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  • Be Prepared - Watchful Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Dec 6, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The hope and anticipation of Jesus’ return motivates us to be watchful and to live each day of our lives as a faithful servant of God.

    Matthew 24:36-44 “Be Prepared—Watchful” INTRODUCTION Jesus is coming again! Not only is this the subject of the gospel text for today, it is also the great hope of the Christian Church. We as Christians hope and we anticipate Jesus’ return with an eager longing. Anticipation can be life more

  • Prepare For Christmas

    Contributed by David Vanheuvelen on Dec 8, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Are you ready for the coming of the Messiah? Instead of preparing for a holiday, let’s prepare for the coming of the Savior.

    Title: Prepare For Christmas Text: Matthew 3:1-6 December 2, 2007 New Hope Community Chapel Goal: Changed Lives. Changing from preparing for a Holiday to preparing for the coming of the Savior Main Point: What is the one thing I want my audience to know? They need to be prepared for the Savior to more

  • Preparing The Heart Series

    Contributed by Steve Smith on Dec 15, 2007

    We can look at the steps of preparing for Christmas to explain the necessary steps of "preparing for a spiritual celebration". a) a cleaning b) a rearranging c) the redocorating and d) the celebration.

    INTRODUCTION A. SERIES: Preparing for Christmas 2007 1. Part 1: The Truth About Traditions A Reminder not to allow our Customs and Traditions to Cover up the Real Celebration! 2. Today: Preparing the Heart B. What do you do to prepare for Christmas? Deb loves to decorate at Christmas. The first more

  • Preparing The Way

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Dec 16, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Looking at John the Baptist, as he prepared the way for Jesus Christ.

    Preparing “The Way” Mark 1:1-8 Introduction The title of this message is “Preparing the Way” and if you have your Bibles please go with me to Mark, Chapter 1. If you will recall, last Sunday we discussed Abraham and his willingness to be faithful to God in all things; even when it came to more

  • Be Prepared - Serve Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Dec 17, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Even when we are faced with struggles in our Christian faith, God assures us of his presence and his movement in our lives and world. He also invites us to look beyond our struggles and involve ourselves in the ministry of spreading the kingdom

    Matthew 11:2-11 “Be Prepared—Serve” INTRODUCTION 2007 has been a year full of surprises—both good and bad. I was reminded of this when a member of Desert Streams sent me an E-mail that contain this thought, “I have noticed that as a group we have faced many challenges of late—roadblocks to more

  • Prepare For Impact Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on May 8, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    Moving from being a tagalong Christian to one who makes an impact is a simple process to understand.

    Prepare for Impact (I Peter 1:13-16) 1. Have you heard of the new scientific theory? "When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped, it always lands buttered side down. Therefore, if a slice of toast is strapped to a cat’s back, buttered side up, and the animal is more

  • Prepare For Peace Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Nov 16, 2007
    based on 38 ratings

    Paul delivers some closing exhortations to the Philippian saints which will result in God-given peace. He tells them that if they engage in proper prayer, proper ways of thinking and follow his teaching and example, they will experience peace.

    1. The first preparation for peace is looking to the right source (6-7) 2. The second preparation for peace is living with the right mind (8) 3. The third preparation for peace is learning from the right man (9) PHILIPPIANS 4:6-9 Have you ever just had one of those days? Maybe you can relate to more

  • The Preparation Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Nov 29, 2007

    Part 2 of a 6 week series on sharing faith. This is the power of our evangelistic effort-prayer.

    OUT OF THE SALTSHAKER AND INTO THE WORLD Part Two—The Preparation of Prayer Mark 4:3-8, 13-20, 26-29 Sunday, July 29, 2007 Pastor Brian Matherlee In preparation for a meeting in a large city, famed evangelist Billy Sunday wrote a letter to the mayor and asked for the name of individuals he knew more

  • Preparing For Change

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jan 14, 2008
    based on 20 ratings

    On the dawn of a new year, we must be ready for new changes but keep our faith in a God who is always the same.

    Pastor’s Bible Class Thomas Road Baptist Church Preparing for Change Dr. Elmer L. Towns December 30, 2007 “Generations come and go but it makes no difference. The sun rises and sets and hurries around to rise again. The wind blows south and north, here and there, twisting back and forth, getting more

  • Are You Prepared? Series

    Contributed by Aarron Ellerman on Jan 31, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Are you prepared for Jesus to return?

    Series: Stories from the Kingdom Text: Matthew 25:1-13 Title: “Are You Prepared?” Introduction The Coming of the Bridegroom • There are two future returns of Jesus Christ that are talked about in the New Testament. 1. The Rapture  literally means “to be carried away.” o When Jesus more

  • Preparing To Pray Series

    Contributed by Chip Monck on Mar 7, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    First of a three part sermon series looking at the prayer of Jesus found in John 17. While a full manuscript is not available, a tape of the sermon can be obtained at no cost.

    Reading of John 17:1-26 Sensed Purpose - To prepare us for our 40 Days Of Prayer by looking at some possible thoughts of what we might want to remember about prayer and include in our prayers. Utilizing the backdrop of Jesus Prayer versus The Lord’s Prayer. Start with the message before the more

  • Preparing For Easter

    Contributed by James Tetley on Apr 5, 2006
    based on 57 ratings

    To prepare for Easter we must not go straight to the cross and the resurrection but remember that the battle for Easter was fought and won in the Garden of Gethsemane

    Preparing for Easter (Matthew 26:36-46) If Easter were to have a logo – it would be most associated with bunny rabbits, and chocolate eggs, chocolate coins, in fact chocolate anything. And for many chocoholics after 4 months of famine since the Christmas gluttony, Easter comes as a welcome more

  • Preparing For Revival

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Apr 10, 2006
    based on 144 ratings

    The single greatest need in our land today is heaven-sent revival! Revival comes at the sovereign, gracious decision of God to send a fresh movement of His Spirit among his people… (but) Revival will not come unless it is desired. It is an invasion from

    PREPARING FOR REVIVAL (February 2006 - Sunday am at Bible Fellowship) KEY TEXTS ON REVIVAL: “Will You not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You?” (Psalm 85:6). “O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years!” (Habakkuk 3:2). There are two kinds of revival in the Bible: 1. more

  • Prepared For Abundance

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Feb 16, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    The four soils of life, hardness, shallowness, distraction and soil prepare for Christ

    Intro: in reading the parable of the sower, the soil and the potential of the seed for harvest, a thought comes out of this story, no one wants to miss heaven, no one wants to fail God, everyone would love to realize their full potential in Christ. There is no problem with the seed, no failure in more

  • Prepare For Battle

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Feb 17, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Today in Canada we see a nation that is ever more secular and less and less Christian. In fact in our Provincial Legislature the current Premier Dalton McGuinty wants to abolish the practice of reading The Lords Prayer at each opening session.

    Prepare for Battle Ephesians 6:10-20 We last looked to Gods word and studied the Beatitudes that Jesus gave us from the Sermon on the Mount. We covered a broad list of attitudes and characteristics that we as Christians are called to reflect in our lives as Gods children. It is not a list that more

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