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  • A Prayer And A Prophecy Series

    Contributed by Owen Bourgaize on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 88 ratings

    Daniel is shown to be a man who depended on the Scriptures and prayer, the secret of his relationship with God, equiping him for a prophetic ministry.

    DANIEL 9 - A PRAYER AND A PROPHECY There are two themes in this chapter - prayer and prophecy. The setting of the narrative is in the reign of King Darius of the Chaldeans. Daniel was a thinking person and he began to wonder what lay ahead for his nation, and as he did this, he revealed the kind more

  • Prayer Evangelism Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on May 21, 2002
    based on 157 ratings

    Luke 10 gives us a model of evangelism that invites us to bless our neighbours, develop relationships, pray for them, and then present the Gospel

    Luke 10 May 19 2002 The Sending Out of The Seventy-Two: Lighthouses of Prayer We have been looking at the whole idea of drawing our friends, our family and our neighbours into a living relationship with God through Jesus. We talked about God’s heart for the lost, we talked about how you do more

  • The Motives Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by Ralf Bergmann on May 22, 2002
    based on 51 ratings

    There is nothing more powerful and effective than the power of prayer, and as powerful as it is and as glorious a gift as it is, as Christians we fail to thank and listen to God.

    Sermon Title: The Motives of Prayer Scripture: James 5:12-20 Wesleyan Community Church Terry, Mississippi Sunday Morning - January 6, 2002 Scripture Introduction: This morning we will be looking at the final section of Scripture out of the Book of James. Just as a fireworks display ends with a more

  • Persistence In Prayer

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Oct 17, 2001
    based on 138 ratings

    God is looking for people who are persistent prayers; people who are prepared to be changed through prayer and people who have time for Him.

    21-10-01 Briningham/Binham Luke 18:1-8 – Persistence in Prayer Father, we pray this morning that you will reveal more about the nature of prayer to us. We ask this in Jesus’ Name Amen. Story: At the turn of the century in Switzerland, a small more

  • The Success Prayer

    Contributed by David Deborde on Oct 17, 2001
    based on 41 ratings

    David’s prayer in 1 Chronicles 29.10-19 as a model for our prayers during times of success.

    The great king David was about to give up his throne, so he calls the congregation together and prays. I think that prayer has implications to us today 1. The first thing we notice in the pray is that David gives credit where credit is due (vs. 10-13) - David had a great reign; he defeated Saul, more

  • Healing Prayer Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Nov 20, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    Principles of healing: 1) Reality 2) Complexity 3) humility 4) Simplicity

    Healing prayer James 5:13-18 WBC 23/11/03am Chance to come & bring your testimony in a minute. - plus PLEASE interrupt me (and say something. Agree. Disagree) Not presenting a formula - all bear hurts/scars of o reality o lost ones o false promise… hopes - all look with caution on a lot of more

  • Prayer And The Prodigal Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Nov 21, 2003
    based on 22 ratings

    An encouragement for us to seek out the wanderer.

    Prayer and the prodigal Jas 5:17-20 WBC 23/11/03pm In July 2002 in an incident that the news-media called "The Miracle at Quecreek," nine miners were trapped 240 feet under-ground for three days in a water-filled mine shaft. You probably remember, you were no doubt holding your breath with me as more

  • Prayer And Fellowship

    Contributed by Steven Boyns on Feb 4, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Today it is our assignment to examine one for the most important practices in the life of every Christian – that of prayer. Prayer is essential to knowing God and it’s essential for growing spiritually - prayer.

    Today it is our assignment to examine one for the most important practices in the life of every Christian – that of prayer. Prayer is essential to knowing God and it’s essential for growing spiritually - prayer. Prayer, for the believer, as I’ve said before, is not an option but it’s an more

  • Prayer And Forgiveness

    Contributed by Steven Boyns on Feb 4, 2006

    Today it is our assignment to examine one for the most important practices in the life of every Christian – that of prayer. Prayer is essential to knowing God and it’s essential for growing spiritually - prayer.

    A few weeks ago we began to examine one for the most important practices (one which should be paramount) in the life of every believing Christian – that of prayer. And prayer for the believer, as I’ve said before, is not an option, it’s an obligation. The very action of prayer should not be more

  • Startled By Prayer

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Sep 7, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    A sermon on prayer from the lives of Hezekiah, Zechariah, and Cornelius.

    Sermon for 9/4/2005 Startled by Prayer Introduction: Tell the story of the new minister going to call on a lady in the hospital. He prayed over her and she was healed. WBTU: At the UNC- Chapel Hill Campus House and I was praying and Michael Walker came up behind me and startled me. Thesis: more

  • Authentic Prayer

    Contributed by Robert Fox on Dec 19, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    What is Prayer? How is it supposed to work? When and how do you do it, and why? Jesus answered all of these questions when he gave us a model prayer - the Lord’s Prayer. Student ministry PowerPoint format.

    LESSON: AUTHENTIC PRAYER [LEARN TO PRAY LIKE JESUS] Slide Graphic – praying hands. Verse: Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way (1 Samuel 12:23) Amazon has over 13,000 books listed on more

  • David's Prayer

    Contributed by Alexander John on Oct 30, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    this is prayer at the time of succes

    1Chronicles 29.10-19 The prayer of David David saw everything in life….. Poverty, Riches, Power, Possession Abandonment, Rebellion of Children, Success and all ………… 1. In this prayer David acknowledges the 1] The sovereignty of God v.11.. a] Everything is more

  • A Prayer For Missions

    Contributed by Brad Rigney on Nov 28, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    What can we do for ourselves, others in our church, and those who are serving the Lord overseas on Missions? One thing for certain is we can PRAY. This sermon teaches us specifically what we can pray .

    A Prayer for Missions Colossians 4:2-6 Intro.: A. This year’s Penny Crusade (our annual Mission focus and appeal) theme was about taking a Cruise and visiting the places where AC ministries are working through World Missions. We boarded the US Sonship for our cruise. We have visited some more

  • The Language Of Prayer

    Contributed by Craige Lebreton on Feb 22, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Thoughts on the Model prayer from the langauge of Aramaic

    “The Language of Prayer” (Pastor Craige LeBreton) A few weeks ago…I had a discussion with my pastor… We were discussing prayer…we were talking about its necessity… And it’s power…we were talking about the misunderstanding… of those who pray…how they pray…and what…they pray for… and their more

  • A Framework For Prayer Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Mar 3, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    We are to pray for one another with thankfulness for God’s grace being shown in our lives; with confidence that God is watching over us and will vindicate us in the end. We are to pray that God might see in us the fruit of his Spirit, that he might bring

    Today we begin a short series, looking at the prayers of St Paul. What I hope we’ll discover over these 5 Sundays in January is a pattern of prayer that might help us in our own private praying as well as in our communal prayer times together. The framework: Today I want to look at Paul’s more

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