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  • Prompted By Faith. Series

    Contributed by David Hughes on Feb 2, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    Nehemiah’s strong faith in God prompts him to take the steps needed to make the Jerusalem re-building project a reality. This sermon explores the significance of faith when facing a difficult mission.

    How strong is your faith? Is it firm enough to resist hardship? Is it robust enough to overcome fear? Will it stand up to the tests of doubt? Last week, we saw that Nehemiah was a man of great faith: the cupbearer to Artaxerxes, the King of Persia, he was devastated by the news that Jerusalem more

  • Role Models For Mothers

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Apr 20, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    The one word that epitomizes Christian motherhood is “love.” Her every action is prompted by love for her children.

    ROLE MODELS FOR MOTHERS “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” I Corinthians 13:13 The one word that epitomizes Christian motherhood is “love.” Her every action is prompted by love for her children. Someone once wrote: “Mothers write on the hearts of more

  • Radical Love: Prompts Radical Changes PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 2, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To explore the concept of Radical Love, emphasizing its transformative power and its importance as the foundation of all commandments, urging us to love God, our neighbors, and even our enemies with a selfless, sacrificial love.

    Good morning, church family! Today, we'll be taking a deep dive into a topic that is central to our faith, yet so challenging in practice - Radical Love. In her book, 'The Greatest Thing in the World', respected Christian author Amy Carmichael wrote, “You can give without loving, but you cannot more

  • Lesson 2: Thanksgiving For Their Faith, Hope, And Love Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 21, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Paul’s thanksgiving becomes unconventional because of his insertion of “God”: he is giving a genuine thanks to the one true God, not making a casual reference to whatever the gods were in Thessalonica, at the time.

    4/8/18 Tom Lowe Lesson 2: THANKSGIVING FOR THEIR FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE (1Th 1:2-4) Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:2-4 (NIV) 2 We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. 3 We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by more

  • Giving That Prompts Greatness

    Contributed by Eric Snyder on Oct 22, 2001
    based on 355 ratings

    The outline is origional the il;ustrations and statistics were compiled mainly from sermon central contributers.

    Giving That Prompts Greatness Eric A. Snyder, Minister Farwell Church of Christ October 21, 2001 A wealthy older gentleman had just recently married a lovely young lady, and was beginning to wonder whether she might have married him for his money. So he asked her, "Tell me the truth: if I lost more

  • Prompte Et Sincere

    Contributed by Richard L. Brown on Oct 1, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    This is a "Independence Day" sermon. This sermon is about how God has given us freedom from sin, not freedom to sin, and opens to us the glorious right to serve him as His children.

    PROMPTE ET SINCERE Romans 6: 12-23 June 29, 2014 Independence Day Several months ago I began to put the words “COR MEUM TIBI OFFERO DOMINE PROMPTE ET SINCERE” on the top of our bulletin. I remember asking if anyone knew what those words meant and I challenged the congregation to find more

  • Your Work In Faith

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Feb 19, 2022

    Work produced by faith,” their “labor prompted by love,” and their “endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” That’s a good formula for our christian faithful life. Amen.

    Your Work in Faith Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of our God and Father. - 1 Thessalonians 1:3 There’s a wonderful story about a little girl named Mary who survived a hurricane in October 1991. A small more

  • Positive Perserverance Prompts Prosperity

    Contributed by Eric Snyder on Mar 8, 2002
    based on 78 ratings


    Positive Perseverance Prompts Prosperity Hebrews 12:1-3 Eric A. Snyder, Minister Farwell Church of Christ October 28, 2001 Mike Ditka, New Orleans Saints football coach with a reputation for optimism, came into the locker room to give his team a pre-game pep talk. "All right Boys!" he said, more

  • Crazy Love

    Contributed by Danny Anderson on Jul 6, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Passion is a God-thing that tends to prompt God’s people to get things done.

    Crazy Love Text: Isaiah 62:1-2a - "I will not keep silent because of Zion, and I will not keep still because of Jerusalem until her righteousness shines like a bright light, and her salvation like a flaming torch. Nations will see your righteousness, and all kings your glory." Introduction: I want more

  • Four, Ok Five Prompts For Praise

    Contributed by Ron Murphy on Apr 3, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Paul is just too excited to stop praising God. The letter to the Ephesians is full of praise. Here are just five.

    Introduction: I. How many of us here this morning would say, A. I just want to praise God all the time, B. I never have periods of doubt or disappointment, C. I just always trust, and God always comes through. II. Probably many of you might say, “Yep. That’s me” but perhaps others of you more

  • I Shall Return

    Contributed by Steven Haguewood on Dec 19, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Jesus makes the same promise that MacArthur made when he left the Philippines. One day He will return, what will that day be like?

    I SHALL RETURN Text: 2 Peter 3:3-10 INTRODUCTION 1. Most of us remember the famous statement by General Douglas Macarthur when defeated in the Philippines, "I shall return" 2. In some ways people have made a parallel between Macarthur and Jesus Christ a. Jesus came here and will return, so in that more

  • Compelled By Christ's Love

    Contributed by W Pittendreigh on Jan 17, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Christ loves us deeply -- that ought to prompt a response from us to love him back.

    Fred Craddock is a great preacher and a great story-teller, and one of the stories I’ve heard him tell had to do with a trip in which he and his wife went back to their native Tennessee. They drove up to a small restaurant in Gatlinburg. They were tired and hungry and still had miles to drive more

  • Faith, Love, And Hope

    Contributed by Terry Denis on Jul 13, 2021

    Perhaps the best example on the exercise of the virtues of faith, love, and hope in the New Testament is found in the book of 1 Thessalonians, where the Christians, in the midst of severe trials, afflictions, and persecutions, persevered and put their faith, love, and hope into action by

    Faith, Love, And Hope 1 Thessalonians 1:1-6 INTRODUCTION Perhaps the best example on the exercise of the virtues of faith, love, and hope in the New Testament is found in the book of 1 Thessalonians, where the Christians, in the midst of severe trials, afflictions, and persecutions, persevered more

  • Faith, Hope And Love Series

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Jun 23, 2019

    Authentic faith produces good things. This message is the first in a series on 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Thanks to Pastor Derrick Tuper for his thoughts that contributed to this message (see notation in text)

    Paul couldn’t stand it any longer. He had to know how the church in Thessalonica was doing. After all, he had poured himself into that congregation and sacrificed deeply to teach its members the gospel. But now Satan was attacking it with persecution, doubt, and trial. Were the believers more

  • The Confidence Of Love Series

    Contributed by Danny Nance on Mar 22, 2008

    Series on 1 John: Love is the answer to our fears; a threefold look at love’s ability to conquer fear.

    The Confidence of Love 1 John 4:16-19 Textual Statement: John wrote to a group of struggling believers that they could find confidence in a love relationship with God. Sermon Idea: We do not have to live crippled by fear! Man hid from Nazis 32 yrs Interrogative: How can we possibly hope to more

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