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  • Power Evangelism

    Contributed by Arnold Anoya on Aug 10, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    Healing manifestations and miracles will only accompany those who will "GO." God will surely bless our GOING because it is a step of obedience and faith.

    As we search the scriptures for principles relating to effective church planting, we cannot ignore the important part that power evangelism played in the birth and growth of the early church. Throughout the Book of Acts, we see multiple examples of the effectiveness of power encounters and the more

  • Power Evangelism Notes By John Wimber

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Jan 21, 2024

    He was a cofounder of the and an adjunct professor at Fuller Seminary.

    12% of the Gospels deal with healing p. 93; The breakdown is on p. 262: Matthew – 9%, Mark – 20%, Luke 12 % (he also wrote Acts), John 13% Adultery word on airplane – p. 75 Tongues in 5 known languages p. 117 God picked up a Dr. and he was healed p. 117 Food multiplication – p. 165. Richard more

  • Power For Evangelism

    Contributed by Vernon Price on Apr 12, 2012

    One dominant reason underlying the increasing reluctance of Christians to share their faith with non-Christians pertains to the faith sharing experience itself. In asking Christians about their witnessing activities, we have found that nine out of ten ind

    Power for Evangelism Isaiah 55:1-13 Church researcher George Barna tells us from much research why most Christians do not evangelize: One dominant reason underlying the increasing reluctance of Christians to share their faith with non-Christians pertains to the faith sharing experience itself. In more

  • Power Of Evangelism Series

    Contributed by Timothy Dolan on Jan 3, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The joy of Hannah’s trust and the power of God is a strong passage on conquering our own fears; including fear when sharing our faith.

    POWER OF EVANGELISM Scripture Text: 1 Samuel 2:1-2; 10 Introduction: Last week, Martin was kind enough to bring us a message on the Joy of Evangelism. In fact, in further support of his message last week; 1 Samuel 2:1 says, “My mouth speaks boldly against my enemies,” Why? “Because I rejoice in more

  • The Power For Evangelism Series

    Contributed by Mike Mcguire on May 6, 2016

    Where Christians receive the power to carry out personal evangelism

    Introduction: In light of the events of the past week (SC decision and the violence in the world) the question has come up if this is the End of the World? Maybe not the end of the world, but the end of or nation as we know it. The residents of Europe in 1939 may have asked themselves the same more

  • Power For Evangelism

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 29, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Isaiah’s prophecy applies to believers today, providing the words we need to move us into action in sharing our faith. This passage contains two parts: first, the gospel message; and secondly, assurance for the evangelist.

    Isaiah chapter 55 shares a message that can be applied to those getting ready to embark on a missionary journey, and to those getting prepared to share their faith in Christ. Within this passage is contained a two-part teaching. The first part, found in verses 1-7, shares the basic content of the more

  • The Church And Evangelism

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Jul 11, 2016

    The supreme task of the Church is the evangelization of the World The Church is the most powerful force on the earth. The miracle ministry of Jesus Christ is still God's indispensable Method for world evangelism today.

    The Church and Evangelism The supreme task of the Church is the evangelization of the World The Church is the most powerful force on the earth. The miracle ministry of Jesus Christ is still God's indispensable Method for world evangelism today. Act 19:11 And God more

  • Using Power Evangelism In Cross - cultural Communications

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 11, 2001
    based on 10 ratings

    Cross-cultural communicators, in the past, have sadly neglected the issue of spiritual-power thinking that the use of reasonable Christianity is the best way to produce change. However, in most non-western societies, the issue of power is central to most

    USING POWER EVANGELISM IN CROSS -CULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS Illustration;About 40 percent of Americans characterize the nation’s moral values as "poor" and 41 percent say the state of moral values is "only fair." Only 18 percent rank the situation as "good" or "excellent." Weekly church attendees had more

  • Don't Circle The Wagon Yet Series

    Contributed by David Widner on Sep 4, 2016

    God did not ask his people to withdraw into their own little group or church and not reach out to the lost

    Don't Circle the Wagons Yet Text 2 Corinthians 10:1-7 Introdution: Do you remember the TV show Wagon Train? That show and all the TV shows and movies that showed the western expansion by wagon train always showed the wagons moving into a defensive position that made forward movement impossible. more

  • Two Types Of Evangelism (1 Corinthians 2:1-15) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Jan 23, 2022

    Comparing and contrasting friendship evangelism, with power evangelism. Also, Spirit wisdom, vs. human wisdom.

    I'm finding it impossible when working in 1 Corinthians to offer you any kind of introduction each week. There's something about reflecting on human wisdom, and Spirit wisdom, and Paul's criticism of human eloquence and rhetorical nicety that just stifles that. This week, in more

  • Plundering Hell To Populate Heaven

    Contributed by John Gaston on May 15, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    The Lord Jesus & the Early Church well knew their mission: to plunder the devil of his human captives! We must play catch up and get busy to populate heaven before the King comes! Come on!

    PLUNDERING HELL TO POPULATE HEAVEN Acts 17:1-17, NKJV INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: 1. How many of you know, that when you send a messenger, you want them to tell the correct message! 2. Juan Carlos was a famous pirate. He was notorious for his thievery, and it was rumored that he had a very large more

  • Evangelism Training: Sharing Your Testimony. Series

    Contributed by Nate Herbst on Jul 19, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Learn how to prepare and consolidate the testimony of what God has done in your life so you can use it as a powerful evangelism tool in any conversation.

    The Testimony Worksheet 1 Peter 3:15 tells us, “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” Your personal testimony, the story of what God has done in your life, is one of the best ways you can do this. Although people can try to more

  • Evangelism PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 16, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores the importance of evangelism as a daily practice, understanding our role in it, and its power in our everyday lives.

    Good morning, church family! We're here today to talk about something that's at the heart of our faith. It's something that's as essential as prayer, as vital as worship, and as foundational as the Word of God itself. I'm talking about evangelism. Philip Yancey once said, "I have learned that faith more

  • Power For Mission Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on May 23, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    The mission God has given us to do is impossible—absolutely impossible without the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. I personally think we are at a significant crisis in the church of America.

    Power for Mission Series: Book of Acts #6 Acts 1:8[1] 11-20-05 Intro: Show Movie clip from “Mission Impossible #1”.[2] The mission God has given us to do is impossible—absolutely impossible without the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. I. Impossible MISSION As long as we think it is just more

  • Power Evangelism Explained (John 11:1-54, Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Feb 21, 2022

    How did Jesus do his signs, and how were the disciples able to do the signs? And what can we learn from this?

    The last few weeks, I've been pushing the idea that God will still do signs, and wonders, and healings through us, as Jesus works in us, through the power of the Holy Spirit. I think God is far more willing to do great things in the world through us than we realize. I think the weakness, and more

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