew 6:9-13 9 Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be honored. 10 May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be more

  • Being Patient

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Jul 22, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    This sermon addresses how we need to be patient and let God decide when it it is time to separate the wheat from the weeds of His field.

    BEING PATIENT Text: Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43 I used to work at the Milliken plant in Saluda, SC. As I worked there I became increasingly familiar with how things were in the textile industry here in the United States as opposed to other countries. One day while eating breakfast I had read more

  • The Ten Virgins

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Nov 7, 2002
    based on 164 ratings

    Matthew 25:1-13 is a parable about two groups of maidens or virgins---the prepared and the unprepared.

    THE TEN VIRGINS Text: Matthew 25:1-13 "Although Douglas MacArthur graduated from West Point at the top of his class, he continued to prepare himself for service to his country. He studied every military textbook he could get his hands on. He visited battlefields and personally reviewed the more

  • Forceful Precepts For Forward Progress

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Oct 24, 2003
    based on 98 ratings

    If we are to make forward progress in our Christian lives and ministries, we must: (1) Fear Not, (2) Faint Not, (3) Fire Up.

    Forceful Precepts For Forward Progress Text: Phil.3: 13 & 14; Isa.41: 8 & 9; I Kings 18: 38 Intro: The apostle Paul was a firm believer in forward progress. In our text in the book of Philippians, Paul vividly explained that he left the past in the past, and pressed forward toward the more

  • “it Means Resisting My Fears” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Nov 7, 2012

    If we are going to stand up and step out by faith, it will require resisting our fears.

    Peter’s walk on the water with Jesus is a wonderful illustration of the walk of faith. Last time, we said that walking by faith means, first of all, getting out of the boat. As the old Chinese proverb puts it, “The journey of a 1,000 miles begins with a single step.” So it is more

  • Grace

    Contributed by Scott Carroll on Mar 12, 2008


    John 13:1-17 PP1 look like taking state, he presently balances it with this act of abasement. But why would Christ do this? If the disciples’ feet needed washing, they could wash them themselves; a wise man will not do a thing that looks odd and unusual, but for very good causes and more

  • Come Thirsty

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Mar 31, 2022

    Have you ever ate food that did not satisfy your hunger or drank a drink that did not satisfy your thirst (John 6:35)? Just as that can happen in our physical bodies it can also happen in our spiritual hunger.

    COME THIRSTY Text: John 7:37 -39 It has been said that there are four kinds of thirst. “… Physiologists . . . use Greek-based words to describe stages of human thirst. For example, the Sahara Desert is dipsogenic, meaning thirst provoking … eudipsia, "ordinary more

  • Cop A New Attitude

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Nov 11, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    We need a beatitude attitude

    Memorial day typically celebrates veterans of our armed services. Men and women from all branches who were willing to lay their lives on the line for the protection and safety of others. 911 illustrated that war has dramatically changed. And so the list of heroes have increased. Today we want to more

  • The King Has Arrived

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Mar 22, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus was making a public announcement about His identity yet they accused Him of failing to say just who He was.

    The King has arrived! Matthew 21:1-10 Message: Today we celebrate Palm Sunday. For us it is an acknowledgement that Jesus is the Messiah, the Promised one of God, Emmanuel, the Prince of Peace. We can shout together “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in more